A Daily Jab of Stupidity

I explore the darkest corners of the internet in search of stories the main stream media won’t care to share.
Here we go…..
I didn’t know Howard Stern still a ‘thing.’ I haven’t heard or seen Stern in over a decade, who knew. Anyhow, if you get your medical advice from this clown, Covid-19 is the least of your problems.
In another sign of Woke Derangement Syndrome, Disney apologizes to Peter Dinklage for re-making Snow White, well, with seven dwarfs? Can’t make this stuff up. Go woke or go broke!
This is the America we live in. People calling to boycott Starbucks because they chose to respect the Supreme Court of the United States.
I don’t care for Starbucks or their college graduates who serve their coffee, but I respect the fact they understand we live in a country where the rule of law remains in effect. They may reverse their course, after all, it is Starbucks, but until then, kudos to Starbucks.
There you have it friends. It can only get better…