White House Declares Monkeypox A “Public Health Emergency”
Photo courtesy of albawaba.com
It was just a matter of time before the Biden administration would use something like Monkeypox to fix the next election cycle.
They cannot win on the issues, so they have to come up with something to fix the mid-term elections.
It is unfortunate the Biden administration have chosen to politicize Monkeypox instead of addressing the issue head on.
Everyone who has been reading about Monkeypox knows this is not a national emergency, but an emergency limited to certain states and cities in the United States. It is also limited to a specific sector of our population.
Keep in mind, as of today, the number of infected people in the United States is around 6,600 out of a population of over 330 million people.
You do the math and try to rationalize how this is a “public health emergency.”
Like the government did with HIV/AIDS, they have, once again, neglected to address the issue and instead made Monkeypox a political one.
The American Medical Community Suffers from a God Complex
These animals also called themselves “doctors.” Just saying! Photo courtesy of pjsaunders.blogspot.com
Since when doctors have become judge, jury, and executioners?
Who gave doctors the right to decide who lives and who dies?
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many doctors in the United States have decided they have the right to deny care to those who refuse to get vaccinated.
Hospitals have denied care to sick people over a vaccine status, people have been denied surgeries and other life saving measures over a vaccine that the medical community has acknowledged its efficacy is marginal at best.
To justify their unethical and, in my opinion, criminal actions, they want to call it “compassion fatigue.” Are you kidding me?
A doctor in Alabama by the name of Jason Valentine, posted he would no longer see unvaccinated patients. His excuse to his patients? “If they asked why, I told them covid is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”
This man is not a doctor, he is a coward. I always thought doctors were supposed to help people, now they think they are the ones who get to ‘pull the plug’ when it is inconvenient.
This is not the only case. There have been several of these cases in the United States, with a woman in Colorado being denied a kidney transplant under the same circumstances.
The latest has been brought to you by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. A 31-year-old man has been removed from the heart transplant list because he refuses to take the Covid-19 vaccine.
The Harvard University Teaching Hospital is using the CDC as an excuse to remove the man from the list. They say they are following CDC guidelines requiring the vaccine in addition to “lifestyle behaviors” and “to create both the best chance for a successful operation and to optimize the patient’s survival after transplantation, giving that their immune system is drastically suppressed.” Political mumbo-jumbo!
They went on to say, “patients are not active on the waitlist without this.” Excuse me, but the CDC has shown they do not know the difference between their brain and their rear end.
The patient, DJ Ferguson has been in the hospital since last November after his lungs filled up with blood due to a heart issue, and after needing surgery to deal with several blood clots.
His father, David Ferguson, told WBZ-TV, his son “doesn’t’ believe in the Covid-19 jab and considers it “against his basic principles.”
David Ferguson went on to say of his son, “I think my boy is fighting pretty damn courageously and he has integrity and principles he really believes in and that makes me respect him all the more.” “It’s his body. It’s his choice.”
DJ Ferguson’s refusal is in part to the fact that heart complications have been recorded as a serious side effect of the vaccine, and if his heart swells any further his chances of sudden death are extremely high.
How can you blame Mr. Ferguson for refusing a vaccine that may kill him after his transplant? What would be the point of a successful surgery to die afterwards?
Jump off the cliff or shoot yourself, those are the choices given to Mr. Ferguson by the same people who are supposed to oversee saving his life.
Our medical community is insane. Doctors and hospitals cannot be trusted with our most precious possession, our lives.
These people are not healers, these people are murderers, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
I am amazed as how quickly Americans are willing to surrender their rights so they can go inside a restaurant, a theater, or a local coffee shop.
To me, nothing can be more humiliating than being asked for ‘your papers’ before I enter an establishment of any sort. It also comes with negative historical connotations going all the way back to the days of slavery.
Thankfully for me, I do not live in such a place, and if I did, I would never patronize an establishment who wishes to treat its customers like third class citizens.
There are four cities in America that I will never visit or spend my money to promote their tourism or any other enterprise. Chicago, Boston, New York City, and Washington D.C. have chosen to become bastions of all out communism with their ‘proof of vaccination’ mandates and mandatory vaccination requirements.
In these cities, if a person does not have proof of vaccination, they will not be able to enter restaurants, bars, nightclubs, entertainment venues, and gyms, among other things.
Some of these new rules are already in place like in New York City, with some going into effect at the beginning of the new year in places like Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Boston.
The reality is businesses are already hurting and here comes the government placing more draconian restrictions that do little to combat the virus and everything to bankrupt private industries.
Many people already have chosen not to visit these cities due to their high crime, diminished law enforcement, and socialist policies. Others have chosen to move out of the city and in some cases the state all together.
Requiring people to show vaccination papers is probably the last straw most Americans with an ounce of dignity are going to be willing to go along with for the sake of access to entertainment. Places with such requirements are not going to prosper and they will become financial and social cemeteries.
