The United States Doubles Down on the Police State and the Crushing of Constitutional Rights

On September 10, 2020, Denmark was the first Scandinavian country, and among the first European countries, to lift all domestic Covid-19 restrictions.
The country reached an 80% vaccination rate of people 12 years and older and the Danish country no longer deemed Covid-19 a ‘socially critical disease.” Denmark went as far as no longer requiring proof of vaccination to enter public facilities.
Norway has joined Denmark in lifting Covid-19 restrictions. No more “social distancing,” businesses will be allowed to remain open after midnight, and even handshakes are back in social life.
With 76% of the population fully vaccinated, the country feels restrictions are no longer necessary. The Danish government stresses they will have “an increased preparedness” in place and local restrictions could be imposed in the event of a flareup.
It is very uplifting to see other countries using a commonsense approach to combat Covid-19 while the United States continues to behave like a Banana Republic, with draconian restrictions, senseless mask orders, and government-imposed vaccination mandates.
I wonder what Senator Bernie Sanders and all the cheerleaders of Norwegian and Danish “socialism” have to say about this. Just a few years ago they were praising both countries for their “socialist” lifestyle. The fact is Scandinavian countries are far from being socialist countries.
With that in mind, you would think they would be the first ones to tell Joe Biden to mind his own business when it comes to people’s rights and open the country with zero restrictions. The silence is deafening.
I would have never guessed that in 2021, Denmark and Norway would look more democratic than the United States of America. It is almost laughable if it was not an American tragedy.
Of course, the Biden administration will try to make the case that with only approximately 56% of the population vaccinated, the risk is too big to resume normal life. The reality is this was the plan all along, blame the Trump administration, get them out of office by any means possible, and impose a “soft” Police State on the American people.
The Biden administration is hiding the fact the Democrats were the ones who undermined the vaccine and that is the reason the American people are skeptical about taking it.
But let us be real, anybody with a functioning brain understands vaccination does not mean one will not get the virus, it only means one may be able to manage the virus a little better. Furthermore, if one already contracted the virus and has the antibodies, vaccination is a waste of resources.
The Biden administration is equating the vaccination mandate to full immunization, and we all know that is not true.
The Biden administration is more concerned about destroying the American culture, our history, our Constitutional rights, and even placing the illegal alien, the non-citizen, above the citizen, they are willing to do anything to achieve their” Master Plan” of redefining the country into a socialist utopia.
So, while the world is coming to terms with Covid-19 using a commonsense approach and actual science to open their countries, the United States is on its way to become a full fledge Banana Republic. From open borders, massive spending, illegal immigration, to governmental unconstitutional mandates, the United States is at the verge of becoming a failed state.
The rest of the world is laughing at the United States while Americans are suffering because of an ineffective government and politically biased polices.
This is not about your health, this about controlling every aspect of your life.