All Mass Shootings Are Not Created Equal

Criminals Do Not Care About Gun Laws

As I listened to Joe Biden last Thursday spill a bunch of nonsense on national television about gun control without offering real solutions, one can only wonder.

I am not one to delve on conspiracy theories, but after having a conversation about the 18-year-old, Uvalde shooter, I developed a few questions worth asking.

How an 18-year-old with a fast-food job could afford to buy such expensive weapons?

Where did he get the money? $9,000.00 worth of guns!

Who gave him the money?

Unlike the false claim by Joe Biden that the Uvalde shooter’s sister purchased the weapons for him when he was seventeen years old, reports coming out of Uvalde indicates he legally purchased two Daniel Defense, AR-style rifles days after his 18th birthday.

In addition, this information was corroborated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives during a state senate committee hearing.

As a firearms instructor and retired Federal agent, I can tell you Daniel Defense makes one of the best AR-style rifles in the world and they are not something an 18-year-old, without solid means, could afford to buy. This individual bought two of them.  These are questions worth entertaining.

It has been proven that some of these individuals hang out in dark websites where likeminded people share their sick ideas with one another. It does not take much for an adult to poison the mind of an 18-year-old with crazy ideas, and to offer him or her the means to accomplish their nefarious plans.

I am not saying the Uvalde shooter was a tool for someone else’s sick plan, but as the Democrats continue to push for gun control and a complete repeal of the 2nd amendment, one begs the question.

On Thursday’s speech, Joe Biden cited the CDC by saying guns are the biggest killer of children in America, worse than car accidents and cancer.

According to CDC data, 4,368 kids died from gunshot wounds in the US in 2020. Of those, 2,811 were considered homicides, 1,293 were suicides.  149 were listed as “unintentional” deaths, and 25 were classified as “legal interventions.” Ninety of the deaths could not be classified due to a lack of information.

One death is one too many, but we need to examine the circumstances behind the cases in order to arrive at a logical conclusion and a viable solution. Legislation based on feelings is not sound and most of the time it does not solves the problem.

When talking about the Uvalde shooting, Biden claimed the shooting was so massive, “parents had to do DNA swabs to identify remains of their children.” This is normal procedure Joe. Anything that helps to properly identify a victim is used during the criminal investigation and victim identification.

He asked the congress to do something about it. Among the things he wants include but are not limited to a new assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban.

The original ban was enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004. Joe Biden claims during the 10-year ban, mass shootings were significantly lower than since its expiration. There is not enough research nor information to corroborate or deny Biden’s claims.

The fact is that most crimes involving a firearm are not perpetrated with rifles or shotguns, but with handguns.

He asked for a raise in the age limit from 18 to 21 years of age to purchase an AR based firearm. I do not have a problem with that. A military trained 18-year-old is much different than an 18-year-old with no weapon’s handling education.

He wants the government to enact “red flag laws” at the federal level. According to him, this would allow parents, teachers, and school chancellors to ask courts to prohibit gun purchases by children with violent or suicidal tendencies.

This is a trojan horse for government intrusion into people’s homes. Children cannot purchase firearms in the United States until they reach the age established by the state they live in.

He also asked for laws strengthening gun storage and personal liability for unsecured guns. Every single gun owner I know understands and practice proper gun storage. This is not a national crisis, and it does not need federal government intervention. Several states are already passed legislation on these issues.

Joe Biden asked for legislation holding gun manufacturers responsible for the actions of these murderers. Of course, Biden does not know what he is taking about.

By his illogical thought pattern, we would have to also enact legislation to hold car manufacturers responsible for deaths caused by their vehicles in the hands of irresponsible drivers.

Lastly, the idea that universal background checks will keep away guns from the hands of criminals is ridiculous. Criminals do not purchase their guns from an authorized FFL dealer, they buy them from other criminals in dark alleys. This is nothing more than an attempt at record keeping on law abiding citizens and the whereabouts of firearms throughout the United States.

He went on to say the rights on the Constitution were not “absolute”, including the 2nd amendment. “the right of people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That sounds pretty absolute to me, and the United States Supreme Court has affirmed its absoluteness in many court rulings.

When a president tells its people their rights are no longer guaranteed, he or she are no longer the president of a republic, but a petty dictator, and Joe Biden sounded just like one.

Mass shootings are horrible and destroy families, but they have to be examined individually as motivations differ from each other.

