F.J.B. Has Become Synonymous With How Americans Really Feel About Joe Biden
As I stopped to fill up my truck at a record $4.19 for a gallon of gasoline, I could not help to noticed the colorful metaphor left behind by an obvious unhappy American citizen.
This is Joe Biden’s America and the worst is yet to come.
The 80 Million Voter Man is no 6 Million Dollar Man. Photo courtesy of NBC.com
In the introduction to the 6 Million Dollar Man, you can hear the following:
Harve Bennett: Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive.
Oscar Goldman: Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better… stronger… faster.
In 2022 United States the introduction would be as follow:
The American People:
Joe Biden, President. A man barely alive.
Failed Democrat Controlled Government:
Gentlemen, we cannot rebuild him. We do not have the technology.
We do not have the capability to restore Joe Biden’s credibility. Joe Biden is a liar. A bigger liar than before. Worse, weaker…slower.
It has been an interesting week with the 80 Million Voter Man continuing to spread misinformation and blaming Russia for everything, from higher gasoline prices to the lack of baby formula for American citizens.
It seems Joe Biden cannot take responsibility for what is a failed administration. A broken border, a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine, the highest inflation levels in decades, higher consumer products prices, gasoline prices at record high and rising, shortages of baby formula for American citizens babies, you name it, it is Russia’s fault.
While the United States government, including Republicans, continue to send billions of dollars to Ukraine, and war monger Republican senator Lindsey Graham calls for an “all out” war with Russia, Americans continue to suffer and the people in charge of this country do not care.
This week was no different than the one before. Joe Biden went on a speaking spree throwing the same talking points, Russia this, Russia that, but with no viable solution in sight. He had nothing to offer but silly rhetoric and a bag full of lies.
While Americans are put in the position to choose between feeding their families or paying their mortgage, the Democrats continue to go the “social issues” route, from student loan debt forgiveness to abortion rights.
In the real world, the problems keeping Americans up at night are more pressing. Since January 2022, natural gas prices have tripled and new record highs of $4.40 per gallon of gasoline are making everyday life a lot tougher.
With the upcoming reversal of Title 42 things are going to get even more difficult. The influx of thousands of illegal aliens is going to overwhelm an already stressed system and it is going to put more pressure on social services meant for American citizens.
If you want a little preview, go no further than the current baby formula crisis. While shelfs are running empty, the United States government have horded large amounts of baby formula for illegal aliens at their detention facilities.
If you listen to the 80 Million Voter Man, you will think everything is fine, but is not. The Biden administration claims this crisis “is not new to the White House.” Were they aware and did nothing?
Who knows, maybe Joe has been hording the baby formula for himself.
Joe Biden claims he will speed up manufacturing process while cracking down on price gauging. Folks, he cannot do this, and he knows it. There is no evidence of price gauging, but plenty of evidence of government hording.
The Biden Food and Drug Administration shutdown the Abbott Nutrition Plant in Sturgis, Michigan for a whole month. They knew what was going to happen and if they did not, shame on them.
Another week ends with Joe Biden lying to the American people, blaming everything on Russia, funding a proxy war with Russia with money we do not have, and keeping American babies from accessing baby formula while illegal aliens, and their children, are well taken care of by the same government who neglects its citizens.
Another garden variety week from the 80 Million Voter Man.
Stay tuned for next week episode of the 80 Million Voter Man, I guarantee, it will not disappoint.
“Sticking it to Putin” The Germans great strategy. Photo courtesy of breitbart.com
Since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, I have read lots of nonsense, some funny, some not so funny.
All with the intent of “sticking it to Putin.” No country has produced more asinine ideas than Germany.
First, let us start with the latest suggestion from the German media. Masquerade as a “Skip a shower, improves your skin microbiome,” Germany’s Build newspaper has published an article suggesting Germans should take less showers.
The title of the article, “It’s enough to wash THESE four body parts – Why the skin cleans itself if you let it.” Feel free to laugh as I did because this is nothing more than unscientific nonsense, and after the Covid-19 pandemic, suggesting less personal hygiene shows the lack of seriousness from the part of the German government in combating the virus.
In recent days Germany’s economic minister, Robert Habeck, suggested Germans should cut back on their sauna visits, heating, and showers to help Germany cut back on its dependence on Russian energy. He also suggested to ditch gas operated vehicles for bicycles. I guess that vacation to the Piz Palu became a little bit longer.
He went on to say these sacrifices would make life harder for the Russian government and improve people’s skin. Of course, Bob does not have any concrete evidence these measures would achieve its intended purpose. Like the Germans would say, this is a bunch of “unsinn.”
On a different article, Klaus Mueller, the head of their Utilities ministry, suggested Germans should ask themselves “whether you really need to take a hot shower seven days a week – with gas heating.”
As you all know, Germany completely banned Russian gas and oil imports, and according to Mueller, the accumulated reserves will only last until the end of the summer or early fall.
Folks, this is Germany, not some third world undeveloped country and this is the best they can do to “stick it to Putin.”
As the winter approaches, and Germany has no way to fulfill their energy needs, we will see for how long this anti-Russia coalition will last.
Let us be serious, Russia is a bad actor, but the reality is most of these European countries depend on Russian energy to provide for their citizens and the United States cannot cover the difference.
