The Unfriendly Skies

Where Are The Air Marshals?

Are there any Air Marshals on board?

On October 3, 2023, Senator Ted Cruz, ranking member of the committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, sent a letter to the TSA Administrator David Pekoske, requesting information about the Federal Air Marshal Service deployment of air marshals to the Southern border.

In this letter, Senator Cruz questioned why hundreds of air marshals have been used at the border and why they were “administering aid to illegal aliens”.

The letter goes on to highlight several incidents on flights within the past year and how the presence of air marshals could have had prevented the incidents from escalating.

It poses several interesting questions to the administrator, and I am looking forward to seeing how the administrator responds.

As a retired air marshal, I can’t stress enough how invaluable the presence of air marshals onboard an aircraft is. I know when I fly, I would feel more safe knowing that I have brothers and sisters covering my six while on vacation travel.

Air marshals are not trained to do what the Transportation Security Administration is making them do at the Southern border.

As indicated in the letter to the administrator, air marshals have been used to perform “administrative functions, conducting welfare checks, and escorting aliens to processing centers.”

Air marshals are highly skilled trained operators. The agency spends thousands of dollars training air marshals to deal with real time stressful situations.

This is your tax dollars at work, and you should demand better from your government.

As air marshals continue to be deployed to the Southern border, our skies continue to be vulnerable to another 9/11 style attack.

With an open border, the government is only inviting more trouble and our transportation system is at the weakest position I have seen it since I joined the service back in 2002.

This should be of concern to any American citizen who steps on an aircraft. This is you and your family’s safety. With an open border we bring new security challenges and air marshals should be deployed where they belong: the skies.

The 80 Million Voter Man Week-in-Review

Joe Biden and an Administration Barely Alive

The 80 Million Voter Man is no 6 Million Dollar Man. Photo courtesy of

In the introduction to the 6 Million Dollar Man, you can hear the following:

Harve Bennett:
Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive.

Oscar Goldman:
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better… stronger… faster.

In 2022 United States the introduction would be as follow:

The American People:

Joe Biden, President. A man barely alive.

Failed Democrat Controlled Government:

Gentlemen, we cannot rebuild him. We do not have the technology.

We do not have the capability to restore Joe Biden’s credibility. Joe Biden is a liar. A bigger liar than before. Worse, weaker…slower.

It has been an interesting week with the 80 Million Voter Man continuing to spread misinformation and blaming Russia for everything, from higher gasoline prices to the lack of baby formula for American citizens.

It seems Joe Biden cannot take responsibility for what is a failed administration. A broken border, a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine, the highest inflation levels in decades, higher consumer products prices, gasoline prices at record high and rising, shortages of baby formula for American citizens babies, you name it, it is Russia’s fault.

While the United States government, including Republicans, continue to send billions of dollars to Ukraine, and war monger Republican senator Lindsey Graham calls for an “all out” war with Russia, Americans continue to suffer and the people in charge of this country do not care.

This week was no different than the one before. Joe Biden went on a speaking spree throwing the same talking points, Russia this, Russia that, but with no viable solution in sight. He had nothing to offer but silly rhetoric and a bag full of lies.

While Americans are put in the position to choose between feeding their families or paying their mortgage, the Democrats continue to go the “social issues” route, from student loan debt forgiveness to abortion rights.

In the real world, the problems keeping Americans up at night are more pressing. Since January 2022, natural gas prices have tripled and new record highs of $4.40 per gallon of gasoline are making everyday life a lot tougher.

With the upcoming reversal of Title 42 things are going to get even more difficult. The influx of thousands of illegal aliens is going to overwhelm an already stressed system and it is going to put more pressure on social services meant for American citizens.

If you want a little preview, go no further than the current baby formula crisis. While shelfs are running empty, the United States government have horded large amounts of baby formula for illegal aliens at their detention facilities.

If you listen to the 80 Million Voter Man, you will think everything is fine, but is not. The Biden administration claims this crisis “is not new to the White House.” Were they aware and did nothing?

