$3.5 Trillion Spending Plan

Once again, the Democrats continue to open their mouths spewing more lies. This time about their reckless $3.5 trillion dollar spending plan.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the House and Senate, have gone in a publicity spree promoting this monstrosity. Claiming of all things the plan will incur zero tax increases on the American people and it is completely paid for.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) already stated the spending plan will add over $250 billion dollars to the deficit over the next 10 years.
I do not need the CBO to tell me that anything coming out of Washington D.C. is anything but “paid for.”
When asked about the plan and its cost, Nancy Pelosi stated, “It’s not about a dollar amount. The dollar amount, as the President has said, is zero. This bill will be paid for. It is about what are the values that we share and how we prioritize them. And that is the place we will go.”
This is typical Washington, D.C. “Potomac Two-Step.” Pelosi’s play on words is typical. She always answers the questions without answering the questions. You know why? Because Pelosi thinks you and I are too stupid and cannot tell the difference between the truth and bold face lies.
This spending plan is not paid for. Thankfully for us, the Democrats have some politicians in their ranks who understand the consequences of reckless spending and what it can do to American families and our economic future.
Senator Joe Manchin, from West Virginia and Kristen Sinema, from Arizona appear to be the only two Senators in the Democratic party who are not willing to bankrupt the country.
When asked, Senator Manchin stated, “What I have made clear to the President and democratic leaders is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs when we can’t even pay for sessional social programs, like Social Security and Medicare, is the definition of fiscal insanity.”
He is correct, it is insanity. Social Security is on the verge of insolvency within the next decade and Medicare is currently facing an $85.6 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.
The United States has $6 trillion in assets and $130 trillion in unfunded liabilities. During the first six months of FY 2021, the government ran a $1.7 trillion dollar deficit while raising the national debt to a whopping $28 trillion dollar. The first time in American history.
This is not Common Core mathematics; 2+2=4.
The truth about this lie is the fact they will tax Americans to death. They don’t have the money to pay for this spending bill, so they are coming after you and your hard-earned cash.