The Time to Resist is Now!

The American Revolution Image courtesy of

What is the meaning of resistance?  Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word as:

1aan act or instance of resistingOPPOSITION

ba means of resisting

2the power or capacity to resist: such as

athe inherent ability of an organism to resist harmful influences (such as disease, toxic agents, or infection)

bthe capacity of a species or strain of microorganism to survive exposure to a toxic agent (such as a drug) formerly effective against it

3an opposing or retarding force

4athe opposition offered by a body or substance to the passage through it of a steady electric current

ba source of resistance

5a psychological defense mechanism wherein a patient rejects, denies, or otherwise opposes the therapeutic efforts of a psychotherapist

6 often capitalizedan underground organization of a conquered or nearly conquered country engaging in sabotage and secret operations against occupation forces and collaborators.

For the purpose of my article I am going to use the definition of “an act or instance of resisting:  Opposition”.

Since the election of President Donald J. Trump in 2016, the United States has been under the threat of social unrest by Marxist inspired groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  It took the death of a black citizen, in the hands of bad police officers, to finally give the green light for these groups to release their foot soldiers.

Since then, the United States has witnessed the systematic destruction of towns and cities.  Looting and burning has become a “matter of fact” and justified by local governments and politicians.  Law abiding citizens have been left unprotected by unresponsive police departments and mobs have seized private property and declaring it autonomous governed zones. 

American citizens have become de facto hostages to a small, but well-funded, group of socialist Marxists whose purpose in life is to disrupt and destruct the American way of life.  This is not about black lives or social inequality; this is about erasing our American society and history.

From the take down of monuments and statues to revisionist history like the 1619 Project, this is nothing more than an attempt to rewrite American history, with a false history depicting America as a bad country, a country built on slavery and other nonsensical revisionist garbage.

The fact is, no matter how many monuments they tear down, how many buildings get renamed, how many pictures Speaker Pelosi removes from the Capitol, out history cannot and will never be rewritten.

Our public education system has played a big roll on all this hatred towards America.  By not teaching real history and using our schools as indoctrination centers, our schools have failed our children and frankly, the country.

When you look and listen to the demonstrators on the streets, they are uninformed and with little knowledge of American history.  They cannot even tell you why they are tearing down or defacing a statue or a monument.  Sure, they give you the “racial equality” tagline, but let us be serious, that is all it is, a tagline.

Cities like Portland, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C., continue to burn and destroyed by this unruly mob.  What is left for law abiding citizens to do?  What should we do in the absence of law and order?  What should we do in the absence of a functional government?

There is only one way to deal with it, we must resist.  We need to take charge of our neighborhoods, we need to take charge of our safety, and we need to take our country back. 

We need to start by letting politicians know that we are not going to stand for this.   If they fail to understand, then we need to do the next logical thing, vote them out of office.  Many of these politicians have been in Washington far too long, and while they get rich, the people continue to suffer.

Next, we need to organize.  I mean we need to organize in our neighborhoods, have a plan of action.  Establishing relationships with our neighbors so we can develop contingency plans for our communities in the event these unruly mobs decide to show up in our doorsteps.

Law enforcement have been directed by local governments to stand down, and in a few instances some of them have chosen to join the mob.  Do not get me wrong, they will arrest you for not wearing a mask, but they will not arrest people for looting, burning private property, or killing people. 

We cannot count on government to protect us, our families, and our property.  As we have witness on television night after night, it is government who has allowed this mob to operate indiscriminately.

And when they finally get arrested, they are immediately released, most of the time without charge, by district attorneys. 

Law abiding citizens have been left to their own devices.  When they exercise their rights to protect themselves and their property, which is guaranteed in our Constitution, they are the ones getting arrested and charged under bogus politically motivated circumstances.

This great country of ours has been turned into a third world country by a minority and we must resist.  The future of our country is at stake and it is up to us, the law-abiding citizen, to take our country back.  We need to oppose, at the ballot box, any politician who subscribes to socialist Marxists ideals.  Those are incompatible with our way of life and our constitutional system of government.

We must resist these forces before we lose our country!

The PGA Tour’s Disconnection

Image courtesy of

This past weekend we witness Collin Morikawa win the PGA Championship at the tender age of 23 years old.  I am sure it will be considered a great achievement by the young gun and in any other time I would have felt the same way; but I do not.

The PGA of America and the PGA Tour chose to play the PGA Championship in, of all places, California.  California has been on lock-down since the Wuhan Corona Virus arrived in America.  Californians have not been able to go to work, go outside without masking themselves, children have been out of school, restaurants have been closed and some have even gone out of business.

If the virus is so bad that Governor Gavin Newsome must keep the State shutdown; why did the PGA of America think that it was okay to play a golf tournament in such a place?

I sent an email to the PGA of America asking this same question and never got an answer, so they left no option but to speculate as to why they made this decision.   Was it television money, advertising, or sponsors?  Only the PGA of America and the PGA Tour know the real motive.

The PGA of America could have chosen a better venue or postpone all together due to the pandemic, instead they decided to go with it with complete disregard for the people of California.  This is the disconnect of the PGA of America and the PGA Tour.  They live in their own little bubble forgetting that many Americans are still without jobs and fighting to stay afloat, while they go around jet setting playing golf.

I understand that this is their job, but they also must be sensible to the situation of ailing Americans, and they are not.  They think that by honoring common criminals with tee times or pandering to a sector of the population based on false narratives and innuendos, it takes care of everything.

The United States Golf Association has also decided to hold their annual national tournament in another State that has been ravaged by the pandemic and are facing the same restrictions as those of the people in California. 

The USGA is playing the tournament in the State of New York of all places.  Thousands of New Yorkers have died due to the pandemic, mostly because of the governor’s failure to act properly, and people have not been able to resume their lives with some type of normalcy.  I also contacted the USGA for comment, but they did not answer my email.

What are these people thinking?  These professional organizations are completely disconnected from the reality facing America and they have chosen to go on.  The PGA Tour wanted to be the “first” sport to come back and they did, but their return has been driven by sponsor’s money and television deals.

As a golf enthusiast and player, I will remember this season as the “Season of Disconnect” by the PGA Tour.

The PGA Tour was the first, but their disregard for fellow Americans makes them last in my book.