Blame The Biden Administration

As Americans keep complaining about the surge at the gas pump after OPEC decided to cut oil production output, they are blaming the wrong culprit.
OPEC is not to blame, after all, OPEC is a business organization and as a business, is in it to make money. They are looking out for their members, unlike Joe Biden who is not looking out for the American people.
Democrat voters were elated when Joe Biden announced he was getting rid of oil production in the United States. They thought everything would remain the same and our energy consumption needs were going to be taken care of without it.
Although Biden did not shutdown oil production the amount of oil produced under his watch has been significantly lower.
In 2021, the United States was producing 11.9 million barrels of crude a day. In 2020 was closer to 11.28 million barrels.
In comparison, 2019 produced a record high of 12.3 million barrels a day. It is clear oil production has decline under the Biden administration.
The Energy Information Administration is claiming oil production is going to rise to 11.91 million barrels per day and it will reach a record high of 12.85 million barrels by 2023.
How did the EIA figure this out is beyond me. These figures do not make sense given the current state of oil production in the United States. We will have to see, but even Common Core mathematics cannot reconcile the figures.
As Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Green stated back on May 17, 2022, “Since Biden took office he cancelled the Keystone pipeline, released half of our strategic petroleum reserve, is canceling oil and gas leases, and it is waging a proxy war with Russia with sanctions that line Putin’s pockets and empty ours.” “Dems are blaming price gouging.”
You may or may not like the congresswoman, but she is 100% right in her assessment. After all, gas station owners make an average of 0.03 cents per gallon of gas sold. Gas stations make their money inside, selling merchandise.
Gas station operators are trying to earn our business and that is why you notice the difference in gasoline prices from town to town and station to station.
When the Biden administration claims gas station operators are price gauging, folks, that is a complete lie.
Gasoline is a commodity and gas station operators are only following the market value. Unfortunately, when the demand is higher than the supply, prices are going to go up as demand continues to grow.
Under the Trump administration the United States was an energy producer and exporter. Under the Biden administration, the United States has become a beggar.
Unlike former President Trump, Joe Biden has a poor relationship with OPEC countries and that is why his begging has been ignored.
In trying to mitigate this self-inflicted wound, the Biden administration has released over 180 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserves with little impact at the pump.
In my opinion, this release is a serious national security issue. The SPR is for times of emergency as when we faced the oil embargos of the 70’s, and not a piggy bank to pull from for political expediency.
As the Biden administration continues to kiss up to the Green Energy lobby and fails to invest in our energy needs, Americans will continue to feel the pain at the pump.
As inflation continues to skyrocket and the dream of electric cars is unaffordable to most Americans, do not blame OPEC for taking care of their own, blame your government for not taking care of you.