I am not on Facebook, Twitter, or any of those other social media sites. In my opinion, they are just cesspools of useless, mostly one-sided conversations, and some people use them to say things that otherwise they would not have the guts to say in person. Nevertheless, they are being used to spread misinformation about the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its effect on the United States.
Saddle up, here we go again, the ‘We are in this together’ baloney. Now, over gas prices and how we need to sacrifice to help the Ukrainian people. Everyone is changing their avatars to the Ukrainian flag and if you dare to complain about paying exorbitant gas prices, you are some sort of evil person.
The reality is most of these people could not find Ukraine on a map or even care about it. Ukraine is the ‘Flavor of the Month’ for liberals and the virtue signal police, nothing more.
This is one of the problems with social media and faceless actors. It is use as a bully pulpit by those who think they are better than you or know what is good for you.
‘We are in this together’ is liberals favorite go-to phrase. Is like a warm blanket that provides cover for their own hypocrisies.
The problem is that we are not in this together. While you are paying over $5.00 for a gallon of gas in places like California, our so-called Europeans allies continue to import Russian energy to satisfy their needs.
This is the same thing liberals did during the George Floyd riots. While businesses and cities were being torched, social media keyboard warriors wanted to tell the American people, ‘We are in this together.’
But we were not. I do not know anyone, including myself, who supported Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning cities and businesses to the ground. Those were crimes, nothing more.
Nobody I know thinks is fair for the United States to pay higher energy prices while European countries continue to buy oil and gas from Russia to fulfill their citizen’s needs. Once again, we are going at it alone and without a plan.
Biden voters and our government want to blame everything that is going in the United States on Russia. Inflation? Russia, gas prices? Russia, meat prices? Russia, and the list goes on and on.
All of that is absolutely false. All these problems were created by Joe Biden prior to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Sure, the Russian invasion threw another wrench into the machine, but it is not the main cause, this problem was homegrown and nurtured by the resident in the White House.
The same people who voted for Joe Biden now want you to believe none of this is his fault. They want to cover his ineptitude by trying to make you feel guilty for criticizing him. They want to deflect from the fact they voted for this incompetent fella and he is the reason why things are going south in the United States.
Do not fall for it. Sure, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has put a dent on an already bad economy and rising energy prices, but the culprit of this crisis resides in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Biden made things so bad, now we have to beg rogue nations like Venezuela to fulfill our energy needs. Folks, this is a country under United States sanctions.
Next time your virtue signaling friends try to guilt you into believing paying more for gasoline and other goods is in your best interest, remind them they were the ones who voted for this mess.
Remind them that we are not in this together, the United States is at it alone and we are the ones paying for it.
Let us be honest, paying $20.00 for a gallon of gasoline would not save a child in Ukraine no more than it would save a child from been aborted in the United States.
The reality may be cruel, but it remains the reality.
Sorry No Gas, Ask Joe For Some. Coming soon to a gas station near you.
Joe Biden finally made up his mind and banned Russian oil and gas imports. All without a plan on how to replace that 7% and without demanding our so-called allies do the same.
Sure, he is calling it the ‘cost of standing up for freedom.’ Standing up for whom?
Once again, the United States government is trying to sell us the conflict between Ukraine and Russia as a ‘we’ problem, just like they did Afghanistan. I am not buying it.
I ask again. Where was our government when the Ukrainian military was bombing and killing women and children in the Donbas region since 2014? Now they want me to support an oppressive undemocratic government and a country who supported the Nazis during the second world war.
Does it justify the Russian invasion? Absolutely not, but that is for Ukraine to figure out, not the United States.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden could not help himself and called the ban an opportunity to transition to renewable energy, without offering nothing but empty rhetoric and no plan. We are at the verge of a third world war and this is the best the leader of the free world can offer to the American people.
“No one has to worry about the price at the gas pump in the future, tyrants like Putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.” Really? That is why European nations did not join the United States on this futile endeavor. Fossil Fuels are not going anywhere folks and that is a fact.
As I anticipated, he went on to blame the conflict for the root cause of gas prices going up. It is definitely part of the problem, but gas prices were already on the rise before the conflict began due to Biden’s cancelation of the Keystone pipeline and drilling contracts on federal lands.
Now he wants to blame all our economic woes on Russia, but that is a flat out lie intended for his supporters. Inflation was already at an all time high before the conflict in Ukraine started.
He said this is meant to inflict pain on Putin, but in reality it is going to inflict pain on the America people. He is using this as an excuse to justify his administration’s never-ending failures by trying to convince you that by paying $10.00 per gallon of gas you are contributing to Putin’s demise.
The Biden administration is now begging our sworn enemies like Venezuela and Iran to bail us out of our self-inflicted lack of energy independence. Seriously? If you don’t think this is embarrassing, I can’t help you.
The CIA has been trying to liquidate Maduro for years while our government will not even recognize him as the Venezuelan president. Now? He’s again our friend. In Joe Biden’s own words, ‘what a pile of malarkey.’
According to polls, if you believe those things, 71% of Americans support the ban and 56% suggest we have not gone far enough. This is probably the same 71% who approves of nonsensical stuff such as renaming things, food items, and drinks, as acts of ‘solidarity.’
Let us see how long this 71% of Americans will continue to support the ban as gas prices continue to rise by the day. Meanwhile Europeans will continue to enjoy the Russian energy imports while lecturing us on humanitarian and energy independence issues.
I am still waiting for Biden to tell us how are we going to replace that 7% of oil. After all, we are the largest oil consumer in the world.