Get Fit For A Good Swing Before Getting Fit For New Clubs

My Not So Fitting Experience

Photo courtesy of

It was not a good one.

As consumers we get peppered with advertisement nonstop. Everything from banking to car purchases, businesses are trying to get our business.

That is how I came across Golf Champion. As an avid golfer, and a consumer of golf equipment, I get hundreds of golf offers a day, and golf club fitting was one of them.

Also, internet reviewers like GolfWRX and Plugged In Golf, they are always telling people to get fitted if they want to play better. Of course, these outfits are heavily sponsored by companies like Club Champion, so they are bound to sell you their product, even if is not for you.

Last year, I decided I wanted to go through the whole experience of a driver fitting with the intention of purchasing one. I made the appointment with my local Club Champion, and after a three month wait, I got in.

Mind you, this was during the Covid-19 lockdowns, and making an appointment was a nightmare.

I am not a scratch golfer, but I can hold my own with the swing I own. Going into the fitting my expectation was one of honesty, no matter how cruel the truth, I wanted my fitter to tell me if a fitting was going to be helpful or not. After all, I am trusting the expert to do just that.

We went through the whole thing, mixing and matching club heads and shafts, and my fitter settled with a TaylorMade SIM2 Max head and a Motore F1 shaft.  

I was not feeling it, I thought the shaft was too stiff, too light, and I was not feeling the head of the club. I shared these concerns with my fitter, but he told me it was the right combination.

He showed me a bunch of numbers that I did not understand, and he did not take the time to explained to me. But, as the expert, I trusted his judgment and went ahead and ordered the driver.

It took almost 4 months to get the driver and when I got it did not have the right grip. It was not a big deal, so I took the driver and went home.

Needless to say, the driver did not work for me on the golf course. It felt awkward, just like it felt during the fitting session, and I ended up going back to my PING G400 Max that I had been using.

I sent an email to the fitter explaining the situation, and he threw it back at me saying that it was my swing, and not the driver. We went back and forth about it and I ended up working with the store manager because the original fitter did not want to deal with the situation and was very unprofessional.

The store manager was a nice gentleman and tried to come up with a solution. According to Club Champion policy, they are allowed to do one change of equipment on them, and even then he had to get permission from headquarters to do it.

Once again, I put my trust on the fitter, and this time he fitted me with the same TaylorMade SIM2 Max head, but this time with an Accra Prototype shaft. After waiting another two weeks to get the shaft, and for him to do the adjustments, this whole process took almost 6 months.

At the end of the day, the driver never worked for me, and it was nothing else they would do for me. I have probably the most expensive driver I will ever own, and I cannot use it.

What is the real moral of this story? You cannot buy a game, companies like Club Champion are in the business of taking your money and they will not be honest with you.

I was expecting Club Champion to be honest and recommend me to hone my skills first, and then come back to take full advantage of a good, fitted club. But even then, I trusted the process and their alleged expertise.

Funny thing was when the original fitter told me the problem was with my swing and not the driver, I asked him why he did not said that during the fitting. I am still waiting for an answer, but of course we know the real answer.

They do not care. All they care about is taking your money.

Ironically, during the fitting process we tried several combinations and there were actually better combinations I felt good with.

Unfortunately, and I am sure by design, if you pick your own combination they will not honor their commitment to the fitting, and you are on your own. I had to go with their recommendation or else.

Would I recommend Club Champion to any of my friends? Not a chance.

Do I believe that club fitting can be beneficial? Absolutely, but only if you have a good, consistent swing, with good mechanics, and fundamentals. Getting fitted with a bad swing and bad fundamentals only enhances those flaws and it serves as a temporary band aid.

Do yourself a favor, do not listen to advertising or internet sites. They do not know your game and they are in the business of supporting their sponsors.

Instead take that money and invest in some good lessons, just as I did. It not only helped my game and allowed me to compete at the amateur senior level, but with a few adjustments to my current equipment I did not have to spend thousands of dollars chasing that next level.

Rory McIlroy Has It All Wrong

As He Flips and Flops The Adult In The Room Still Missing

Professional Golfer, Rory McIlroy Photo courtesy of getty images

I think Rory McIlroy is an amazing golfer, but that is the extent of my admiration or respect for the lad.

Since the LIV Golf vs. the PGA Tour saga began, McIlroy has flip-flopped on the issue like a Waffle House pancake.

He has taken the role, that in all honesty, PGA Tour Commissioner, Jay Monahan, should have taken, of making a case for the continued monopoly of professional golf by the PGA Tour.

The problem is that his case is mostly emotional and without much factual information as it the case with his latest flip flop.

In his press conference in Dubai, McIlroy called for the removal of LIV Golf CEO, Greg Norman.

“I think Greg [Norman] needs to go. I think he just needs to exit stage left,” McIlroy said. “He’s made his mark but I think now is the right time to sort of say, look, you’ve got this thing off the ground but no one is going to talk unless there’s an adult in the room that can actually try to mend fences.”

It is ironic that the one acting like a child is the one asking for an adult in the room.

Who Rory McIlroy thinks he is to be calling for anybody’s removal? Especially since Greg Norman is in charge of LIV Golf and not the PGA Tour or the DP World Tour.

He went on to say, “If those two things happen, then things can happen,” he said. “But right now, it’s a stalemate because there can’t be any other way.”

“Hopefully something can happen, who knows?” McIlroy echoed. “But right now, I think the separate entities the PGA Tour, European Tour and LIV are both going to be — one is a very different product to the other. It seems like it’s a bit of a stalemate.”

