Joe Biden Socialized Childcare Agenda

Joe Biden continues to promote his socialist agenda every chance he gets and every time he can get a few people in a room to listen.
While visiting Connecticut, he took the opportunity to promote his taxpayer funded childcare program. He thinks that by giving free childcare to parents, these parents will be able to go to work and make a living. Sure Joe!
He is trying to use this as leverage for his $3.5 trillion spending package, the one his own party will not go along with because it will bankrupt a country in already financial stress.
As usual, he uses empty words and gibberish. He says free childcare is necessary in “keeping America competitive in the global economy.”
Really? You must be a producer to be competitive and a viable trading partner, and we are not. Biden killed one of the only industries that was making money while making us energy independent, the oil industry.
He claims parents cannot be part of the workforce because they cannot afford the price of childcare. Seriously? If you have job, you can pay for your own childcare. First, you must look for a job. Mooching unemployment checks is not a job, you are a burden to society.
According to One America News Network, Biden was asking for $200 billion in funding as part of the “Care Economy Policy.” Now, he is pushing for private businesses to build “on-site” childcare centers.
Who is going to pay for this? Are private business owners on the hook for this additional expense? Is Biden going to use this to strip non-compliant business owners of their businesses? This is nothing more than Banana Republic socialism.
Private businesses can barely stay afloat with all the new bloated COVID-19 regulations and know the government wants them to become de facto babysitters.
Biden went on to say, “So, if you go to work with your child and you have a serious facility on-site. Well, studies show that when you have on-site care for children, businesses, the business itself have less employee turnover, less absenteeism, and higher productivity. We can show you all those studies. It’s real.”
Folks, Biden cannot produce those studies because they do not exist. This is all socialist leftwing propaganda. If this were indeed true, the Federal government would have already implemented such a program government wide.
Bottom line, taxpayers are not responsible for your children’s childcare. If you cannot afford childcare, it means you cannot afford to have children.
The government, be Federal or State, is not responsible for your irresponsible decisions.