RE: Joe Biden and the Democratic Party

During his visit to Europe, Joe Biden has sold our country to the European Union, has promised to continue the United States proxy war with Russia, and has told our NATO allies that as long as Russia is at war with Ukraine, we, the American people will pay the price for it.
On Thursday, Joe Biden gave a press conference while attending the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain. The things he said solidified that he is the real enemy of the American people.
He was asked how long Americans should expect to deal with high gasoline prices, and his answer was worthy of a good impeachment.
He told the press, “As long as it takes, so Russia cannot defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine.” He went on to say, “this is a critical, critical position for the world.”
The only problem is the “world” continues to buy Russian oil and gas, while the United States produces none. NATO talks big, but in reality, European Union members cannot afford not to buy Russian oil and gas as they continue to circumvent their own Russia sanctions.
Joe Biden does not care about the American people as long as he is paying his dues to the Nazi regime in Ukraine. After all, as I said many times, Joe Biden owes Zelensky big time, and by bankrupting our own country while providing cash and weapons to the comedian in Ukraine, Biden is fulfilling his promises to Zelensky.
By doing this, Biden is not hurting Russia, he is hurting the United States. Sure, sanctions have hurt a few rich Russian goons, but the Russian Ruble has never been this strong against the dollar, and many countries are paying for their energy needs with Russian Rubles instead of the once mighty dollar.
Joe Biden’s failed foreign policy has seen the Russian Ruble hit a 7 year high against the dollar at 52.3 to the dollar. This is the highest level achieved since 2015.
Do you still think the Russians are suffering as much as we are? Think again.
Gasoline prices in the United States have surpassed $5.00 dollars a gallon, making it the highest driving force for inflation in 40 years.
The Biden administration has done nothing to alleviate the pain at the pump, instead continues to lie by saying they are doing everything it can “to reduce this pain at the pump.”
Biden continues to falsely blame the gasoline hikes and the inflation on Putin. Anyone with a brain knows Joe Biden killed the energy sector in the United States his first day in office, which is a fact.
If he really cared about “reducing this pain at the pump,” he would immediately resume the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and would open up drilling in federal lands.
His own Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, stated the inflation in the United States was not a result of the Ukrainian conflict.
Prices were already on the rise well before the conflict began. Joe Biden is a liar and refuses to take responsibility for his own disastrous policies.
Even the French president understands the need for the United States to drill and pump oil. During the G7 meeting, open microphones caught President Macron speaking to Joe Biden.
In the conversation, and I am paraphrasing, Macron was asking Biden to pump more oil stating that Saudi Arabia was tapped out and without the United States, the European Union did not have a choice but to continue to buy Russian oil and gas.
Once Biden’s staff got a whiff of the conversation, they hauled Biden away from President Macron.
Joe Biden promised Europe that he was going to fill the gap if they went along with him, and once again he lied. He cannot fill the energy gap because we do not produce energy, period.
Folks, Joe Biden does not care about you or how much you pay at the pump. As long as he can continue to fight his proxy war with Russia, he does not care if you go broke, cannot afford to put gasoline in your vehicle, run out of baby formula, or can’t find tampons.
Joe Biden and the Democratic Party hate you; they hate America.
At this moment in our history, Joe Biden and the Democrats are the number one existential threat to this great Republic.
I have no lost love for Russia or for the actions they have taken against Ukraine, but this is not our problem. Joe Biden is moving us, and the world, towards a possible world war we cannot afford to fight, while bankrupting our own country in the process.
These communists are no different than Vladmir Putin and they need to be voted out of office before they turn our country into Russia 2.0.
The future of this great Republic is in great peril, and it is up to us to save it.