President Donald J. Trump is Not the Problem with America; You are!

Now that I’m retired, from time to time, I indulge watching a little bit of “entertainment” television.

I have to admit, I am not missing much.  They say President Donald Trump is the problem with America. I am going to disagree, society and the media are the problem.

All you have to do is watch reality television shows. I usually watch the ones dealing with so called “Legal Issues”.  Can people be that dumb?  Can people have such low self esteem to submit themselves to total humiliation on national television? These are my favorite ones in the Stupidity Meter.

Judge Jerry

Let’s take the artist formerly known as Jerry Springer.  This guy has a new show in which he plays a reality judge.  Really!  The problem is one can’t take Mr. Springer seriously.  The man is a caricature and the people he brings in to the court room appear to be an extension of his “Jerry Springer” television show.  Yes, the one with strippers, freaks of nature, and the cartoonish talk show host.  This is definitely for the lower IQ and highly recommended for the low information voter.  Please, stay home!  Judge Jerry is for you.

Paternity Court

Next, you have Judge Lauren Lake of Paternity Court. Another television judge, but this one tackles DNA “who’s your daddy” type of cases.  Judge Lake has made single parenting and not knowing, “who’s your daddy” cool again.  This television show takes pathetic to a whole new level.  You can tell that 99% of the participants are from low income areas and poorly educated.  Some of them can’t even spell their own names on national television while Judge Lake is laughing and glorifying the baby mamma who slept with five different guys.  If you seriously cared about finding your baby’s father, would you go to a show like this?  I don’t think so.

In most states you need a license to go fishing, but the most important contribution a human being can make, that of procreation, any irresponsible moron can do it without government regulation, go figure.

Judge Mathis

Another one on my list of shows, and one of my all time favorites, is Judge Greg Mathis.  It is sad to watch Judge Mathis peddling racism and anti-White rhetoric on national television, all while sporting a Richard Mille $500,000.00 watch.  It seems he loves to ridicule White people on his show, meanwhile makes excuses for Blacks.  Most of the time he blames society for the problems in the Black community, but never wants to hold people accountable for their actions.  If they use drugs it is society’s fault, if they have children out of wedlock it is society’s fault, if they sell drugs it is society’s fault, etc.  If you are looking for self pity and victimhood, Judge Mathis is your show.

Such a shame, with such an inspiring and compelling story, unfortunately his views on race relations are one sided, obtuse, and they are in full display on his television show.

Judge Judy

How can you finish pointing out the stupidity and ignorance of society if you don’t mention the “Queen of Television Judicial Dirt”, Judge Judy.  This is the dumbest and most humiliating television show in America.  Judge Judy treats people like dirt, but that’s supposed to be funny and good television.    Again, is society so screwed up?  Another show that caters to those of low IQ and little intellect.  I can’t understand how people submit themselves to this type of punishment. Judge Judy is flat out disgusting.  Nobody in their right mind and faculties would go to Judge Judy to litigate a case, period.

Is the money really that good?  Is this what Andy Warhol was talking about?  Or society has just become a huge moral toilet. You be the judge.

So President Donald J. Trump is the problem with America?  Not a chance!  Society and the media are the problem with America.  Make America Dumb Again should be their motto, and if you are a faithful fan of these shows, I encourage you to stay home on Election Day.