Who knows, maybe Joe has been hording the baby formula for himself.

Joe Biden claims he will speed up manufacturing process while cracking down on price gauging. Folks, he cannot do this, and he knows it. There is no evidence of price gauging, but plenty of evidence of government hording.

The Biden Food and Drug Administration shutdown the Abbott Nutrition Plant in Sturgis, Michigan for a whole month. They knew what was going to happen and if they did not, shame on them.

Another week ends with Joe Biden lying to the American people, blaming everything on Russia, funding a proxy war with Russia with money we do not have, and keeping American babies from accessing baby formula while illegal aliens, and their children, are well taken care of by the same government who neglects its citizens.

Another garden variety week from the 80 Million Voter Man.

Stay tuned for next week episode of the 80 Million Voter Man, I guarantee, it will not disappoint.

Congressional Buffoon of the Week

Maxine Waters

Congresswoman Maxine Waters

I thought I have read and heard enough racist vitriol coming out of Congresswoman Maxine Waters mouth to fill a landfill.  Well, I was wrong.

This week, on the subject of Haitians camping out in our Southern border, Congresswoman Waters stated the treatment of Haitian migrants, is “worse than what we witnessed in slavery.”   

Mind you, she represents the same Democratic Party who claimed the January 6th events at the Capitol were worse than the attacks of September 11th

She went on to say that images of Border Patrol agents on horseback “takes us back hundreds of years.”

This is absurd and downplays the severity and impact slavery had in the United States.

I guess Border Patrol agents doing their jobs is tantamount to racism according to this member of the United States Congress. 

If we are to follow Congresswoman Waters irrational view, we should get rid of horseback patrols in cities like New York City, Chicago, and yes, Washington, D.C. Give me a break!

She also claimed, falsely, “Cowboys with their reins, again, whipping Black people, Haitians, into the water.”

This is an insult to Border patrol agents who are supposed to be protecting our borders.  Referring to Border Patrol agents as “Cowboys” is ridiculous and disrespectful.

Nobody was getting “whipped” and nobody has been pushed into the water.  This is all mainstream media propaganda and lies.  A member of Congress should be better educated before spewing misinformation.

Let’s be clear, Haitians are not United States citizens and Joe Biden is following the law and the Constitution despite Congresswoman Waters comments.

Haitians, nor any other illegal alien, are entitled to Civil Rights under our Constitution. 

Anybody wanting to come to the United States must do it legally and in accordance with our laws, no exceptions.

That’s the law, and for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be briefing so-called Civil Rights leaders of the situation is irresponsible, and in my opinion, puts our Border Patrol agents in danger.

Congresswoman Waters should be asking where all the millions we send to Haiti have gone.  She should be more concern about our country’s safety and security, and not illegal aliens invading our country.

Of course, that would mean she care about the United States, and she doesn’t.

This makes Congresswoman Maxine Waters, this week’s Congressional Buffoon.

Illegal Immigration: The Cleansing of American Society

In a little over two weeks, Joe Biden has managed to destroy all the advancements achieved during the Trump administration regarding immigration.

From “Zero Tolerance” on illegal border prosecutions, halting construction of the border wall, doubling down on DACA, and ending the visa ban on mostly third world Muslim countries under the excuse the Trump administration was targeting Muslims, when in fact these countries which include Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, are sponsors of terrorism.

This is just to name a few of the things Joe Biden has done to make our country a safe haven for terrorists, drug dealers, child smugglers, and illegal aliens.

If you think the Department of Homeland Security under the supervision of newly confirmed Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is going to enforce the rules and the law, you are in for a big surprise.  All you are going to see is more of the lawlessness experienced during the Obama years. 

Alejandro Mayorkas comes to office with a bag full of scandal, from ethics violations to pushing Democrat agendas while in charge of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services.

They cheer the fact he is the first “Latino” to serve in the capacity of DHS Secretary.  Spare me the cheers, as a former DHS employee, I am embarrassed that a scandal ridden individual oversees our country’s security, regardless of ethnicity.   

