Let Us Not Be Racists by Being Racists

The Biden’s Administration Search For The Next “Black Woman” Supreme Court Justice

Is justice colorblind? Photo courtesy of jmbk.news

The Biden administration could not wait for an official retirement announcement from Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bryer to go on media outlets and announce to the world that if you are not black or a woman, you will not be considered to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, regardless of qualifications.

This is how we do things in this country in 2022. Forget about qualifications and experience, if you have the complexion for the connection, that is all it matters.

But this is not new. A supervisor of mine, who happened to be black, lost his service pistol, not once, but twice, and he still got promoted.

Another black supervisor had an accidental weapon discharge in the office while conducting an inspection, again, nothing happened to him. In today’s world that’s par for the course.

I have always put a premium on experience and qualifications and when I was working I always sought out ways to improve my knowledge and on-the-job experience.

It always paid off for me, I got promoted because of my experience and knowledge. That I happened to be Hispanic was an afterthought because I could back it up with my work.

Joe Biden handcuffed himself when he promised he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy with a “black woman.” Nothing wrong with that, but for someone who claims everyone is racist but him, to cast away everyone else solely on the color of their skin, well, that is racist.

In pure Democratic Party fashion; if you are male, Asian, white, lesbian, transgender, binary, and all those other unscientific, but socially acceptable human designations, do not waste your time, you will not be considered.

If you are a conservative black woman forget about it. And if you are a conservative black woman with outstanding qualifications, no way in Democratic Party hell, will you get a phone call.

It is a shame this is the current situation in our society. Everything, from education to voting has been dumbed down in the name of so-called equality.

I have never used my ethnicity as an excuse for not getting a job. If I did not get a job it is because I was not qualified for it, period. I am sick of people using their skin color or ethnic origin as an excuse when things do not go their way or to demand things they are not entitled to.

The Biden administration has already handicapped whomever the black woman is. At the end of the day, she will be just that, the black woman in the Supreme Court of the United States that Joe promised the Democratic Party base.

Wokeness Derangement Syndrome and Other Crazy News

A Daily Jab of Stupidity

I explore the darkest corners of the internet in search of stories the main stream media won’t care to share.

Here we go…..

I didn’t know Howard Stern still a ‘thing.’ I haven’t heard or seen Stern in over a decade, who knew. Anyhow, if you get your medical advice from this clown, Covid-19 is the least of your problems.


In another sign of Woke Derangement Syndrome, Disney apologizes to Peter Dinklage for re-making Snow White, well, with seven dwarfs? Can’t make this stuff up. Go woke or go broke!


This is the America we live in. People calling to boycott Starbucks because they chose to respect the Supreme Court of the United States.

I don’t care for Starbucks or their college graduates who serve their coffee, but I respect the fact they understand we live in a country where the rule of law remains in effect. They may reverse their course, after all, it is Starbucks, but until then, kudos to Starbucks.

There you have it friends. It can only get better…

From Healers to Dealers of Death

The American Medical Community Suffers from a God Complex

These animals also called themselves “doctors.” Just saying! Photo courtesy of pjsaunders.blogspot.com

Since when doctors have become judge, jury, and executioners?

Who gave doctors the right to decide who lives and who dies?

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many doctors in the United States have decided they have the right to deny care to those who refuse to get vaccinated.

Hospitals have denied care to sick people over a vaccine status, people have been denied surgeries and other life saving measures over a vaccine that the medical community has acknowledged its efficacy is marginal at best.

To justify their unethical and, in my opinion, criminal actions, they want to call it “compassion fatigue.” Are you kidding me?

A doctor in Alabama by the name of Jason Valentine, posted he would no longer see unvaccinated patients. His excuse to his patients? “If they asked why, I told them covid is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”

This man is not a doctor, he is a coward. I always thought doctors were supposed to help people, now they think they are the ones who get to ‘pull the plug’ when it is inconvenient.

This is not the only case. There have been several of these cases in the United States, with a woman in Colorado being denied a kidney transplant under the same circumstances.

The latest has been brought to you by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. A 31-year-old man has been removed from the heart transplant list because he refuses to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

The Harvard University Teaching Hospital is using the CDC as an excuse to remove the man from the list. They say they are following CDC guidelines requiring the vaccine in addition to “lifestyle behaviors” and “to create both the best chance for a successful operation and to optimize the patient’s survival after transplantation, giving that their immune system is drastically suppressed.” Political mumbo-jumbo!

