Unrealistic and Impossible

It has been reported on several news outlets plans by the Biden administration to seek an outright ban on Russian oil imports.
I am sure this sounds very patriotic to the uninformed, but the reality is we are not an energy independent country. Furthermore, we cannot receive any assurances by our European allies they can fill the gap.
Of course, if a ban is adopted, it will be only by the United States. European countries depend on Russian imports, and they cannot count on the United States to supply their daily needs.
Right now, we cannot fulfill our own daily needs and it will be interesting to see how the Biden administration is going to manage it. Even if we were to use all our strategic reserves, the United States will run out in less than a week.
If you think prices are coming down, think again. Europe is dealing with high record oil and natural gas prices. The United States is also facing serious surge on energy prices with record high gasoline prices topping $4.103 per gallon.
Brent Crude oil has reached a high of $140.00 per barrel, and as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues without an end in sight, futures are only going to trade higher with Americans paying more at the pump.
The reality is the United States does not have the capacity to ban Russian oil imports without further damaging the economy and causing harm to American families. The lack of energy independence since the Biden administration’s cancelation of the Keystone Pipeline and revocation of drilling permits has only facilitated this disaster.
You would think Joe Biden would go to his congressional allies to tell them the Green New Deal is not a realistic endeavor and we need to resume the march towards energy independence, but that will never happen. Democrats are not going to give up on that. They do not care if you pay $10.00 for a gallon of gasoline. Would voters remember that in November? I will bet not.
As Americans suffer and the Biden administration continues to beat the drums of war, we will continue to depend on foreign actors for our energy needs while our national security is jeopardize.
Regardless of the mumbo jumbo you hear from the mainstream media, we cannot afford not to buy Russian imports, period. This is just another distraction, and the Biden administration hopes you will buy into it.