The Out of Touch Mr. Schumer

The Energy Crisis and the Petroleum Strategic Reserves

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York. He smiles while you cry! Photo courtesy of

To read blowhard liberals like Chuck Schumer complain about Joe Biden’s failed energy policies is a not a funny joke.

Over the weekend, Schumer was reported as saying gas prices were hurting millions of Americans and Biden must open the country’s petroleum strategic reserves to alleviate the prices at the pump.

I know Schumer is not the brightest bulb in the Democratic Party chandelier, but anybody who has been paying attention to this mess, understands this was a crisis perpetrated by the Biden administration.

The moment Biden shutdown pipelines and canceled drilling contracts, he killed the energy independence the United States achieved during the Trump administration.

We have the resources to produce and fulfill our energy needs. The strategic reserves are not to be used whenever we have an incompetent government in charge who wishes to pander to their left-wing benefactors.

The strategic reserves are not for hedging gas prices, they are to be used as a source for emergency fuel. Our current inventory as of November 2021 is 606.1 million barrels. Our current authorized storage capacity is 714 million barrels.

Current inventory and transactions as of November 2021

We are not even at maximum capacity, and they want to use what we have to fix the problem they created.

The highest inventory achieved in the United States was back in 2009 with a total of 726.6 barrels. At the end of CY 2019 (as of December 31, 2019), the SPR’s crude oil inventory was 634.9 million barrels.

You can read more about it here:

Back to Schumer. He was quoted as saying, “Let me say what we all know: we’re all feeling the pain at the pump right now.”

Nice try Chuck. I’ll bet Schumer has not driven a car or filled up a gas tank in decades.

He rides around in his government issued vehicle and the taxpayers pay every time his chauffer fills up the tank. Schumer knows nothing about the real pain Americans are feeling these days.

Chuck Schumer is a career politician who has never held a real job in his life. When was the last time the senator had to make a tough financial decision? When was the last time the senator had to make a choice between paying his mortgage or feeding his children?

Chuck Schumer is nothing more than another out of touch politician who keeps getting elected to office because he has deep pockets to do so. He’s not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our country.

You can share your story with Chuck right here:

Sources:  One American News Network, U.S. Department of Energy

Joke of the Week

Lovely A. Warren, Mayor of Rochester, N.Y.

Lovely A. Warren, Democrat Mayor of Rochester, New York Photo courtesy of

As reported by One America News Network, the mayor of Rochester has declared a state of emergency due to the ongoing gun violence throughout the city.

Interesting since New York state has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, mostly affecting law abiding citizens.

She was quoted as saying the declaration was a result of “unprecedented levels of gun violence.”

The funny part is how she decided to address the issue. She vows to address the problem in a “holistic” manner.

Is she serious? She is going to tackle gun violence with a philosophical approach. I am sure criminals in Rochester are shaking in their shoes.

Only a Democrat out of touch like mayor Warren would produce such nonsense.

The only way to tackle real crime is with real law enforcement and with citizen involvement. Unless law enforcement is allowed to do their jobs and citizens stop protecting the criminals, anything less is just a show and a waste of time.

She is asking for more help from state and local law enforcement; is she willing to allow law enforcement to do their job or is she going to micromanage the response?

The bad joke is on the citizens of Rochester. After all, their own government was advocating for defunding the police and now they do not know what to do.

Good luck with those mental health workers stopping gun carrying criminals.

A bad joke indeed!

LPGA Tour Confidential

Korda Sisters: Sour Grapes or Pure Ignorance?

The Korda Sisters Photo courtesy of

The Korda sisters must love the attention. This time they are complaining about an LPGA Tour rule that require players to play a minimum of 70 rounds or 70 percent of tournament rounds to qualify for the Vare Trophy for the lowest scoring average on tour.

Nelly Korda claimed she learned of the rule recently on a chat room, going to the extend of calling the rule, “weird.”

Seriously? She has been on tour for quite some time and do not know her employer’s rules?

But their comments at the Pelican Women’s Championship is what got me thinking and made me write about them. Some of the answers to the questions went like this.

Nelly Korda: “I mean, I would say Jin Young has had an amazing past couple of events. If she was to win, she deserves to win it. I would say the same for me. It kind of sucks that that’s just how it is. Yeah, that’s all I have to say.”

Jessica Korda went on to say: “is just that the person who’s now in the running, is it consider an asterisk or- I don’t know. It’s just a weird rule when you’re No.1 and 2 player in the world.”

Nelly Korda: “And 3, right?

Jessica Korda: “And 3 player- is it 1,2, and 3 aren’t eligible? So it’s just weird.”

There’s nothing weird about a rule that has been around for a long time Jessica.

Note to Jessica Korda, if you are going to complain about another player, in this case Lydia Ko, do not be a coward. Everyone knows Lydia Ko is the next in line for the award, so if you are going to call out a multiple Major winner out, do it by name.

Lydia Ko is much more than an asterisk, she is a class act and very talented player. The comment was a low punch and classless.

When asked if the rule should be changed, Jessica was quick to say, “One-hundred percent.”  But when asked if they would alter their playing schedule, Nelly was quick to say, “No.”

