I started working when I was thirteen years old cleaning dishes at a pizza shop. During the summertime school break, I worked stacking shoes at a local shoe store.
As far as I can remember, I always held some type of job growing up. It felt good to be a productive person, it felt good to be an independent human being, and the extra money was always good.
At twenty, I joined the Army, and after my Army service, I went on to a successful and fulfilling career in federal law enforcement.
Since the start of COVID-19, the government has created a new class of Americans. Those who get paid to stay at home, people who contribute nothing to society while getting a paycheck they did not earned.
Businesses cannot hire employees because they cannot beat the “free” money government is giving away. Many businesses have gone out of business because of this government action, which I believe is purposely done as an excuse to nationalize as much private businesses as possible and replace them with outfits like Walmart and Amazon.
I see body able people standing at traffic lights begging for money, while across the street is a business with “we are hiring” signs. They are not getting any money from me.
These people seem to have no shame or pride. They stand in there and look at you like you owe them something, and if you refuse to open your window, they look at you with hate and disdain.
What about getting a job? What about being a productive member of society? They do not care because our own government has created these parasites. The government has become a “Nanny State” and people have lost all sense of self-respect.
I never envisioned an America where people would be fine with the thought of being a government ward. That is what we are witnessing in our country today. People sitting at home without a reason to get off their behind and do something meaningful with their lives.
This goes even further; this is also a case of intellectual atrophy. When the brain is not active and people deprive themselves of critical thinking, human beings cannot function properly in a civilized society.
The workplace offers an opportunity to interact with other human beings, share of ideas, and discuss everyday issues. It gives one a sense of purpose, a sense of being.
When the government pays people to stay at home, it is deliberately creating a dependency class. Venezuela tried that and eventually ran out of money to give away and rich people to steal it from.
Has the government and COVID-19 created a new class of American citizen?
Perhaps; a parasitical class.