The Buffalo shooter was motivated by race. As of today, the Uvalde shooter’s motivation remains unknown, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Saint Francis Hospital shooter, blamed his doctor for his pain after surgery, and the Oklahoma festival shooter killed 1 and injured several after gunfire preceded an argument.

Unfortunately, we have an administration and a Democratic Party controlled congress who does not care for the Constitution or our rights under it.

If Joe Biden thought he could get away with it, he would try to the same thing Justin Trudeau has done in Canada, he would ban all sales of firearms in the United States.

Nobody wants mass shootings, or any shootings to happen. I do not know anyone who enjoys the murder of children in schools or doctors in a hospital, but for the Democrats to politicize such deaths is despicable and inhumane.

As usual, Joe Biden offered a lot of whispers with empty rhetoric. The Democrats do not want common sense gun legislation, they want to strip Americans of their legally owned firearms and the outright repeal of the 2nd amendment.

The 2nd amendment is the only right keeping this country from becoming Venezuela.

Real Estate Wokeness Gone Wild

How a Couple of CEO’s Don’t Think You Should Know if Your Future Neighborhood is Safe

Photo courtesy of

One thing I have always done while house hunting is to make a point of visiting the local Police Department.

You may ask yourself why I do that. Simple, like Willie Sutton used to say, he robbed banks because that’s where the money was, the same thing with Police Departments, that’s where the information is, they know about the crime activity in the neighborhood.

I don’ know of anybody who willingly would want to buy a home in a crime ridden neighborhood, but that’s not what the CEO’s of and Redfin believe.

According to Realtor CEO, David Doctorow, the crime statistics option on their search engine has been removed from the search options.

As to the why the decision to remove such an important search from their engine, Doctorow was quoted as saying, “level the playing field” and “reimagine how we integrate safety data.”

He went on to say about the FBI Crime Statistics, “unfairly penalize communities of color.”

Mr. Doctorow wants to cover the sky with his hands and wants you to believe crime statistics are culturally biased or some other liberal nonsense.

He is trying to convince you that FBI Crime Statistics, which show that 13% of the population, who happens to be African American, are arrested for more than half of the country’s murders and 52% of major robberies, are somehow racist or inaccurate.

He may think this information is not pertinent when looking for a safe place to live.

Redfin, another real estate search engine, went on as far as to claim crime statistics were inaccurate and quote “there’s to great of this inaccuracy reinforcing rural bias.”

I am sure the FBI would highly disagree with Redfin CEO, Christian Taubman.

Perhaps, Taubman is willfully ignorant as to the reality on the ground or he is just simply too woke.

Taubman, who has zero law enforcement experience, claims, “most crimes in the U.S. go unreported.” Of course he can’t back up that claim, but alas.

A 2019 Crime Victimization Survey figures mirrored those of the FBI, indicating that Black Americans accounted for a quarter of all reported violent crimes.

Taubman went on to dismiss the results of the survey as “racially bias.”

Again, Taubman has no experience to challenge the FBI data or its conclusions. The truth is never racially biased Mr. Taubman. The truth doesn’t differentiate between color, races, or national origins.

The facts are the facts. The FBI data is a compilation of information from law enforcement agencies nationwide. They are not socially biased, they are factual reports, based on actual criminal activity and arrests.

Let’s be honest, for Doctorow and Taubman it is all about the money and not your safety. After all, I would bet Doctorow and Taubman live in nice protected communities, and not the dirt holes they would want you to move into.

They could have done this quietly, but they probably thought that by making this public, they were going to join the ‘Woke Luck Club.’

All it did was to bring back to light the reality of the 13% who get arrested for the 52% of violent crimes in America.

But, don’t despair, all is not lost. You don’t have to buy a home in a neighborhood overrun by crime because a couple of CEO’s think you are being ‘insensitive or racially biased’ for wanting to provide a safe environment for your family.

Although real estate agents can’t tell you whether or not you are buying in a good or bad area, your local police department can. You can still get that information, you just have to become your own private investigator.

Redfin and Realtor can remove the crime statistics layer from their search engines, but you have the right to purchase a home in the best neighborhood you can afford.

You have the right to know what kind of criminal activity goes on in the community you are contemplating to buy a home.

So, next time you are in the market for a home, visit the local Sherriff or Police Department, they are the best sources of information regarding the crime activity in your future community.

Quotes provided by

Time To Call It for What It Is

The Massacre of Waukesha

Darrell E. Brooks Photo courtesy of MCDA/

As much as the liberal media wants to make Darrell E. Brooks a victim of society, the fact is that Brooks is nothing more than a career criminal and a calculated murderer.

