As a Federal Air Marshal, I had the opportunity to travel around the world and experienced many different cultures. I also learned the importance of learning about those cultures and how to behave in every country I visited. I gathered some safety tools thought the years and I want to share them with you. These safety tools worked for me in my 16 year career and I hope they work for you. These are just a handful of tips that may help you enjoy your travel. Enjoy!
Learn the Culture: Different cultures have different traditions and even have different laws that could affect your travel. Many countries have travel advisories issued by the State Department and they are a great source of information. You don’t want to end up in a conflict zone you didn’t know about. https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/country.html
Flash is not Always Smart: Unless you are a big time celebrity or a powerful government official, most likely you are on your own and won’t have a bodyguard to take care of you. You may be tempted to bring with you expensive jewelry, after all you are on vacation and want to look good, but there is the possibility you can become a magnet for criminals and thieves. When I traveled abroad I only brought with me single items that people around me would also be wearing such as wedding ring and a watch. The less flashy you are, the less attention you bring to yourself.
Hotel In-Room Safes: Don’t trust them! Battery operated in-room safes can be easily opened by hotel staff. The only safes I trust in a hotel are the safes located at the hotel reception desk. Most of them require two keys, they keep one and you keep the other. Is there a chance things can go south? Of course! My best advice, if it’s important enough to you, take it with you, specially Passports and money.
Luggage: Sturdy light luggage is always the way to go. I never over-packed, most hotels have laundry and dry cleaning services, so even on a trip lasting two weeks, I traveled light. My favorite luggage is TUMI. They are well built and last forever. In case they need to be repaired, their repair services and customer service is very good and fast. I still use TUMI luggage from 16 years ago! Of course there are many other brands, I am just making the suggestion based on my experience.
Airports: Airports can be easy to maneuver or they can be difficult to maneuver, the choice is yours. Always research security procedures for the airports you are going to be using and transiting through. Knowing in advance the rules and procedures will save you time, money, and unnecessary delays.
Taxis and Public Transportation: I know Uber is the new thing, but I still recommend using official taxis and official local transportation. Most countries overseas have official taxis. For example, in England I only use the highly recognized “Black Cabs” or the Underground. If you can prearrange public transportation that’s also a good way to go about it. Every country is different, always remember to use common sense, if it doesn’t look right, it probably isn’t.
Cultural Sensitivities: No matter where you go, they way you behave says a lot about you and your country. When you are traveling abroad you are an unofficial ambassador to your country. Enjoy your stay, but respect local laws, don’t be the “Ugly American”. This is a great link for International travel https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel.html
Have a Plan: Even in places where we may feel it is safe to be, things could go wrong. Always develop an Emergency Plan of Action for you and your family. At the airport, make sure you know where the police department is located at. Identify transportation hubs and the fastest and safest way to get from point A to point B. Always carry some cash with you, “Cash is King” in an emergency, especially in an undeveloped country. I recommend carrying, at a minimum, $500.00 to $1000.00 dollars. Always make sure your means of communications are fully charged. This is a good link to remember in case of an emergency. U.S. Consulates and Embassies are there for you; use them if you need them. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies.html
Be safe and enjoy your travels!