I used to enjoy the Olympics when it was an all-amateur event and a venue for such amateurs to display their skills. Once it became money grabbing for professional athletes, I lost most of my interest. I still watched the games because of my sense of patriotism and the thought and pride of having these athletes represent our country at the world stage.
As a person who wore the Red, White, and Blue, on my sleeve representing my country during combat, it is insulting and disappointing to hear athletes bad mouthing our country and turning away from the anthem and the American flag.
These athletes are supposed to be representing the United States, and for some of these athletes to be doing this is an outright disrespect to the thousands of men and women who have given their lives on the battlefield defending those colors. But bigger yet, to the United States as a country.
Every four years, these athletes, at taxpayers’ expense, go out and represent all of us in the world stage. Now, but for some odd reason, they have chosen to go on social media and television networks, trashing our country over false narratives.
The United States Olympic committee has turned a blind eye to these bunch of ungrateful, and privileged, athletes. They have willfully allowed these people to disrespect our flag, our anthem, and our country. All without any kind of admonition or disciplinary action. I wonder what they think the rest of the world thinks of us.
What would happened in a country like China if one of their athletes chose to kneel or turn away while the Chinese flag was raised, and the national anthem been played? I tell you what, that athlete will be working in a Nike sweatshop making the athletic shoes, not wearing them.
The United States Olympic committee have been complicit and has encouraged this type of behavior. These people are going to participate in the games under our flag. Am I the only one who thinks that someone representing our country should stand for our flag and our anthem?
The United States Olympic committee guidelines for the 2020 Olympic trials are disgusting as they are frightening.
Athletes “will not be sanctioned for ‘peacefully and respectfully’ demonstrating in support of social justice causes,” and that the committee planned to do away with guidelines effectively preventing any kind of “demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda” at Olympic sites or during official ceremonies. This as reported by Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow.
More of the article here, https://www.dailywire.com/news/us-olympic-committee-releases-protest-guidelines-clears-athletes-to-raise-fists-kneel-during-national-anthem
What is there to prevent these athletes from behaving like this in the actual games? I understand the Tokyo Olympics organizers have opposed this type of public display, but these American athletes do not really care. They will do as they please, after all, companies like Nike and Under Armour will pay the fines.
More disgraceful is the fact the Biden Administration approves of such acts. It does not make sense, the United States government approving anti-American behavior from the same people who are supposed to be representing our country.
People like Hammer Thrower, Gwen Berry, who turned away from the flag during the play of the national anthem, has been applauded for her disrespectful behavior.
Personally, I think Ms. Berry was bitter after her third-place finish and this was part of the plan to ger her name in the news cycle. I think if she had won the gold medal, she would have been singing a different tune, but that is me.
Otherwise, why have a picture of herself with the American flag on her website? By the way, the picture was removed by her team in the wake of her newly found “wokeness”.
Ms. Berry should be removed from the Olympic team immediately! I support Ms. Berry’s rights to protest, but she can do it on her own time, and not while wearing the United States uniform.
If she feels the United States is such a bad country, I am certain she could go and make the team in the country of her choice.
This is not the only instance in which the United States Olympic committee has turned a blind eye to this disgusting display of anti-Americanism.
A couple of weeks ago, BMX cyclist, Chelsea Wolf, “vowed to compete in the Olympics so she can burn the flag at the podium”. Wolf is an alternate on the team, and chances are she will never get that opportunity. The United States Olympic committee silence is deafening.
The United States Olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves.
I will not be watching and will be boycotting the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. Any team who allows its athletes to disrespect the flag and national anthem of their respective country, do not deserved to be cheered or financially supported by its country’s citizens.