Abortion Is Not a Winning Formula in Real America

As a male, I have tried to stay away from the abortion debate as I feel it is a subject I cannot relate to or completely understand. I cannot put myself in the position of a woman and assume I can understand the reason they would want to terminate a life.
Unfortunately, once the communists started to call for violence, and the domestic terrorist’s began acting upon, due to the recent decision by the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, as a former law enforcement officer, my neutrality on the subject went out of the window.
Let me start by making it clear, abortion is not, and has never been, a constitutional right. Despite of the people in power running around stating so, abortion is not in our constitution; and therefore, is not protected by the Constitution.
It was a 1973 (410 U.S. 113) Supreme Court ruling in which decided the Constitution protected a women’s right to have an abortion, despite the fact there has never been such protection afforded by the Constitution.
The decision struck down many federal and state abortion laws creating a rift between state and federal rights and a legal battle has lasted over 50 years.
Many legal scholars have said the Supreme Court got it wrong and conservative pro-life and religious groups have fought for the overturn of what they considered and overreach by the Supreme Court.
The democrats think this winning issue is going into the mid-term elections. Of course, this is what they have done in every election cycle, they use abortion, gay rights, and racial issues to appeal to their base.
But this time is different, this time we have more pressing issues that preoccupy the American people, including democrats.
High inflation, high gasoline prices, high unemployment, and a looming full blown recession, are at the heart of the priorities Americans care about going into the mid-terms.
Abortion is not issue American families are talking about at the dinner table, especially when food is more expensive, and they have to decide to either pay the mortgage or feed their children.
Democrats claim “all is lost” for women who wish to have abortions, which is a complete lie. Abortions will continue to be offered; the only difference is the issue has been returned to the individual states.
There are many states which will continue to offer abortion and even pay for those women to travel to their state on ‘abortion holidays.’
Companies like Disney, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Facebook, Starbucks, and Morgan Stanley, to name a few, announced they will pay for their employees on this ‘abortion holidays.’
I guess it is time to put your wallet where your morals are. If you use or support any of the above businesses, and believe abortion is wrong, you are nothing more than a hypocrite, but that is between you and your conscience.
Funny how the democrats are all about the law and have no problem lying to the American people about the January 6th riots, but they have no problem calling for riots and uprisings over a Supreme Court ruling.
Just like the over 200 riots in 2020, which the democrats called for and even encouraged their left-wing loons to do, I am sure the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice will ignore the riots and destruction of property the same radicals will act upon as a result of the Supreme Court ruling.
Nobody will face charges and outlets like CNN and MSNBC will call it ‘patriotic acts’ of defiance. Talk about a diluted society we live in.
If the democrats think this is a winning formula, by all means, go for it. The reality in Americans everyday life is different, and abortion is the last thing on their minds.
Social issues were a winning strategy for the democrats when such issues were deemed underrepresented in our society, but those days are gone.
Today, Americans are worried about how they are going to make their next mortgage payment, fill up their vehicles, feed their families, how to protect their families from out-of-control crime, and how to protect their children from government indoctrination to name a few.
Democrats are out of touch and have no legitimate issues to run on or brag about and they should pay the price at the ballot box this November.