A Buffoon By Another Name

Golf Channel’s Eamon Lynch

Eamon Lynch Photo courtesy of eamonlynch.com

Folks, as LIV Golf Derangement Syndrome continues its path to become a mental health pandemic, people like Eamon Lynch keeps reminding us, it is real and it is here to stay.

Between him and his cohost Damon Hack, they cannot stay away from talking about LIV Golf and complaining about the Saudi connection.

Frankly, it has gotten pretty old. Everyone knows where the money is coming from and most people do not care. No matter how much Lynch wants to make it an issue, the people who most matter, the players, have dismissed it.

Lynch, who is openly gay, wants to make LIV Golf about gay issues. Saudi Arabia is not the only Muslim country in the world who does not approve of homosexuality, that is a fact.

It seems to me, Lynch is only complaining about Saudi Arabia because they are the ones financing LIV Golf and his personal disdain towards LIV Golf CEO, Greg Norman.

I am in the camp of live and let live, but Lynch wants to inject his personal lifestyle into the golf conversation.

For People like Lynch, if you do not agree with his world view, you are the problem, so he will insult you and attempt to intimidate you into seeing things his way.

He complained about Paul Casey when he was asked by Christine Brennan, another media hack from USA Today, about the treatment of gays in Saudi Arabia.

Paul Casey’s answer was that he was not knowledgeable enough about the subject to answer the question. As a rational human being, I believe that was an honest answer, but to an agenda driven person like Lynch, it was not enough.

Listening to Lynch, he sounds petty and small. Lynch will serve his audience best by keeping his personal agenda away from the game.

Live and let live Eamon!

The Best Criminal Vacation Spot in America

New York State

Have you ever thought about committing a crime, but decided not to because you did not want to go to jail?

Fear no more. The state of New York offers great opportunities for ‘wannabe’ criminals to exercise their deplorable fantasies without facing any justice for it.

Where else can a nut job approach a sitting member of Congress, attempts to kill him, and then be released on his own recognizance?


Eventually, not before people expressed their outrage, the federal government, and I am sure they were not happy about it, did their job and arrested this piece of garbage and charged him with a federal assault charge.


Only in the state of New York can a lowlife attempt to commit murder against a sitting member of Congress and get away with it. But this is not new, New York has some of the more relax prosecution rules in the country.

When the New York General Assembly replaced the old discovery rules with Article 245, they pretty much made it impossible for prosecutors and law enforcement to their jobs.


Short of committing first degree murder, you can rest assure criminals will never see a day in jail while awaiting trial, meaning they are free to commit more crimes at the expense of law abiding citizens.

New York City is even worse, but it does offer you with plenty of opportunities to fulfil those criminal desires. The amount of criminal activities are endless and how much you can get away with it without facing serious penalties even more so.


So, next time you wish to go on a ‘Criminal Holiday’ give serious consideration to the state of New York. You can get cheap flights, bail is pretty low, if any at all, and chances are you will not get prosecuted.

‘A toilet by another name would smell as rotten’

Stupid Person of The Week

Nick Piastowski

Golf.com writer Nick Piastowski Photo courtesy of golf.com

Anybody who follows golf news knows about Nick Piastowski. Nick is one of those media hacks that could not do anything else as a journalist, so he became a sensationalist buffoon.

Not to outdo himself, he has laid another egg for all of us to read and make fun of his ridiculous and petty writing.

The story speaks for itself, so I will not bother you with the details. In a nutshell, it seems this media hack did not like the fact Phil Mickelson was wearing a black mask while filming a LIV Golf promo in Rwanda.

I know Nick is an idiot and his attempts to pass his articles as “news” is a joke all in itself, but to suggest Phil Mickelson is some type of racist because he was wearing a black mask, is petty and low.

Nick is a pathetic fool and he has earned my Stupid Person of the Week award.

Shame on golf.com for allowing such a media hack to operate under their banner.

Get a real job Nick!


The Democrats Want You to Know How They Really Feel About You

Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Wants You to Feel The Pain

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg


As French President Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are telling Joe Biden his dreams of green energy are out of touch and unsustainable, the transportation secretary is rejoicing about high gasoline and energy prices in a congressional hearing.

Secretary Buttigieg thinks that is perfectly fine for the average American to suffer as a result of high gas prices. This is the type of out of touch statement I expect from an inexperience bureaucrat like Buttigieg.

According to Buttigieg, if you suffer at the pump, you will be more incline to buy a $65,000 electric vehicle. Seriously? Most Americans cannot afford to buy an electric vehicle and we do not have the infrastructure to support such a thing.


To think we can survive without fossil fuels is absurd. They talk about saving the earth, but they fail to mention that in order to build an electric car, they have to rob the earth of all the rare earths and chemicals necessary for their construction.

Electric car batteries are hard to make and the process contributes more to so-called climate change than drilling for oil. In addition, disposing of such batteries is a whole different issue for which the federal government does not have a plan.

The materials required to build an electric car battery consist of harmful chemicals and rare earths. Lithium, Lead Acid, Polymer, Zinc-Air, Molten Salts, Sodium Sulfur, and Sodium Nickle Chloride.

If you feel nerdy, I encourage you to read about each one of the aforementioned chemicals, it is eye opening.

The Democrats and the green energy lunatics hate you, they want you on the ground, face down, while they put their own boot on your neck.

As Joe Biden attempts to bankrupt you and the country with climate change emergency proclamations and executive orders, remember, this is all by design and it is meant to hurt you and me.

Remember this come November and vote accordingly, your future depends on it.

Wickedness, Lunacy, and The Elitist Cult of Climate Change

The World Is Burning and It Is Your Fault

As the evil disposition of the richest people in the world continues, the International Country Club for third world dictators, better known as the United Nations, wants to guilt you into believing that you are responsible for the worldwide heatwave.

The Climate Change cultists are gather in Berlin to talk about the climate “crisis.” Notice how we have gone from climate change to climate crisis and according to them it is your fault. Poppycock!

While you are paying higher prices for everything from energy to food, the elitists at the United Nations are traveling all over the world on their private jets, traversing the roads in their armor protected gasoline driven SUV’s, and eating real juicy Kobe beef stakes.

Believe it folks, they do it not because they are a bunch of hypocrites, they do it because they are corrupt at heart.

The reason Europe is burning is not because of climate change nonsense. They are burning because they have no independent energy to cool their homes, and by joining the Biden administration in fighting a proxy war with Russia, they have cut themselves from the only source of energy available to Europe.

Furthermore, as one who traveled to Europe for 15 years, I can tell you, current temperatures in Europe are normal summer temperatures for this time of the year. This people are flat out lying and they know it.

As long as they continue to support the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, Europe will continue to suffer. Understand, the United States cannot fill the energy gap and many countries in the European Union have cutoff their own nuclear and coal energy sources.

The only way to tackle the so-called climate crisis is to use a common sense approach to energy production. Oil has been part of the earth ecosystem for millions of years and it will continue to be for many millions to come.

This hypocrites, and their dreams of a ‘One World Liberal Order,’ will not give up their lifestyles to save the planet, that is a fact. Instead, they want you and me to give up ours for their own survival.

The planet is a well oiled machine that has been around longer than the human race and it will be around long after the human race remove itself from it.

This is nothing more than elitist propaganda. Educate yourself and stop believing these people. This people have some serious issues and all they care about is how to get rid of you. They are pure evil and they represent hell on earth.

Planet Earth is not going anywhere, planet Earth is waiting for us to leave.