Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I would love to think the people in the 14th congressional district of New York are smart people, but judging by their choice of representation, I am going to have to deduct they are not.
Since elected to Congress, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has made a mockery of our government, her state, her district, and our country.
There are too many examples all over the internet to pick a specific one, but not to outdo herself, in the latest she does not fail to impress.
On a Facebook post, she went on to suggest the US political system is an “oligarchy.” Mind you, she is part of that system.
She goes on, “When you look at the fact that our elections are bought, that corporations and…powerful corporate lobbies have more say in our legislation than everyday people, we are living in oligarchy that has its democratic moments.”
Does she even know what the term “oligarchy” means? Probably not, it is just a good soundbite for her fans.
I am sure she does not finance her own campaign and counts on many political donations. This is the way communists behave, the try to shame everyone else for the same things they are doing.
She calls herself a democratic socialist, I call her a full-blown communist. She has been known to say crazy things such as, “presidency that’s not determined by popular vote,” tens of millions of people more can vote for one candidate, one party, and still be in the minority,” gets gerrymandered to all hell once every 10 years in order to ensure an outsize minority.”
If you are trying to make sense of the nonsense this politician spews, do not, she has no common sense.
You would think a member of Congress knows the constitution and understands our system of government, but when she says things like, “It is becoming increasingly difficult for people to defend the stance that we live in a democracy, in a true one.” It begs the question; is she actually serious or is she really this dumb?
As Americans we all know, the United States is a republic, not a democracy. Our electoral system elects the president not by popular vote, but by the Electoral College.
In the same Facebook video, she called Congress a “corrupt institution” and remarked that it was “really wild” and “difficult” to “try” and be a normal person surrounded by so much decay and moral emptiness that frankly transcends party.” Again, she is part and a willing participant of that “decay” and “moral emptiness” in our government.
Obviously, she does not mind been part of the problem.
As reported by several news outlets, the Facebook video was supposed to be about gun violence, but in typical Ocasio-Cortez fashion, she went on to keep complaining about the body she serves in. “So many different areas and issues where all of us agree…Congress still can get their s**t together.” Very classy commentary from the representative of the 14th congressional district.
She went on to say, “I don’t want to be one of these ding-dongs that just tells to vote harder.” “People treat Congress like it’s some kind of incumbency protection racket. These seats do not belong to us.” Notice the congresswoman is up for reelection. A little hypocritical if you ask me.
I could go on, but the video was dreadful, full of nonsense and mostly whining.
Unfortunately for the people of the 14th congressional district of New York, what they sent to the United States Congress is nothing more than a self-serving hot mess, hypocritical communist, with little interest in the wellbeing of her constituency or the United States.
Ocasio-Cortez is a prime example of the “decay” and the “moral emptiness” roaming the halls of Congress.
She is that “ding-dong.”