On October 3, 2023, Senator Ted Cruz, ranking member of the committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, sent a letter to the TSA Administrator David Pekoske, requesting information about the Federal Air Marshal Service deployment of air marshals to the Southern border.
In this letter, Senator Cruz questioned why hundreds of air marshals have been used at the border and why they were “administering aid to illegal aliens”.
The letter goes on to highlight several incidents on flights within the past year and how the presence of air marshals could have had prevented the incidents from escalating.
It poses several interesting questions to the administrator, and I am looking forward to seeing how the administrator responds.
As a retired air marshal, I can’t stress enough how invaluable the presence of air marshals onboard an aircraft is. I know when I fly, I would feel more safe knowing that I have brothers and sisters covering my six while on vacation travel.
Air marshals are not trained to do what the Transportation Security Administration is making them do at the Southern border.
As indicated in the letter to the administrator, air marshals have been used to perform “administrative functions, conducting welfare checks, and escorting aliens to processing centers.”
Air marshals are highly skilled trained operators. The agency spends thousands of dollars training air marshals to deal with real time stressful situations.
This is your tax dollars at work, and you should demand better from your government.
As air marshals continue to be deployed to the Southern border, our skies continue to be vulnerable to another 9/11 style attack.
With an open border, the government is only inviting more trouble and our transportation system is at the weakest position I have seen it since I joined the service back in 2002.
This should be of concern to any American citizen who steps on an aircraft. This is you and your family’s safety. With an open border we bring new security challenges and air marshals should be deployed where they belong: the skies.
They are coming after you next! Photo courtesy of theglobepost.com
The home of the former President of The United States of America, Donald J. Trump, was raided by the agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.
This has never happened before in the history of this, once, great republic. The communists and left-wingers are celebrating as if this is something to brag about.
In fact, this is a sad day in America. Everyday Americans should be genuinely concerned as to the power exercised by the federal government. If they can do this to a former President of the United States, imagine what they can do to you.
Our federal law enforcement agencies have been infiltrated by communists and have been weaponized to eliminate any voices of dissent. This is not only limited to the FBI, but this also goes all over the federal spectrum, including the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Education, and Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, to name a few.
Ask yourself why the Internal Revenue Service would need to hire 87,000 new enforcement agents. Enforcement agents carry guns, they are not sitting at a desk going through tax receipts.
Why would they spend over $1 million dollars on ammunition? Why would the Democrat controlled Congress vote on an “Assault Weapons Ban,” but exempt all of these federal agencies from such a ban? But I digress.
The Biden administration and Democrat congressional leaders claimed they did not know anything about the raid. Seriously? There is no way in this world that Joe Biden or Chuck Schumer did not know about it.
The authorization to raid the home of a former president has to come from the highest levels of our government. If not, then the FBI is operating as a rogue agency with no accountability, and I find that hard to believe. I am sure the communists in charge are keeping them on a tight leash.
Claiming ignorance is normal for the Biden administration, but this one they will have an extremely hard time denying. For quite some time, they have been pressuring Attorney General, Merrick Garland, to produce something against President Trump.
The January 6th Committee has come up empty and they are desperate to find something they can use to charge President Trump and stop him from running in 2024.
The Democrats will do anything to hold on to power. They are so afraid of President Trump; they are willing to destroy this republic and the Constitution in the process.
To claim they did not know this raid was going to happen, is nothing more than lies from a government that is supposed to be working for us.
Folks, raiding the homes of opposition party members is the type of thing that happens in third world countries like Venezuela and Cuba.
Russia throws opponents and government critics in gulags and throws away the keys. In China, they send government critics to re-education camps or send them to work in factories in detrimental conditions.
Is this what we want for the United States? I do not, but I know the communists in charge of our government would not think twice about putting you or me inside a hole until we die.
Our government hates us, and they are at a point where they are not afraid of telling us. By weaponizing all these federal law enforcement agencies, our government has created a de facto private army, not to fight our country’s enemies, but to fight its citizens.
What happened to the former President of the United States is unacceptable, un-American, and those responsible for authorizing such action better have a really good reason.
Anything short of a federal indictment or an arrest will make this raid out to be nothing more than theater of the absurd and a political hit job.
As a retired federal agent, I am not only embarrassed, but saddened to see what has become of a profession that I once enjoyed been a part of.
I am sure you are probably as upset as I am about this third world behavior by our federal law enforcement apparatus but remember to keep a cool level head.
My target audience is smart and understands violence is not a way to make a point. Unlike Antifa and BLM, we do not burn things to the ground, we vote. We engage in intelligent conversation and meaningful debate.
The communists want us to react in a violent way so they can justify more government control over our lives. We must resist and engage intellectually, regardless of what happens.
Has United States finally crossed the Rubicon? I think so.
Lovely A. Warren, Democrat Mayor of Rochester, New York Photo courtesy of truenewshub.com
As reported by One America News Network, the mayor of Rochester has declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing gun violence throughout the city.
Interesting since New York state has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, mostly affecting law abiding citizens.
She was quoted as saying the declaration was a result of “unprecedented levels of gun violence.”
The funny part is how she decided to address the issue. She vows to address the problem in a “holistic” manner.
Is she serious? She is going to tackle gun violence with a philosophical approach. I am sure criminals in Rochester are shaking in their shoes.
