Time to Hit Businesses with Your Wallet

Any business asking for this doesn’t deserve your business! Photo courtesy of myfox47.com

I’m not one to advocate for boycotts, but I do believe in the power of the wallet and the choices we make by using it.

Businesses in places like New York City have gone out of their way to infringe on people’s rights and privacy by requiring prove of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test before taking their money.

Personal health information is private and protected under the law.  Why would you give that information to the minimum wage host?  You don’t have to!

A business asking citizens for a vaccine passport are, for all intent and purposes, practicing medical discrimination and you should not support any kind of discrimination under any circumstances.

As a consumer, you have the freedom of choice and the freedom to spend your money whichever way you want and wherever you want.  A business asking for my medical information is not going to get my business, period.

What businesses are failing to realize is the fact everything is available online.  I don’t have to go out to have a nice dinner or to buy anything I need.  I can order everything from the comfort of my home and without the harassment. 

Unfortunately, I am not surprised Americans are capitulating to this nonsense and willingly relinquishing their rights.  After all, most Americans are uniformed and don’t even know their own rights under the law.

Like the Roman Empire and the Roman satire of “Bread and Circuses”, our government has been operating the same way, but instead of food and gladiators, the government has given Americans free money we don’t have and network television.

Oh yes, network television, offering Americans the dumbest content you can think of it.  Mostly based on racial overtones, because today that’s supposed to be humorous, and no meaningful or intellectual content. 

That’s how you keep the population off the loop and Washington is an expert at doing so with the help of companies like Facebook, Twitter, and the major networks.

So how we move forward?  Simple, take your business and money elsewhere.  Do not give up your rights for the sake of a meal or a sporting event.  That’s how thing starts in a totalitarian society.  

They always start small, just as the Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party did in 1933 and it went on to govern under a totalitarian system until 1945.  It didn’t end well for over 6 million Jews and the millions who died because of World War 2.

Little by little you give in and by the time you realize it, you have already given too much to take it back. 

Having to show prove of vaccination or a negative test may sound like small potatoes, but in the bigger scheme of things, is nothing more than a control measure and discriminatory in nature.

We should not reward any business who wishes to trample our God given rights under the law and the United States Constitution.

Our rights are worth fighting for.

Joke of the Week: Prison Ware at Kanye’s Prices?

The Prison Look. Seriously?

If you have ever been a prison inmate, you may recognize this Kanye West, $350.00 pair of “Croc-like Yeezys”. After all, this style of shower shoes are standard issue at prisons and county jails all over the country.

I guess this is the new fashion craze among “Yeezy-istas” as they post pictures on Twitter of this new Kanye West inspired release.

It must be me or the “thug look” is back in style.  These styles of shower shoes are the same style given, including that beautiful orange color, to inmates at numerous prisons throughout the country.

So why would people pay $350.00 for a $3.85 pair of PVC sandals?  Why would people want to look like a prison inmate?  You will have to ask the people who are crazy enough to buy this stuff.

But, if you insist on looking like an inmate while walking the posh streets of Manhattan, I do offer an alternative for you, and nobody would notice the difference.  Go to https://www.bobbarker.com/footwear/sandals and for $3.85 you can buy the same footwear Kanye is selling for $350.00 at affordable prison prices.

Trust me, nobody will notice the difference and you will still look cool.  Or you can go to prison and get them for free.

Opinion: Is the PGA Tour afraid of the Super League Golf ? Absolutely!

Do not leave the PGA Tour or else pally! Image courtesy of Getty Images.

PGA Commissioner Jay Moynahan threatens players with possible expulsions from the PGA Tour, Rory McIlroy says “is a money grab”, and PGA of America CEO, Seth Waugh, says “be careful of what you wish for”.

Well, well, well, that is easy to say by someone like McIlroy who has made millions on endorsement deals and PGA/European Tour victories.  But ask the guy looking from the outside, or who’s career is on the downside, and he may think is a great idea to earn a set salary while playing golf for a few weeks a year.

What is the Super League Golf?  According to ESPN.com, “Originally, plans were for an 18-event schedule from January to September with 48-player fields and $10 million purses each week, with a season-ending team championship.  The Premier Golf League would offer the top players $30 million up front with a share of the teams they would be part of. Those teams would compete week to week, with individual results also logged and big-money purses for each tournament”.

It sounds like good old competition to me.  The PGA of America and the PGA and European Tour posture on this appears to be disingenuous to say the least, more life mafia type strong-arming.

Speaking of money grabs, the PGA Tour has established a $40 million Player Impact Program which will only reward the top 10 players on tour based on their popularity and not their skills.  That is a nice “money grab” like McIlroy would say, and for under achieving advertising magnate Ricky Fowler, that should be a nice pay day.

Give me a break!  I thought professional golf was about entertainment, giving back to the community, etc., etc., etc.   Excuse me, it is about business and profits, otherwise Moynahan would not be sweating bullets and issuing threats like a third world dictator.  If the PGA Tour is such a good an honest product; what is there to be afraid of?

This season alone, the PGA Tour is looking at giving out over $500 million dollars between the FedEx Cup, tournament wins, and bonuses.  Do not forget, in 2022, they will kick a $700 million television deal with NBC, which for sure will contribute to higher purses and bonuses.

Of course, the European Tour is lock in step with the PGA Tour in their opposition to the Super League.  But let us not forget, the European Tour is pretty much a lap dog of the PGA Tour since the PGA Tour has a controlling stake of the Euro Tour.  Who says money grabbing is not a good thing?  Right Rory?

Let us face it, the PGA and European Tour are afraid the top players are going to be lured by the idea of making millions of dollars in what, for all intent and purposes, is nothing more than a very lucrative Tuesday Night Men’s League.

I look at it with a different lens.  Moynahan is threatening players, independent contractors, with expulsion from the Tour.  But who would be the ultimate loser? 

Who the fans want to see?  Dustin Johnson or the 125th player on the money list?  If Johnson decides he wants to join the league; are you going to expel the #1 ranked player in the world from the Tour?  Do not be a fool Jay!

On the other hand, if the 126th player on the money list could make several millions by playing on the Super League Golf: why not?

For marquee players like McIlroy is easy to seat there and open his mouth about money, after all, he does not have to worry about it.

At the end of the day, it is a business and competition is always healthy.

I, for one, would love to see the Super League Golf come into fruition.  The PGA Tour has made several boneheaded moves in the last year, and frankly, I am ready for an alternative.

I just want to watch golf for its entertainment value, and if the PGA and European Tours cannot deliver a bias free product, then perhaps is time for a new and fresher option.  Let the free market decide.