New York State

Have you ever thought about committing a crime, but decided not to because you did not want to go to jail?
Fear no more. The state of New York offers great opportunities for ‘wannabe’ criminals to exercise their deplorable fantasies without facing any justice for it.
Where else can a nut job approach a sitting member of Congress, attempts to kill him, and then be released on his own recognizance?
Eventually, not before people expressed their outrage, the federal government, and I am sure they were not happy about it, did their job and arrested this piece of garbage and charged him with a federal assault charge.
Only in the state of New York can a lowlife attempt to commit murder against a sitting member of Congress and get away with it. But this is not new, New York has some of the more relax prosecution rules in the country.
When the New York General Assembly replaced the old discovery rules with Article 245, they pretty much made it impossible for prosecutors and law enforcement to their jobs.
Short of committing first degree murder, you can rest assure criminals will never see a day in jail while awaiting trial, meaning they are free to commit more crimes at the expense of law abiding citizens.
New York City is even worse, but it does offer you with plenty of opportunities to fulfil those criminal desires. The amount of criminal activities are endless and how much you can get away with it without facing serious penalties even more so.
So, next time you wish to go on a ‘Criminal Holiday’ give serious consideration to the state of New York. You can get cheap flights, bail is pretty low, if any at all, and chances are you will not get prosecuted.
‘A toilet by another name would smell as rotten’