Foreign Aid FY-2021

Monetary Shenanigans

Photo courtesy of

With a $29.7 trillion dollars in national debt, one must question why the United States had a $36 billion dollar bill worth of foreign aid obligations for the fiscal year 2021.

Some of these countries are our sworn enemies and others are continuously violating our sovereignty and laws by exporting illegal aliens into the United States.

The following is the breakdown of the more egregious recipients of American taxpayer dollars.

  • Afghanistan- $551M
  • China- $13.1M
  • Colombia- $ 451M
  • Cuba- $6.61M
  • El Salvador- $109M
  • Guatemala- $255M
  • Haiti- $233M
  • Honduras- $196M
  • Iraq- $311M
  • Mexico- $82.2M
  • Nicaragua- $32.7M
  • Venezuela- $180M

Meanwhile in the United States homelessness is on the rise, inflation is at an all-time high at 6.4%, and American kids can’t even break the top 10 in the OECD rankings in Mathematics, Reading, and Science.

I have to say, foreign aid figures for FY-2021 were much lower than those for FY-2020 of $51 billion dollars, nevertheless, given the current fiscal situation in the United States, every dollar needs to be invested wisely.

Given the nature of our government’s wasteful spending, I feel confident the figures for FY-2022, under the fiscally reckless Democrats, and some Republicans, is going to reach FY-2020 levels or even surpass those numbers.

It is unfortunate, but this fiscal train wreck is inevitable.

One thing is for sure, we need to do more here at home as we are losing financially and academically to countries that we would classify as ‘underdeveloped.’

I am looking forward to FY-2022.
