Mask Madness Going Wild

The CDC’s New Unscientific Mask Rules are Going to Hit Your Wallet Hard

This mask is as unscientific as the man wearing it. Photo courtesy of Susan Walsh, UPI.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is going to issue new mask guidelines and they will be more expensive and equally useless as the ones before.

As reported by the Washington Post, they will update their guidelines with the following, if people “can tolerate wearing a KN-95 or N-95 mask all day”, they should do so.

Of course, they offer no science behind it or any actual study showing the benefits of wearing an ‘improperly’ fitted N-95 or KN-95 mask.

We have known since the beginning of Covid-19 that pieces of cloth, bandanas, and even those Chinese made surgical masks are ineffective against the spread of Covid-19. Anthony Fauci told us that much when he insisted, before flip flopping, that masks were useless and unnecessary.

Now the CDC wants Americans to forgo the cheap and ineffective masks, for a more expensive, hard to find, and just as ineffective N-95 or KN-95 mask.

The reality is that unless you are properly fitted to wear any of those models, the masks will not do what they are supposed to do. Additionally, N-95 and KN-95 masks are supposed to be replaced every 8 hours with a new one to be effective.

An improperly fitted N-95 or KN-95 mask can be more dangerous to one’s health that not wearing one at all. It can restrict your oxygen intake and increase your intake of C02.

Just like the toilet paper frenzy and binged buying, these masks are hard to find because the hoarders are already at it. Companies are raising the prices as fast as they can make them, with prices as high as $80.00 dollars for a pack of 40 KN-95, from a low of $17.00 dollars back in November. Talk about price gauging.

It seems Omicron has been pumping the sales and influenced the CDC decision to issue new guidelines, but the fact remains that Omicron is less dangerous than the Delta variant and your chances of landing in the hospital because of it are minimal.

It is obvious the wealthy will have no problem purchasing these masks, but low-income families cannot afford to pay $80.00 for a pack of 40. A pack of 40 only gives you enough masks for an average of 5 days ‘protection’, for a single individual, if one follows the manufacturer’s guidelines.

The CDC has been all over the place about masking or not. They have changed their guidelines as fast as they can to placate the mainstream media and the blue check marked virtue signalers on Twitter. Why this time would be any different?

Who is going to certify the authenticity of the hundreds of N-95 and KN-95 flooding the market? Because it is stamped “KN-95 or N-95” does not necessarily make it so. Buyer beware is my suggestion.

We have reached a 40-year inflationary record of 7%. Things are more expensive; food, gas, electricity, heat, you name it. Now the CDC wants to impose more burdens on American citizens by telling them an N-95 or KN-95 is the answer to Covid-19 salvation. Poppycock!

Decisions, decisions. Food or masks?


Do as I say, Not as I Do

Member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Photo courtesy of

I won’t spend time writing about all the inadequacies of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman is incompetent and a daily reminder of the equally incompetent government we have.

Here is another example of how the left loves to preach, but will not follow their own gospel.

Unfortunately, the American press will not report on the stupidity and childish behavior of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, so here you have her latest act of hypocrisy and the result. Karma is a b$%&!….

Is The Australian Government Suffering from Foot in The Mouth Disease?

Australia’s Diplomatic Nightmare

#1 Tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic Picture courtesy of Sky Sports

One thing is to hold your citizens hostage and treat them as third-class citizens, but when you treat the #1 ranked tennis player in the world in such a manner, is going to get the world’s attention.

Australia claims Novak Djokovic is facing deportation because despite of having been cleared to enter the country by medical authorities, the Australian Border Forces moved to refuse him entry into the country.

Australia has been making worldwide headlines with their handling of the Covid-19 virus.  Australia has become a floating gulag while the Covid-19 infections have continued to rise even though they have imposed the most restrictive, and draconian, mandates on their population.

With the Australian Open tennis tournament coming up and Djokovic’s opportunity to break the all-time Grand Slam record, the Australian government has decided to engage in a diplomatic spat with Serbia and the millions of Djokovic fans around the world.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, has gone out of his way to sound tough even threatening to put Djokovic “on the first plane home.”

If Morrison thought the world was going to get behind him, he thought wrong. Djokovic is one of the most beloved sport figures in the world, and for the Australian government to treat him this way, over a vaccine exemption, is ludicrous and classless.

I, for one, hope Djokovic packs his bags and leaves as soon as he can. If the Australian people wish to live their lives under those tyrannical conditions, so be it, but the rest of the world won’t.

Who knows, perhaps Australia should become, once again, a penal colony.

The Australian government has definitively put both feet deep inside their diplomatic mouth.

Game, Set, Match, Djokovic!

Biden’s Domestic Travel Vaccine Mandate

Possible Restrictions On Domestic Airline Travel for The Unvaccinated

The Dynamic Duo of Incompetency! Photo courtesy of

In their continued attempt to mandate vaccinations for the entire United States, Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are floating the idea of imposing domestic travel restrictions for those Americans who are not vaccinated.

When asked about it, Joe Biden was quoted as saying, “when I get a recommendation from the medical team.” What he is saying is when Fauci and Walensky tell him to do it, he will.

This is what it is all about, their infatuation with vaccine mandates and how far they are willing to go to get it done. They’ll bankrupt the airline industry if that’s what it takes.

Fauci was asked during an interview on MSNBC and he didn’t flinch when giving an answer. “When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get people vaccinated.” “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”

These people are evil and they don’t care about the country, your health, your life, or your rights. Biden and his administration are drunk on power and they will make you submit one way or the other.

Not only will this absurd suggestion put undue strain on the airline industry, but on the thousands of Americans who depend on airline travel to work and conduct business.

Joe Biden is so stupid, he will go on national television and try to sell it to the American people as something ‘good for the economy.’

How much more of this is the American people willing to put up with?

One thing is for sure, the 2022 mid-term elections are around the corner and it will be up to us to put this incompetent third world style dictatorship out of business.

Four Jabs and Counting

Israel’s Vaccine Extravaganza

Not a laughing matter…..Photo courtesy of

Four jabs but the numbers continue to rise. Go figure!

Can the world actually defeat mother nature by going on a vaccination overkill?

What’s the magic number? Five, six, seven, or eight boosters?

Is the ‘cure’ worse than the disease?

So many questions with so little answers. Who knows, maybe Israeli citizens get a free 60 inch screen television after a certain amount of jabs.