Brooks is a self-proclaimed racist, admirer of Adolf Hitler, and a BLM sympathizer. It is no secret Brooks hates white people and those of the Jewish faith.

The evidence is in his own Facebook page and rap lyrics. The press cannot deny these facts, no matter how much they try.

Brooks is a career criminal with page after page of criminal charges and convictions. This gem was a Tier 2 registered sex offender in the state of Nevada for having sex with underage girls.

A warrant for his arrest is still active according to the Washoe Sheriff’s Department for “non-compliance with sex offenders law.” He was arrested in 2016, but he skipped town while on bail and never faced a criminal court.

His criminal rap sheet goes all the way back to 1999 when he was convicted of aggravated battery and sentenced to three years’ probation.

According to Breitbart News, Brooks criminal record from 2002 to 2020 looks like this:

  • Convicted on felony drug charges
  • Convicted for obstructing an officer
  • Charged with reckless endangerment
  • Charged with having a firearm as a felon
  • Pleaded no contest for allegedly strangling a woman
  • Pleaded guilty to drug and bail jumping charges
  • Pleaded guilty to resisting arrest
  • Pleaded guilty to felony drug charges

In one of his latest encounters with the law before his killing spree in Waukesha, Brooks was arrested for allegedly running over a woman at a gas station after they had an argument. Brooks was released from jail after he posted a whooping $1000 bond.

I am sure you are asking yourself; how an animal like this is allowed to roam the streets in a civilized society? That makes two of us.

This man should have never had the opportunity to kill 6 people and injure many more. This man should have been behind bars and the key thrown away for a long time.

Unfortunately, the law failed to do its job and this self-proclaimed racist had the opportunity to inflict harm upon innocent people, who conveniently were white.

This is a mass murderer who committed a ‘Hate Crime.’ Why the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, has not flocked to Waukesha to investigate what, if it were committed against blacks by a white perpetrator, would have been classified as a hate crime?

I tell you why. For some odd reason, in the United States, and against the Constitution, white people are not entitled to Civil Rights. Being white in America makes you an automatic bigot and therefore you have forfeited all your rights.

I cannot remember the last time a black person was charged with Civil Rights violations for killing white people, and I guess Brooks will get away with it also.

Anybody who thinks this was not a premediated action by Brooks needs to have their head examined.

Brooks had many opportunities to take different routes or even park his vehicle and walk away. Instead, he chose to ram his SUV head on through this Christmas parade and kill as many white people as possible he could in the process, because that is what he wanted to do.

Brooks hated white people and it was not a secret. He was an active supporter of Blacks Lives Matter. The same Blacks Lives Matter who has unsuccessfully attempted, twice, to raise the $5 million dollar bail for this mass murderer. Thankfully, and strangely, GoFundMe has not allowed them to do so.

Darrell Brooks is mass murderer, and this was a massacre. It is time to call it for what it is.

CNN and the Washington Post may want you to believe a “car” was responsible for this tragedy, but make no mistake, the only person responsible for this mass murder is convicted career criminal, Darrell E. Brooks.

Other sources: Breitbart News

The Unconstitutional Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump

Once again, the lawless Democrat controlled Congress have chosen to dismiss the United States Constitution and proceed with a second impeachment trial of former President, Donald J. Trump.

The Constitution is clear, this an unconstitutional action, mostly done to show the American people we do not matter, and our system of government has been relegated to a Banana Republic status.

The United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 4, states: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”

First off, President Trump is no longer the sitting president, therefore impeachment under the Constitution is not a viable avenue.  President Trump left office on January 20th as specified in the 20th Amendment.  So, once again, the impeachment trial is unconstitutional and illegal. It is so unconstitutional, not even the left leaning U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts would preside over it.

The unelected dictator in the White House obviously does not care about the Constitution, otherwise he would have asked his Democrat controlled legislature to stop this circus and move on to more pressing issues.

Only an unintelligent person would believe what happened at the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, was because of President Trump.  What happened at the Capitol was a failure of law enforcement, the intelligence community, and a minority of reckless individuals.  Video evidence has shown most of these people were allowed inside the building by the same law enforcement officers in charge of protecting the Capitol.

Many Americans present were exercising their rights as free Americans to assemble and peacefully demonstrate.   At no point in the President’s speech, did he ask for his supporters to storm the Capitol or cause harm, anybody who speaks to the contrary is lying.

