Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; The Gift That Keeps on Giving

The representative is on a roll my friends. Her latest comes after the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
The congresswoman went on to Twitter and accused Republican lawmakers of “incompetence” after claiming they are “killing women and pregnant people.”
Say what? “pregnant people?” And she is accusing republicans of incompetence?
She went on to say, “Just a few months ago I literally had to explain to Republican members of Congress how periods work. Their complete and utter incompetence is now killing women and pregnant people across the U.S. There remains no legitimate grounding or basis to force birth in the United States.”
Notice how she doubled down on the “pregnant people.” Perhaps the congresswoman does not understand how her own biology works, otherwise she would not make such an idiotic statement as everyone with a little education knows a man cannot get pregnant.
To claim she had to “explain” to Republicans how periods work, is even more laughable. I am sure those members of Congress are mostly married and understand how the menstrual cycle works. They also teach that in biology class, so it is not classified information.
Republicans are not “killing women”, but some women have no problem killing their unborn children. Go figure!
You cannot make this stuff up folks. This is the type of people telling us how to live our lives. Oh brother!
If these communists would put that much energy on everything else afflicting the country, the future would look much brighter.