Are Harris And Trump The Best We Got?

We should be embarrassed!
As Election Day is upon us, I cannot fathom the idea of having to choose between Donald Trump or Kamala Harris to be our next president.
As we only have a two-party system, it seems Americans are happy to accept whatever these two parties have to offer, without question and without a challenge.
It is true that under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris regime the country has fallen into social and financial chaos. Everything is more expensive, and our national security is a disaster as a result of an “Open Borders” policy.
It is also true; under the Trump presidency the country was in great shape. We had an economic and energy revival the country has not seen in decades. But we also witness a president who was a bad judge of character, appointing people to positions who did not have the country’s best interest at heart.
Donald Trump’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic was one of the most un-American episodes in American history. It began with “14 Days” to contain the spread, and the rest is history. Donald Trump left the door open for the Biden administration to impose unconstitutional lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Millions of lives were lost and millions more were destroyed by the government.
Turned brother against brother, and family members were instructed, by the government, to turn on each other. It was a dark period in our nation’s history.
Unfortunately, today, Donald Trump continues to brag about operation Warp Speed.
So, here we are, in another one of our country’s crossroads. We are, in what appears to be, one election cycle away from becoming Venezuela under a Harris administration or survive one more election cycle under a Trump administration.
Yes, I mean when I say survive. A Trump presidency may be able to pause the inevitable, but as long as people continue to vote for the same people into Congress, nothing is going to change. The United States Congress has become a career, instead of the public service the Founding Fathers had in mind.
We are faced with the choice of electing the best of two evils. We have nobody but ourselves to blame for this political travesty. American society has become so morally weak, it has forgotten that it has the power to change the country’s trajectory.
Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, X, and the likes, are the equivalent of what the Roman poet Juvenal referred to as “Bread and circuses.” Keep the population superficially appeased instead of giving them honest public service or legislation. The Romans knew how to do it, but even the Roman Empire could not stop their demise.
Why do we have to settle for garbage? That is a question that will haunt me.