Is This The Guy Who’s Going to Get It Done For Conservatives?

Do Not Bet on It

Republican House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy Photo courtesy of

As polls continue to show the American people dissatisfaction with the Biden administration and it’s failed policies, the same polls are predicting a massive victory for the Republican Party in the 2022 mid-term elections.

They are predicting big gains in the House of Representatives, the biggest gains in 100 years. They are also hinting the Senate is also up for grabs, not by much, but very possible the Republicans could pick up seats in states like Georgia and Arizona.

You would think that I, as a conservative, would be happy and highly optimistic about what a Republican victory could mean for the country and the future, but I am very far from it.

Anybody who follows politics closely knows the Republican Party has never done much when in the majority, while Democrats always accomplish a lot while in the minority.

Democrats love the power of the office and they know how to exercise it. Republicans enjoy the ‘glamour’ of been in office.

House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy is been propped as the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. What does this means for Republicans and conservatives alike?

It means nothing is going to get done. Kevin McCarthy is weak and a good friend of Nancy Pelosi. He has gone against members of his own caucus and has given a lot of lip service while Joe Biden destroys the country.

Do you think a Kevin McCarthy speakership will bring impeachment hearings against Joe Biden? Not a chance.

Just like they never impeached Barack Obama over the extra judicial killings of United States citizens abroad via drone strikes, they will never impeach Joe Biden over fighting a proxy war with Russia while sending billions of dollars to Ukraine.

Do you think a Kevin McCarthy speakership is going to hold the Biden administration accountable for the wasteful spending that has sent the country into a financial tailspin? No, because they are just as guilty.

Is he going to appoint members to committee chairmanships who are going to hold hearings and drag Biden administration officials to answer the tough questions? Doubtful.

Many questions and very little answers from the Minority Leader and the House Republicans.

A “Red Wave” in November sounds really good in theory, but in practice will be another dud like in years past. Sure, it may slow down the continued attack on the American people by the Biden administration and their destructive policies, but is nothing more than a downshift, not a complete stop.

Republicans in the Senate have gone along with Democrats in co-sponsoring anti-2nd amendment legislation, and if this is a prelude as to what we are going to get from a Republican majority, then we shall expect not much.

Kevin McCarthy will continue the ‘status quo’ of the Uni-Party in Washington and he is not the answer to an ineffective government.

Unfortunately for us, there are not many good choices in the Republican ranks. I hope I am wrong about McCarthy, but I am not optimistic about him as a changing force in Washington.