This is the lie the Democrat controlled Congress is using to justify an impeachment trial on a President who has already left office.

As a professional law enforcement officer, I could see the people climbing the walls and destroying property.  These were not every day Americans; these were professional agitators in the mold of Antifa and other domestic disruptive groups.  To say these people were “White Supremacists” or “antigovernment insurgents” is grabbing the lowest hanging fruit available, and it is simply ignorant.

This was not an “Insurrection” as many in the media or our own government wants to portrait this law enforcement failure. 

“An act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.”  This is the meaning of an insurrection and what we saw at the Capitol does not even come close.

These rioters were not rising in revolt, rebellion, resisting against civil authority, or an established government.  These rioters were not doing anything more or anything less than what Antifa has done to American cities for the better part of 2020, destruction of property and supported by the lack of action from law enforcement agencies.

If you want to read about real cases of insurrection, go no further than Napoleon, Francisco Franco, Qadhafi, Idi Amin, and Pinochet, to name a few.  These individuals used insurrections to raise to the top.  If we had an insurrection in this country, it was done at the ballot box, by the voter fraud committed by the Democratic Party.

With this unconstitutional impeachment, the United States government is saying that former President Trump is no better than these dictators.  That is an insult to the American people, to our country, and to the former President.

This phony trial is a black eye on America, and we should be ashamed of the people we have sent to Congress to represent us.  This is not what I voted for.

While citizens in other undemocratic countries fight to have a representative government like that of the United States, the Democratic Party is tearing down our institutions, our culture, our history, and dismissing the Constitution to govern. 

Illegal Immigration: The Cleansing of American Society

In a little over two weeks, Joe Biden has managed to destroy all the advancements achieved during the Trump administration regarding immigration.

From “Zero Tolerance” on illegal border prosecutions, halting construction of the border wall, doubling down on DACA, and ending the visa ban on mostly third world Muslim countries under the excuse the Trump administration was targeting Muslims, when in fact these countries which include Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, are sponsors of terrorism.

This is just to name a few of the things Joe Biden has done to make our country a safe haven for terrorists, drug dealers, child smugglers, and illegal aliens.

If you think the Department of Homeland Security under the supervision of newly confirmed Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is going to enforce the rules and the law, you are in for a big surprise.  All you are going to see is more of the lawlessness experienced during the Obama years. 

Alejandro Mayorkas comes to office with a bag full of scandal, from ethics violations to pushing Democrat agendas while in charge of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services.

They cheer the fact he is the first “Latino” to serve in the capacity of DHS Secretary.  Spare me the cheers, as a former DHS employee, I am embarrassed that a scandal ridden individual oversees our country’s security, regardless of ethnicity.   

We had some weak and ineffective secretaries during my tenure at DHS, but not even G.W. Bush or Obama appointees were as bad as Mayorkas.  DHS employees, and the American people, are going wish to they had President Trump back in charge.

As an American of Spanish heritage, I despise illegal immigration and illegal aliens.  As a former law enforcement officer, even more so.

Illegal aliens are a burden to our system and pose a threat to the security of our country.  It is ironic that countries who export these people to our border do not export their “best and brightest”.  We only get the sick, uneducated, and criminal element. 

Of course, it is a business of demand.  Since Americans are too lazy to work the fields and farmers need cheap labor, Washington looks the other way while eating their freshly picked strawberries.

What we are witnessing is the “cleansing” of the American society.  The American citizen has been systematically replaced by the non-citizen because the non-citizen is easy to mold, easy to be programmed.

Illegal aliens have no loyalty towards our Constitution or system of law, so they have nothing to fight for, nothing to be proud of.  They just take from hard working Americans, they get “free everything”; housing, healthcare, education, childcare, basically all the things hard working Americans must pay for.

Meanwhile, thousands of people trying to come to our country legally must wait in line, and face the bureaucracy, to enjoy the privileged of becoming an American citizen.  The system is broken because of people like Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they think of the American citizen as second class while fighting for the illegal alien. 

American citizenship is a privilege, and in my opinion, an honor.  To call yourself an American should be something to be proud of, and if you are not a legal citizen, you should earn that privilege.  Unfortunately, the Democrats and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce, think illegal aliens are better than you and me.

Next time your congressman tries to sell you a sob story about why we need illegal aliens in our country, remind him or her that you can do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and cut your own grass.  That is the American Way!