New Levels Of Insanity

Thank God I Am Not Into Conspiracy Theories

In the last 5 years, I have read some crazy stuff online, some of them borderline insane. This op-ed by three retired generals is not only offensive to our military, but as ridiculous as the three men who wrote it.

They imply that a civil war is imminent, and it will be initiated from within the ranks of the military, if the wrong electoral results are achieved in the 2024 election.

In a nutshell, they are suggesting the Pentagon purges its ranks of what they call would-be “mutineers.”

The op-ed is nothing more than random opinions with no evidence to support their claims.

You know they are shooting with empty barrels when their best example of a possible 2024 ‘insurrection’ is the refusal by the Oklahoma National Guard to punish those who refuse to be forcefully vaccinated.

Folks, we never had a military coup in the history of our country and to suggest our military is about to start one is lunacy. This is stuff you see in third world countries, not in the United States.

Some may not like the results of an election, but to suggest our military would be ready to remove a sitting president is unpatriotic.

To give legitimacy to this kind of talk is irresponsible and those suggesting such a thing are no different than the so-called ‘insurrectionists’ they are warning us about.

General Eaton, General Taguba, General Anderson, and the Washington Post, should be dismissed and ignored.

One thing is to hold those responsible for the January 6th riots accountable for their actions, but to make such a blanket statement about our servicemembers is, in my opinion, treasonous and unbecoming.