Well, it sounds like a Korda problem, not an LPGA problem and they should not change the rule to accommodate any one player.

Perhaps instead of crying and insulting their fellow LPGA players, the Korda’s should learn the rules and requirements of their employer.

Awards are earned, not given.

Disclaimer: Quotes were verbatim. Any grammar or syntax issues should be brought up with the Korda’s publicist.

This Man is Crazy

I Don’t Blame Him, I Blame You…

“Am I crazy enough to destroy this country? You bet I am” Photo courtesy of

This is for those who voted for him and for what is going on in our country. This man was hiding in his basement the whole campaign cycle and when he came out, he couldn’t put together a baseball roster with those who attended his rallies.

You voted for this man because you hated President Trump so much, but when asked why, you couldn’t come up with a rational or intelligent reason.

You voted for this man because having a secured border and keeping illegal aliens from your neighborhood was harsh, but now those illegal aliens will be able to buy the home you can’t afford as this man gives them a $450,000 gift for breaking our laws.

You voted for this man because, like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, the promise of free stuff and welfare checks for all, sounded too good.

You voted for this man because you thought the economy was going to get better, although it was already the best in decades. Now you will be lucky to find a can of SPAM at your local grocery store.

You voted for this man because you thought under President Trump your rights were under attack. Now, you are being mandated to inject yourself with untested vaccines or lose your livelihood in the process.

You voted for this man because you believed the hypocrites who cried climate change while traveling the world in their expensive private jets. Now we are, once again, dependent on foreign oil and rogue nations for our energy needs.

You voted for this man because you believed President Trump was a racist, despite the fact the man you voted for has been a real racist all his life, while “businessman” Trump was handing out checks to Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

You voted for this man, this man who has shutdown our energy industry, putting thousands of Americans out of work.

You voted for this man who’s a certified liar and a corrupt politician. Truly owned by China and Russia.

You voted for this man because President Trump was too vulgar, and his tweets were mean and crude. Sure, President Trump was harsh and direct to the point, better than the man you voted for who lies to your face and you’re ignorant enough to believe him.

You can thank the man you voted for next time you pull at the gas station and gas is more expensive. The man you voted for is setting to close another pipeline, the Line 5 pipeline. Expect prices to go even higher. Get your bicycle ready!

You can thank the man you voted for the next time you don’t get a pay raise and inflation continues to outpace your paycheck.

You can thank the man you voted for as he admits life for Americans is getting harder under his failed administration.

You can thank the man you voted for when your children come home from school with anxiety problems due to being labeled a racist or a victim because of the color of their skin.

You can thank the man you voted for; he appointed incompetent fools to his administration who claim the supply chain crisis is a “good thing”. Only a moron would think this to be true.

You can thank the man you voted for when your tax bill is even higher than you thought. If you believe the man you voted for is going after his rich buddies, you deserve to pay an “Ignorance Tax.”

You can thank the man you voted for; he has put this country on the verge of collapse, and you will collapse with it.

So, stop blaming conservatives, white people, President Trump, and every other excuse you can come up with for your miserable life. After all, you voted for it.

Thank you for your vote!

Policy Still a Winning Formula

Virginia’s Governor elect, Republican Glenn Youngkin Photo courtesy of

The victory of Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin in Virginia demonstrates most Americans still believe in individual rights, the rule of law, and the freedoms afforded by the Constitution.

Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe ran on the typical fearmongering, race-based, and victimhood nonsense the Democrats continue to hang on to, and the people of Virginia rejected it.

Sure, McAuliffe got 48% of the vote, but that is the percentage of voters who were going to vote Democrat no matter what.

Youngkin ran an issues-oriented campaign, concentrating on education, the economy, and parental rights.

Critical Race Theory was at the forefront of the campaign as parents were concerned about the emphasis the public school system has put on such a divisive and racist propaganda subject.

While the Democrats continued to feed their base with cheap red meat like transgederism in schools, defunding the police, illegal aliens, and welfare for all, the Republicans were on point.

The economy, public, safety, education, and COVID-19, those were the winning issues and it showed at the ballot box in Virginia.

Democrats tried to make it about Donald Trump. The mainstream media tried to make Youngkin look like some type of racist and a “Trump Trooper,” with the Lincoln Project going as far as to stage a phony photo-op to portray Youngkin as some type of right-wing crazy. It didn’t work.

Virginians rejected that nonsense and saw it for what it was, cheap politics. The American people have seen the country go from a strong one to a weak one in a matter of months and they are opening their eyes to what the Democratic Party has to offer.

Under the Democrats, American citizens have become third class citizens while illegal aliens have been elevated to a position of strength. While the central government order Americans to vaccinate or else, illegal aliens are not even evaluated.

Gold Star families only get $100,000 for the death of a family member while fighting for his or her country, the Democrats want to give $450,000 to illegal aliens who dare to break our laws and enter our country illegally. If that’s not enough reason to reject Democratic Party policies, I do not know what else I could tell you to convince you.

Bottomline? Policies still matter, and the Republican Party could learn a thing or two from Glenn Youngkin’s wining campaign strategy.