They went on to say, “patients are not active on the waitlist without this.” Excuse me, but the CDC has shown they do not know the difference between their brain and their rear end.

The patient, DJ Ferguson has been in the hospital since last November after his lungs filled up with blood due to a heart issue, and after needing surgery to deal with several blood clots.

His father, David Ferguson, told WBZ-TV, his son “doesn’t’ believe in the Covid-19 jab and considers it “against his basic principles.”

David Ferguson went on to say of his son, “I think my boy is fighting pretty damn courageously and he has integrity and principles he really believes in and that makes me respect him all the more.”  “It’s his body. It’s his choice.”

DJ Ferguson’s refusal is in part to the fact that heart complications have been recorded as a serious side effect of the vaccine, and if his heart swells any further his chances of sudden death are extremely high.

How can you blame Mr. Ferguson for refusing a vaccine that may kill him after his transplant? What would be the point of a successful surgery to die afterwards?

Jump off the cliff or shoot yourself, those are the choices given to Mr. Ferguson by the same people who are supposed to oversee saving his life.

Our medical community is insane. Doctors and hospitals cannot be trusted with our most precious possession, our lives.

These people are not healers, these people are murderers, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

If I appear to be upset is because I am.

Let The Mask Craze Begin

The New N95/KN95 Fallacy

Internationally recognized crackpot, Anthony Fauci. Photo courtesy of zerohedge.com

Every time Anthony Fauci opens his mouth with some asinine, ‘I pull out of my rear end,’ new rule, Americans go crazy along with him.

Now the N95/KN95 mask craze is sweeping the nation. From masks do not work to triple masking, Fauci has been wrong every step of the way, and he is wrong one more time. Fauci is addicted to power regardless of science or common sense, the man is a pathetic publicity sponge.

The latest is that unless you wear an N95 or KN95 mask, your level of protection against Covid-19 is zero.

Well, what the witch doctor is failing to tell the gullible American people is the fact that unless you are properly fitted, an N95 or KN95 mask is as equally useless. You are actually better off going ‘au naturel’ and breathe good old fresh air.

I have been properly fitted and wore those masks for lengthy periods of times. They are uncomfortable and must be replaced every 8 hours. Anyone telling you differently does not know what he or she is talking about. No, you cannot handwash them despite of internet claims to that fact.

Not all N95 or KN95 are created equal. The internet is flooded with Chinese made knockoffs that will offer you no protection. Unless they are FDA approved, they are nothing but garbage.

Now schools and businesses, who are still mandating masks, want to make N95 and KN95 usage mandatory. Schools in Los Angeles want all kids to wear N95 masks all day long. Folks, this is child abuse and should be fought all the way to the courts if necessary.

If a business demands consumers to wear an N95 or KN95 to shop, they should provide them. These masks are expensive, and when used properly, only good for a certain amount of time.

The CDC and Fauci know this is malarky. They know these masks will not do a thing to stop the spread, but they enjoy fearmongering and seeing Americans running around like chickens without heads.

Unfortunately, Americans have lost their spine and have no appetite to question these crackpots and their draconian mandates.

If you think these masks will do something for you use them, but do it because you have done your research and not because some government stooge is telling you to do so.

The End of An Era

An American Icon Gone Forever

Gone Forever!

When the ‘Woke Police’ and the cancel culture snowflakes started to feel offended about everything I read Aunt Jemima was going to be canceled. First, I couldn’t believe it, and second, my wife went on a hunt for Aunt Jemima pancake mix while the sweet Aunt Jemima was still featured on the box.

Why would Americans want Aunt Jemima gone? Only small minded people would think Aunt Jemima was an insult to black Americans or any other minority.

Sure, the original Aunt Jemima came from a caricature, but she evolved into a beautiful and iconic figure recognized in kitchens all over the world.

So, it is with great sadness that I share with you we’ve used our last box of Aunt Jemima original pancake mix. Never again will we ever have the opportunity to see such an American icon gracing the front of the most popular pancake mix in the world.

Cancel culture is wrong, Quaker Oats had it wrong, and America’s lost.