The No-So Secret PGA Tour Player Impact Program

Phil Mickleson To The Rescue

You can always count on Phil to spill the beans! Thank you Phil!

One can always count on Phil Mickelson to expose the shenanigans, be those of the USGA or the PGA Tour.

This time Mickelson went on Twitter to claim he was the recipient of the $8 million big ones, first place prize, of the secretive Player Impact ‘Welfare’ Program. But did he? Is this another one of Mickelson’s pranks?

Could it be Tiger Woods, who hasn’t played any meaningful golf in months, the surprise winner? Either way, to me, it is a bull$%#@ program that proves nothing about a player’s caliber or talent.

Yes, I call it a welfare program because it has nothing to do with performance and everything to do with how a player interacts on social media and how they engage with their sponsors.

If true, I want to thank Phil Mickelson for coming forward despite the fact the PGA Tour Commissar, Jay Monahan, wants to keep the ‘welfare’ program a secret.

Biden’s Domestic Travel Vaccine Mandate

Possible Restrictions On Domestic Airline Travel for The Unvaccinated

The Dynamic Duo of Incompetency! Photo courtesy of

In their continued attempt to mandate vaccinations for the entire United States, Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are floating the idea of imposing domestic travel restrictions for those Americans who are not vaccinated.

When asked about it, Joe Biden was quoted as saying, “when I get a recommendation from the medical team.” What he is saying is when Fauci and Walensky tell him to do it, he will.

This is what it is all about, their infatuation with vaccine mandates and how far they are willing to go to get it done. They’ll bankrupt the airline industry if that’s what it takes.

Fauci was asked during an interview on MSNBC and he didn’t flinch when giving an answer. “When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get people vaccinated.” “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”

These people are evil and they don’t care about the country, your health, your life, or your rights. Biden and his administration are drunk on power and they will make you submit one way or the other.

Not only will this absurd suggestion put undue strain on the airline industry, but on the thousands of Americans who depend on airline travel to work and conduct business.

Joe Biden is so stupid, he will go on national television and try to sell it to the American people as something ‘good for the economy.’

How much more of this is the American people willing to put up with?

One thing is for sure, the 2022 mid-term elections are around the corner and it will be up to us to put this incompetent third world style dictatorship out of business.

Four Jabs and Counting

Israel’s Vaccine Extravaganza

Not a laughing matter…..Photo courtesy of

Four jabs but the numbers continue to rise. Go figure!

Can the world actually defeat mother nature by going on a vaccination overkill?

What’s the magic number? Five, six, seven, or eight boosters?

Is the ‘cure’ worse than the disease?

So many questions with so little answers. Who knows, maybe Israeli citizens get a free 60 inch screen television after a certain amount of jabs.

The American Circus Continues

‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’

Photo courtesy of

I am going to assume the Biden administration either loves to look incompetent or is completely out of touch. Otherwise why would they continue to have Anthony Fauci as the face of the Covid-19 response.

The man is a liar who the American people no longer respect or trust.

Here he is, once again, with his doom and gloom scenarios and Ouija board predictions. More of his ‘do as I say, not as I do.’

Of course, this bureaucrat doesn’t follow his own advise and while he wants you to live inside a cave, he’s doing his thing and enjoying the things he’s telling you not to do.

There’s nothing serious about this man. Live your life because he’s definitely living his.

Shameful: Medical Racism is Alive and Well in America

Only If You Happen To Be White!

Photo courtesy of

The crazy train in the United States has officially come off the rails.

As an American of Spanish heritage, stories like this one are offensive and demeaning.

Because I happen to be Hispanic, it doesn’t give me the right to jump in front of the line and allow someone else to die because they happen to be white or any other color.

It makes me sick to my stomach the fact that institutionalized and government endorsed racism has become a new normal in the United States.

Medical treatment should not be segregated, but given to those in need regardless of race or color. The social ignorance of judging people based on something they can’t control, like color, race, or national origin, continues to feed the American decline.

This is shameful and should be rejected. Another sad day in America!