Only a Democrat out of touch like mayor Warren would produce such nonsense.
The only way to tackle real crime is with real law enforcement and with citizen involvement. Unless law enforcement is allowed to do their jobs and citizens stop protecting the criminals, anything less is just a show and a waste of time.
She is asking for more help from state and local law enforcement; is she willing to allow law enforcement to do their job or is she going to micromanage the response?
The bad joke is on the citizens of Rochester. After all, their own government was advocating for defunding the police and now they do not know what to do.
Good luck with those mental health workers stopping gun carrying criminals.
I thought I have read and heard enough racist vitriol coming out of Congresswoman Maxine Waters mouth to fill a landfill. Well, I was wrong.
This week, on the subject of Haitians camping out in our Southern border, Congresswoman Waters stated the treatment of Haitian migrants, is “worse than what we witnessed in slavery.”
Mind you, she represents the same Democratic Party who claimed the January 6th events at the Capitol were worse than the attacks of September 11th.
She went on to say that images of Border Patrol agents on horseback “takes us back hundreds of years.”
This is absurd and downplays the severity and impact slavery had in the United States.
I guess Border Patrol agents doing their jobs is tantamount to racism according to this member of the United States Congress.
If we are to follow Congresswoman Waters irrational view, we should get rid of horseback patrols in cities like New York City, Chicago, and yes, Washington, D.C. Give me a break!
She also claimed, falsely, “Cowboys with their reins, again, whipping Black people, Haitians, into the water.”
This is an insult to Border patrol agents who are supposed to be protecting our borders. Referring to Border Patrol agents as “Cowboys” is ridiculous and disrespectful.
Nobody was getting “whipped” and nobody has been pushed into the water. This is all mainstream media propaganda and lies. A member of Congress should be better educated before spewing misinformation.
Let’s be clear, Haitians are not United States citizens and Joe Biden is following the law and the Constitution despite Congresswoman Waters comments.
Haitians, nor any other illegal alien, are entitled to Civil Rights under our Constitution.
Anybody wanting to come to the United States must do it legally and in accordance with our laws, no exceptions.
That’s the law, and for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be briefing so-called Civil Rights leaders of the situation is irresponsible, and in my opinion, puts our Border Patrol agents in danger.
Congresswoman Waters should be asking where all the millions we send to Haiti have gone. She should be more concern about our country’s safety and security, and not illegal aliens invading our country.
Of course, that would mean she care about the United States, and she doesn’t.
This makes Congresswoman Maxine Waters, this week’s Congressional Buffoon.
After spending 25 years in Federal Law Enforcement, I had my share of black bands around my badge honoring my fellow fallen officers. Some of them died in the line of duty, medical conditions, and suicide.
To read the Democrats, and the mainstream media, blame President Trump for the suicide rate increase among law enforcement because of the events of January 6th, is completely preposterous.
Furthermore, it is an insult to the memories of those officers and their families.
I place the blame on the radical politicians, BLM, Antifa, and the Defund the Police movement. When these people go around calling police officers, pigs, racists, and Nazi’s, nothing good can come out of it.
When radical members of Congress are advocating for defunding police departments, and local governments wanting to get rid of law enforcement all together, no wonder police officers are having a hard time doing their jobs or even staying on the job.
I have never met a law enforcement officer who didn’t love their job. You have too, otherwise you couldn’t do it. Enforcing the laws enacted by bureaucrats is not an easy task.
Mainly because those same politicians will not back them up, and most of the time criticize the police officers they have entrusted to enforce such laws. It is a thankless job, but one I found very honorable and rewarding.
It has been reported three Metropolitan Police Officers and one MPD Officer have committed suicide since the events of January 6th at the Capitol. The mainstream media has gone full blown crazy blaming President Trump for those deaths.
We will never know why those officers committed suicide, but I could come up with my own questions and scenarios. Were these officers approached by congressional staffers and asked to provide false testimony in front of Congress? Did they feel guilty for their own actions or inactions during the events at the Capitol? I guess we will never know.
The four officers, Officer Kyle De Freytag, Gunther Hashida, Howard Liebengood, and MPD Officer Jeffrey Smith, were season veterans of the police force. These were not rookie officers, and the events of January 6th would have been garden variety, and far from a reason to kill themselves over it. Nevertheless, they will be missed.
It is hard for me to believe, given all the resources afforded to law enforcement officers to cope and deal with traumatic events, these officers, one day, out of the blue, decided to kill themselves. Again, we will never know.
Given the so-called gravity of the events; did the department conduct proper debriefings in the aftermath of the event? How much did the supervisors know about the officer’s state of mind after the incident? Were they afforded any help?
I questioned the way these officers were dealt with, if in fact they committed suicide because of their involvement in the events of January 6th. Lots of questions with little answers.
I understand, blaming President Trump is the lowest hanging fruit available for the Democrats and the mainstream media, but they should be ashamed of themselves.
The truth is movements like BLM, Antifa, Defund the Police, and our own radical members of Congress, are to blame for the stress in which police officers have been operating.
Police officers are spat on, called names, assaulted, and belittled for doing their jobs. They are the ones trying to protect property from looting by the likes of these subversive groups. They should be praised and respected, not treated like garbage.
Law enforcement suicides are a serious issue, and it needs to be acknowledged. Politicians, should not be using the deaths of these police officers to score points, after all, you could say their deaths are on their hands.