Media Blackout and Misinformation Propaganda

I guess now we are supposed to get our news from American “state media only” because the government doesn’t want us to see the other side.
Until this morning, Direct TV was carrying RT America and now is gone. This isn’t right and it goes against everything we stand as a country and a society.
Most Americans are smart enough to understand the information, and when we are at the verge of a third world war, we deserve to have both sides of the story.
As a combat veteran, I refuse to be bamboozled by misinformation because our government wants to to go to war for a country who has nothing in common with our country or our values. Other than its strategic value, the United States and Europe could care less about Ukraine or its people.
Since 2014, Ukrainian forces have been bombing and killing innocent civilians in the Donbass region, but nobody has condemned those actions. Aren’t those crimes against humanity? Ignorance is the worst enemy of reason.
I have been to war and is not a pretty sight. This is about the information and the free flow of it. The American people deserves to have access to all the information available and not dependent on state run outlets and one sided stories.
We saw that before when Collin Powell went to the United Nations and lied about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. We were bogged down in the Middle East for over 20 years. We don’t need that and we deserve to have the facts before sending aid and United States assets to fight another country’s war.
This is not Iraq or Afghanistan. Russia is the biggest country in Europe with a capable military and a nuclear arsenal. Are you willing to send your children to fight in a conflict that has nothing to do with the interest of the United States?
After all, the United States contributed to this mess, first in the 2014 Ukrainian coup and now by suggesting NATO expansion to Russian borders.
From Facebook to Twitter to YouTube, they all have censored all types of news coming from Russia. This media blackout only hurts us, the American people. Freedom to access information should not be delegated to media magnates and government entities.
Imagine if the American people would have been kept in the dark during WWII.
Russian actions need to be dealt with, but our government doesn’t have the right to deprive us of the information. We deserve the truth before sending our children to die in foreign wars.
Like Mexican President Lopez Obrador stated, “I don’t agree with the fact that media from Russia or any other country is censored.” I agree 100%.