He goes from stalemate to hopefully something can happen, then he goes on to acknowledge that LIV Golf is just a “different product.”

The so-called stalemate was created by Jay Monahan who refused to meet with Norman at the beginning stages of LIV Golf.

At this point LIV Golf is a viable product that does no need McIlroy or the PGA Tour to survive. Sure, a television deal would make a big difference, but until that happens, LIV Golf is not going anywhere.

I watched every single LIV Golf Invitational broadcast and I was very pleased with the product. The commentary was minimal and golf related, a refreshing change from the “woke” commentary from the people at Golf Channel/NBC Sports.

The quality of players is much better than the quality of players playing this week at the RSM Classic, and more talented players will, without a doubt, join LIV Golf in the near future.

LIV Golf appeals to the new younger golfers for whom the PGA Tour has not created a path forward and with all the money LIV Golf has to offer; why not?

Instead of spending all that energy blasting Greg Norman and LIV Golf, perhaps McIlroy should let the adults in the room deal with the situation and concentrate in winning tournaments.

My 2022 Golf Season Has Ended

A Season To Remember

Ozarks National Golf Course, Branson , Missouri. Photo courtesy of

The official golf season has ended and I have to say my year was fun, at times a struggle, but mostly fun.

For the first time, I played the Missouri Golf Association, Senior Series Tour, and it was a great experience.

I met a lot of good people and had the opportunity to play with really good golfers and former college athletes. The venues were formidable, and the MGA staff treated us like royalty.

I had the chance to experience a bit of what the tour life is all about. I traveled the state, staying in hotels, paying my own entry fees, and playing some of the most iconic venues in Missouri.

I played 13 tournaments and ended up tied for 8th place for the regular season. This achievement earned me an invitation to the Tour Championship on my first year participating. I finished T-8th to cap a great 1st season.

I also had the opportunity to play in the Missouri Amateur Golf Association, 2022 Senior Amateur, and it was a great opportunity. I did not do as well as I wanted to, but it was fun and met really good people on the way.

One of my best accomplishments in the 2022 season was to shoot my first even par 72 score at my home course. That was an amazing experience, and I was lucky to have share it with really great friends.

The second one was to hit my first 300+ (306 yd) yard drive at our Men’s Club Championship. I guess all my gym work and speed training finally paid off.

Now that the season is over, it is time to regroup and reassess the season. I have already setup my practice area and I am ready to tackle the winter work.

I am looking forward to next season. I hope you had a great season and wish you a better 2023 season.

The Irrelevancy Of Eamon Lynch Continues

Punching Bag Of The Week: Bryson DeChambeau

Boring writing from a hateful little man, Eamon Lynch.

The Golf Channel Eamon Lynch is at it again, this time whining and attacking Bryson DeChambeau.

Instead of confronting DeChambeau on the merits of his argument, he goes into personal attacks in an attempt to ridicule DeChambeau in the eyes of the few readers he happens to have.

DeChambeau was talking about the world golf rankings and commenting about the organization’s stance on granting ranking points to LIV Golf players during his press conference in Bangkok.

Instead of commenting on DeChambeau opinion, Lynch goes on petty attacks.

This is not the first time, Eamon has gone on this tirade. It is obvious he hates LIV Golf and its success is eating his insides.

Sure, he recycles his talking points about LIV Golf, the Saudis, blah, blah, blah, but that is as much of a substance you are going to get from Eamon.

Instead of arguing, what he believes, are the shortcomings of LIV Golf, he goes on attacking everyone who has anything to do with LIV Golf.

He has complained about everything and everyone at LIV Golf. LIV Golf has driven him insane and it is funny to watch and read.

Let us be honest, not many people outside the media world knew who Eamon Lynch was until NBC Sports took over The Golf Channel, got rid of the good commentators, and went on an ‘woke friendly’ hiring spree.

Lynch only cares about advancing his own personal agenda and he will use anyone and will do anything to accomplish it.

He has been suffering from LIV Golf Derangement Syndrome since the inception of LIV Golf into the professional golf world and nothing seems to cure his ailment.

Eamon Lynch opinion writing goes beyond common sense or rationality. Lynch is a hateful person and I can only feel sorry for him.

This opinion piece is another example of the continued irrelevancy of Eamon Lynch.

Get a life Eamon!

The Man Who Killed Professional Golf

PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan

Another week and PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan refuses to see the inevitability of LIV Golf.

As LIV Golf is in serious negotiations for a television deal and top players continue to take the big money, the only thing Jay Monahan can come up with is empty rhetoric.

Him and his little minions at NBC Golf and the Golf Channel are trying hard to convince you that LIV Golf is a shooting star and it will be gone before it starts.

Of course, anyone who has watched the format understands this is going to be part of professional golf and it is here to stay.

LIV CEO, Greg Norman has made a compelling case for LIV Golf and the reasons why it can coexist with the PGA Tour and the DP World Tour.

Greg Norman’s interview with Piers Morgan was very revealing and a very honest take on the situation.

On the other hand, Jay Monahan has gone around whining and complaining about LIV Golf and refusing to even sit down to talk. Instead he sends his little dogs, McIlroy and Horschel to do his bid.

This week, McIlroy stated that it was time to sit down as professional golf was getting ripped apart by this rift.

Even a flip flopper like Rory McIlroy understands, and realizes, LIV Golf is here to stay and the importance for the best players in the world to participate in the Major Championships.

As the professional golf world turns, Jay Monahan insists on staying in the past.