The Energy Crisis and the Petroleum Strategic Reserves

To read blowhard liberals like Chuck Schumer complain about Joe Biden’s failed energy policies is a not a funny joke.
Over the weekend, Schumer was reported as saying gas prices were hurting millions of Americans and Biden must open the country’s petroleum strategic reserves to alleviate the prices at the pump.
I know Schumer is not the brightest bulb in the Democratic Party chandelier, but anybody who has been paying attention to this mess, understands this was a crisis perpetrated by the Biden administration.
The moment Biden shutdown pipelines and canceled drilling contracts, he killed the energy independence the United States achieved during the Trump administration.
We have the resources to produce and fulfill our energy needs. The strategic reserves are not to be used whenever we have an incompetent government in charge who wishes to pander to their left-wing benefactors.
The strategic reserves are not for hedging gas prices, they are to be used as a source for emergency fuel. Our current inventory as of November 2021 is 606.1 million barrels. Our current authorized storage capacity is 714 million barrels.

We are not even at maximum capacity, and they want to use what we have to fix the problem they created.
The highest inventory achieved in the United States was back in 2009 with a total of 726.6 barrels. At the end of CY 2019 (as of December 31, 2019), the SPR’s crude oil inventory was 634.9 million barrels.
You can read more about it here:
Back to Schumer. He was quoted as saying, “Let me say what we all know: we’re all feeling the pain at the pump right now.”
Nice try Chuck. I’ll bet Schumer has not driven a car or filled up a gas tank in decades.
He rides around in his government issued vehicle and the taxpayers pay every time his chauffer fills up the tank. Schumer knows nothing about the real pain Americans are feeling these days.
Chuck Schumer is a career politician who has never held a real job in his life. When was the last time the senator had to make a tough financial decision? When was the last time the senator had to make a choice between paying his mortgage or feeding his children?
Chuck Schumer is nothing more than another out of touch politician who keeps getting elected to office because he has deep pockets to do so. He’s not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our country.
You can share your story with Chuck right here:
Sources: One American News Network, U.S. Department of Energy