Lovely A. Warren, Mayor of Rochester, N.Y.

As reported by One America News Network, the mayor of Rochester has declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing gun violence throughout the city.
Interesting since New York state has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, mostly affecting law abiding citizens.
She was quoted as saying the declaration was a result of “unprecedented levels of gun violence.”
The funny part is how she decided to address the issue. She vows to address the problem in a “holistic” manner.
Is she serious? She is going to tackle gun violence with a philosophical approach. I am sure criminals in Rochester are shaking in their shoes.
Only a Democrat out of touch like mayor Warren would produce such nonsense.
The only way to tackle real crime is with real law enforcement and with citizen involvement. Unless law enforcement is allowed to do their jobs and citizens stop protecting the criminals, anything less is just a show and a waste of time.
She is asking for more help from state and local law enforcement; is she willing to allow law enforcement to do their job or is she going to micromanage the response?
The bad joke is on the citizens of Rochester. After all, their own government was advocating for defunding the police and now they do not know what to do.
Good luck with those mental health workers stopping gun carrying criminals.
A bad joke indeed!