Americans Got Richer During The Pandemic Says Biden

In a press conference on Tuesday, Joe Biden claimed Americans have gotten wealthier during the pandemic than they were before.
He declared the United States was the only country whose residents could count themselves richer than they had been before the pandemic.
My reaction to these nonsensical statements? Aloud laughter.
“America’s the only major economy, the only one in the world, where the economy is bigger today, and families have more money in their pockets, than before the pandemic hit.”
Sure, when you have an irresponsible Federal Reserve who continues to print money with complete disregard to the long-term effect on the dollar, the economy, and a never ending pandemic unemployment program. Well, a broken clock is right twice a day.
He went on to say, this was a “testament to the effectiveness of the vaccines and our vaccination effort.” “a testament to the economic policies we’ve fought so hard to pass.”
Vaccine effectiveness? That is why he has Fauci on national television talking about booster shots and holiday lockdowns?
Economic policies? Does he mean the higher gasoline prices and highest inflation in decades?
The only people making money and getting wealthier because of COVID-19 are, billionaires, the pharmaceutical companies, Walmart, and Amazon.
The numbers show that $2.1 trillion dollars has been added to the coffers of the richest billionaires, with Elon Musk of Tesla, making $209 billion dollars all by his lonesome.
The middle-class and the poor in the United States are not wealthier Joe, in fact the poor remains poor and the middle-class is about gone.
This is the disconnect of our elitist government class.
Quotes courtesy of RT News.