I do not understand how the people in these cities are willing to go along with this nonsense. These mandates have been implemented without public hearings or any input from the community, but they strictly affect them.
These rules have been drafted with little science behind them and ‘best guess’ scenarios. It is obvious the Biden administration was not ready for the Omicron variant, but it has also been proven the variant is not as deadly as the prior Delta variant.
So why are these cities placing more restrictions on their citizens with a variant that is less than lethal than the prior one? Power and control.
In government, once they give, they will not take, and once they take, they will never give it back.
What is next for the United States? Internment camps for the unvaccinated? These are scary times in the United States and with the Democratic Party in power, nobody knows what is going to happen. The Democratic Party is about power, not about the well-being of the American citizen.
Next time someone asks you for ‘your papers,’ turn around and do not spend your hard-earned money there. History is full of examples of places where showing ‘your papers’ lead to death and indoctrination camps.
The Nazis used to have a phrase they would use to justify all the abuses by the state: “FurIhreSicherheit.” Translation? “For your safety.”
As we continue to face the government induced COVID-19 hysteria, our own government continues to move the goal posts to justify their agenda.
On a Sunday CNN interview, Fauci was unable to give a clear answer when asked if booster shots were going to be necessary to classify Americans as “fully vaccinated.”
“We’re going to be following that very carefully” Fauci was quoted as saying. He went on to say the Biden administration “might modify the guidelines.”
Americans “should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about protection,” the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ might change. That is reassuring coming from a man who has gotten it wrong from the start.
Today, if you have gotten the double doses from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines you are considered “fully vaccinated.” The same goes with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Unfortunately, these bureaucrats want you and me to continue to get booster after booster after booster, with no end in sight and without a logical explanation.
On another interview with ABC News, Fauci went on to say, “We’ll continue to follow the data because right now when we’re boosting people, what we’re doing is following them.” “We’re going to see what the durability of that protection is.”
Efficacy ratings are all over the place, and with the introduction of several variants, the numbers are even murkier. The only actual data on boosters is coming out of Israel and it is only about 30 days of data. That’s not enough data to make an informed decision.
In my opinion, Fauci does not know the efficacy of the vaccines, so he’s throwing garbage at the wall and see if some of it sticks.
I would love to know what “data” Fauci, and his gang are following, because their data is either faulty at best or phony at worst. It changes so much from network to network, from interview to interview, they can’t keep up with it.
In the past, the CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky has been quoted as saying the official definition of ‘fully vaccinated,’ “may” need to change in the face of booster shots availability.
What is the magic number? They do not know!
Let us keep on jabbing until the narrative is justified. It does not matter who dies in the process. After all the government and pharmaceuticals are fully exempt from responsibility and cannot be sued by victims of their experiments.
This is what happens when career bureaucrats are in charge of things they don’t understand.
Are these people dangerous to your health? You bet!
Healthcare Workers; once lauded as heroes, today they are treated as zeroes. Healthcare workers share photos of their bruised faces. Photo courtesy of viralhatch.com
I remember the days after September 11, 2001, every American was going around waving their little American flags, singing Kumbaya, and praising those brave first responders.
That lasted a few months and then everyone went back to their selfish ways. I know because I was a Federal Air Marshal and people were acting like fools on flights and in the airports. Many Americans have a noticeably short-term memory when it does not directly affect them.
Fast forward to 2020 and the Chinese virus. Once again, Americans were praising the healthcare frontline workers and you could not turn to a television channel without some type of advertising saying thanks for their work and sacrifice.
These workers exposed themselves to Covid-19 patients’ day and day out. Their faces were scarred from wearing masks for long hours and they ran the risk of infecting their own loved ones. Mind you, when Covid-19 appeared into the scene nobody knew much about it, we still don’t.
But now, in 2021, those who were once the heroes of the pandemic have become the zeroes. Hospitals and healthcare systems throughout the United States are mandating these healthcare workers to vaccinate or else.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens crossing our Southern border and Afghans refugees are not mandated to be vaccinated before been dropped off by the government into our communities. Go figure!
Nationwide, healthcare workers who have been exposed to Covid -19, and most likely have developed antibodies against the disease, are now facing termination and ridiculous fees if they refuse to vaccinate or have their own spouses vaccinated.
The latest on this Orwellian saga is Ochsner Health in Louisiana. The largest healthcare provider in the State will begin imposing fines, $200.00 each month if the spouse of an employee is unvaccinated. Say what? They call it the “Spousal Covid Vaccine Fee”.
Basically, this will affect employees whose spouses are on the hospital’s healthcare plan. But Ochsner is going to be nice enough to allow them to split the payment into two $100.00 payments.
Between this and medical doctors refusing to treat unvaccinated people, we can officially declare the medical community as insane.
How can you trust a healthcare system who behaves this way against their own workers? You can’t!