We had some weak and ineffective secretaries during my tenure at DHS, but not even G.W. Bush or Obama appointees were as bad as Mayorkas.  DHS employees, and the American people, are going wish to they had President Trump back in charge.

As an American of Spanish heritage, I despise illegal immigration and illegal aliens.  As a former law enforcement officer, even more so.

Illegal aliens are a burden to our system and pose a threat to the security of our country.  It is ironic that countries who export these people to our border do not export their “best and brightest”.  We only get the sick, uneducated, and criminal element. 

Of course, it is a business of demand.  Since Americans are too lazy to work the fields and farmers need cheap labor, Washington looks the other way while eating their freshly picked strawberries.

What we are witnessing is the “cleansing” of the American society.  The American citizen has been systematically replaced by the non-citizen because the non-citizen is easy to mold, easy to be programmed.

Illegal aliens have no loyalty towards our Constitution or system of law, so they have nothing to fight for, nothing to be proud of.  They just take from hard working Americans, they get “free everything”; housing, healthcare, education, childcare, basically all the things hard working Americans must pay for.

Meanwhile, thousands of people trying to come to our country legally must wait in line, and face the bureaucracy, to enjoy the privileged of becoming an American citizen.  The system is broken because of people like Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they think of the American citizen as second class while fighting for the illegal alien. 

American citizenship is a privilege, and in my opinion, an honor.  To call yourself an American should be something to be proud of, and if you are not a legal citizen, you should earn that privilege.  Unfortunately, the Democrats and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce, think illegal aliens are better than you and me.

Next time your congressman tries to sell you a sob story about why we need illegal aliens in our country, remind him or her that you can do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and cut your own grass.  That is the American Way!

The American Flag

As the United States Supreme Court prepares to start hearing arguments on the legalities and authority exercised by President Donald J. Trump to shutdown the Obama era policy known as DACA, I ask myself many questions.

As I look at the people arguing the validity of the program, I can’t help to notice the lack of American flags among those who claimed to belong in this country. I see flags from every other Latin American country, I see signs in Spanish, and all I can hear is pure hatred towards the country they claim to have a right to live in.

As a Combat Veteran and retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer, the American flag means everything I fought for. I was born in Puerto Rico, and despite the fact Puerto Rico has its own flag, the only flag I have ever flown in my house is the beautiful Stars and Stripes.

Since passing of the act by the Continental Congress in 1777 authorizing the creation of a flag for this great nation, many men and woman have died defending it. The American flag, as the Constitution, is a symbol of freedom worldwide. Countries fighting for their own freedom from fascism and communism often march with the American flag as a symbol of strength and resolution. So why people who claim to want to be in this country won’t do the same?

It is embarrassing, and actually sad, to see DACA recipients on the steps of the Supreme Court waving foreign flags while speaking Spanish and demanding they be accepted by our society.

Citizenship is a privilege, not a right, and those seeking that privilege ought to earn that privilege, not by waving foreign flags, but by waving the American flag, embracing our culture, speak the English language, and actually loving this great country.

As an American of Spanish heritage, and as a citizen of this great country, I despise illegal immigration, illegal aliens, and anybody who has no respect for our laws. I love my flag, my language, and my country, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in this world.

As the Supreme Court of the United States embarks on this journey, I hope and pray they will come to the understanding that DACA was an unconstitutional action, even admitted to be by then President Barack Obama, and that is up to the United States Congress to pass the laws and for the President of the United States to enforce such laws. This is an issue for the United States Congress, not for the Supreme Court to legislate from the bench.

The Judiciary was always meant to be the weakest branch of the three branches because the framers understood the importance of the Congress and their duty to enact laws. The Federalist Papers are full of examples in which they intended for this to be. In recent years the Supreme Court has almost become a legislative branch by actively reversing current law enacted by the people we have elected to perform those duties.

I hope this time is different.