Maxine Waters

I thought I have read and heard enough racist vitriol coming out of Congresswoman Maxine Waters mouth to fill a landfill. Well, I was wrong.
This week, on the subject of Haitians camping out in our Southern border, Congresswoman Waters stated the treatment of Haitian migrants, is “worse than what we witnessed in slavery.”
Mind you, she represents the same Democratic Party who claimed the January 6th events at the Capitol were worse than the attacks of September 11th.
She went on to say that images of Border Patrol agents on horseback “takes us back hundreds of years.”
This is absurd and downplays the severity and impact slavery had in the United States.
I guess Border Patrol agents doing their jobs is tantamount to racism according to this member of the United States Congress.
If we are to follow Congresswoman Waters irrational view, we should get rid of horseback patrols in cities like New York City, Chicago, and yes, Washington, D.C. Give me a break!
She also claimed, falsely, “Cowboys with their reins, again, whipping Black people, Haitians, into the water.”
This is an insult to Border patrol agents who are supposed to be protecting our borders. Referring to Border Patrol agents as “Cowboys” is ridiculous and disrespectful.
Nobody was getting “whipped” and nobody has been pushed into the water. This is all mainstream media propaganda and lies. A member of Congress should be better educated before spewing misinformation.
Let’s be clear, Haitians are not United States citizens and Joe Biden is following the law and the Constitution despite Congresswoman Waters comments.
Haitians, nor any other illegal alien, are entitled to Civil Rights under our Constitution.
Anybody wanting to come to the United States must do it legally and in accordance with our laws, no exceptions.
That’s the law, and for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be briefing so-called Civil Rights leaders of the situation is irresponsible, and in my opinion, puts our Border Patrol agents in danger.
Congresswoman Waters should be asking where all the millions we send to Haiti have gone. She should be more concern about our country’s safety and security, and not illegal aliens invading our country.
Of course, that would mean she care about the United States, and she doesn’t.
This makes Congresswoman Maxine Waters, this week’s Congressional Buffoon.