The Tale of Four Cities

I am amazed as how quickly Americans are willing to surrender their rights so they can go inside a restaurant, a theater, or a local coffee shop.
To me, nothing can be more humiliating than being asked for ‘your papers’ before I enter an establishment of any sort. It also comes with negative historical connotations going all the way back to the days of slavery.
Thankfully for me, I do not live in such a place, and if I did, I would never patronize an establishment who wishes to treat its customers like third class citizens.
There are four cities in America that I will never visit or spend my money to promote their tourism or any other enterprise. Chicago, Boston, New York City, and Washington D.C. have chosen to become bastions of all out communism with their ‘proof of vaccination’ mandates and mandatory vaccination requirements.
In these cities, if a person does not have proof of vaccination, they will not be able to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, and gyms, among other things.
Some of these new rules are already in place like in New York City, with some going into effect at the beginning of the new year in places like Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Boston.
The reality is businesses are already hurting and here comes the government placing more draconian restrictions that do little to combat the virus and everything to bankrupt private industries.
Many people already have chosen not to visit these cities due to their high crime, diminished law enforcement, and socialist policies. Others have chosen to move out of the city and in some cases the state all together.
Requiring people to show vaccination papers is probably the last straw most Americans with an ounce of dignity are going to be willing to go along with for the sake of access to entertainment. Places with such requirements are not going to prosper and they will become financial and social cemeteries.
I do not understand how the people in these cities are willing to go along with this nonsense. These mandates have been implemented without public hearings or any input from the community, but they strictly affect them.
These rules have been drafted with little science behind them and ‘best guess’ scenarios. It is obvious the Biden administration was not ready for the Omicron variant, but it has also been proven the variant is not as deadly as the prior Delta variant.
So why are these cities placing more restrictions on their citizens with a variant that is less than lethal than the prior one? Power and control.
In government, once they give, they will not take, and once they take, they will never give it back.
What is next for the United States? Internment camps for the unvaccinated? These are scary times in the United States and with the Democratic Party in power, nobody knows what is going to happen. The Democratic Party is about power, not about the well-being of the American citizen.
Next time someone asks you for ‘your papers,’ turn around and do not spend your hard-earned money there. History is full of examples of places where showing ‘your papers’ lead to death and indoctrination camps.
The Nazis used to have a phrase they would use to justify all the abuses by the state: “Fur Ihre Sicherheit.” Translation? “For your safety.”
We must not allow history to repeat itself.