The Politicization of Police Officer’s Suicides

One is one too many!

After spending 25 years in Federal Law Enforcement, I had my share of black bands around my badge honoring my fellow fallen officers.  Some of them died in the line of duty, medical conditions, and suicide.

To read the Democrats, and the mainstream media, blame President Trump for the suicide rate increase among law enforcement because of the events of January 6th, is completely preposterous.

Furthermore, it is an insult to the memories of those officers and their families.

I place the blame on the radical politicians, BLM, Antifa, and the Defund the Police movement.  When these people go around calling police officers, pigs, racists, and Nazi’s, nothing good can come out of it. 

When radical members of Congress are advocating for defunding police departments, and local governments wanting to get rid of law enforcement all together, no wonder police officers are having a hard time doing their jobs or even staying on the job.

I have never met a law enforcement officer who didn’t love their job.  You have too, otherwise you couldn’t do it.  Enforcing the laws enacted by bureaucrats is not an easy task. 

Mainly because those same politicians will not back them up, and most of the time criticize the police officers they have entrusted to enforce such laws.  It is a thankless job, but one I found very honorable and rewarding.

It has been reported three Metropolitan Police Officers and one MPD Officer have committed suicide since the events of January 6th at the Capitol. The mainstream media has gone full blown crazy blaming President Trump for those deaths. 

We will never know why those officers committed suicide, but I could come up with my own questions and scenarios.  Were these officers approached by congressional staffers and asked to provide false testimony in front of Congress?  Did they feel guilty for their own actions or inactions during the events at the Capitol?  I guess we will never know.

The four officers, Officer Kyle De Freytag, Gunther Hashida, Howard Liebengood, and MPD Officer Jeffrey Smith, were season veterans of the police force.  These were not rookie officers, and the events of January 6th would have been garden variety, and far from a reason to kill themselves over it. Nevertheless, they will be missed.

It is hard for me to believe, given all the resources afforded to law enforcement officers to cope and deal with traumatic events, these officers, one day, out of the blue, decided to kill themselves.  Again, we will never know.

Given the so-called gravity of the events; did the department conduct proper debriefings in the aftermath of the event?  How much did the supervisors know about the officer’s state of mind after the incident? Were they afforded any help?

I questioned the way these officers were dealt with, if in fact they committed suicide because of their involvement in the events of January 6th.   Lots of questions with little answers.

I understand, blaming President Trump is the lowest hanging fruit available for the Democrats and the mainstream media, but they should be ashamed of themselves.

The truth is movements like BLM, Antifa, Defund the Police, and our own radical members of Congress, are to blame for the stress in which police officers have been operating. 

Police officers are spat on, called names, assaulted, and belittled for doing their jobs.  They are the ones trying to protect property from looting by the likes of these subversive groups.  They should be praised and respected, not treated like garbage.

Law enforcement suicides are a serious issue, and it needs to be acknowledged.  Politicians, should not be using the deaths of these police officers to score points, after all, you could say their deaths are on their hands.

For more information you can visit Blue H.E.L.P.

Joke of the Week: Prison Ware at Kanye’s Prices?

The Prison Look. Seriously?

If you have ever been a prison inmate, you may recognize this Kanye West, $350.00 pair of “Croc-like Yeezys”. After all, this style of shower shoes are standard issue at prisons and county jails all over the country.

I guess this is the new fashion craze among “Yeezy-istas” as they post pictures on Twitter of this new Kanye West inspired release.

It must be me or the “thug look” is back in style.  These styles of shower shoes are the same style given, including that beautiful orange color, to inmates at numerous prisons throughout the country.

So why would people pay $350.00 for a $3.85 pair of PVC sandals?  Why would people want to look like a prison inmate?  You will have to ask the people who are crazy enough to buy this stuff.

But, if you insist on looking like an inmate while walking the posh streets of Manhattan, I do offer an alternative for you, and nobody would notice the difference.  Go to and for $3.85 you can buy the same footwear Kanye is selling for $350.00 at affordable prison prices.

Trust me, nobody will notice the difference and you will still look cool.  Or you can go to prison and get them for free.

The “Woke-lympics” are Coming; Are you Ready to be Embarrassed?

Gwendolyn Berry, left, looks away as DeAnna Price and Brooke Andersen stand for the national anthem after the finals of the women’s hammer throw at the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials Saturday, June 26, 2021, in Eugene, Ore. Price won, Andersen was second and Berry finished third. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel) Photo courtesy of

Am I ready?  You bet I am. 

The Olympics are around the corner and Americans have been making their mark for months.  From Rapinoe to Berry, the amount of anti-Americanism coming from the same people who are supposed to be representing the United States, at our expense, has been unpatriotic to say the least.

Why do they choose to represent a country they hate so much?  Why hasn’t the United States Olympic Committee request an “Oath of Loyalty” from these athletes?  Because the United States Olympic Committee supports these actions and these athletes.

Of course, when I say I am ready, I am joking.  I would not waste a second of my life watching, or supporting, an ungrateful bunch of people who wants to embarrass our country at the world stage.

I used to think the hate was fueled by the fact Donald Trump was the President of the United States, but I was wrong, these people do hate the United States, period. 

Notoriously, Hammer thrower, Gwen Berry, continues to spew nonsense with statements such as this one: “I just don’t respect something that doesn’t stand for all people, especially minorities in America,” said Berry. “I feel like we know the story…Blacks get the worst treatment here. We are not treated as human beings; our lives are not regarded. They’re not precious.”

As a minority in America, I am offended by Ms. Berry’s statements.  Obviously, she does not speak for every Black or minority in America.  She does not speak for the millions of minorities who have come to the United States escaping oppression or looking for a better life.

She clearly does not speak for me.  As a Hispanic, as an American, I can proudly say the United States has been exceptionally good to me.  That I have experienced some level of racism?  Sure, but unlike Ms. Berry, and many like her, I have never seen myself as a victim.  I refused to feed ignorance and chose the path of success instead.

But we may still have a glimmer of hope within the United States Olympic team.  The Golf Team is represented by athletes who have publicly shared their love for our country and who have also shared their feelings about the meaning of representing one’s country at the Olympics. 

I do not foresee Bryson DeChambeau or the Korda sisters turning themselves away from the United States flag or kneeling during the playing of the anthem.

The Tokyo Olympics organizers have been clear, they will not tolerate such behavior at the Olympic Games, but I am sure some American athletes will take it upon themselves to embarrass our country and they will be compensated for it by outside third parties. Unfortunately, it is inevitable.

Of course, it did not take long for the United States Women’s Soccer Team to embarrass the country.  They took a knee while playing against Sweden.  But Karma does exist as the kneeling losers took a 3-0 glorious thrashing at the hands of the Swedish team.  It made my day.

In all fairness, several members of the team stood up for our National Anthem and for that they have my thanks.

If you wish to spend your time supporting such nonsense, more power to you.  Me?  I have better things to do with my life, the life this great country has afforded me to live.

God Bless the United States of America!

Bonehead of the Week: Columbus Dispatch Opinion Writer, Rob Oller

“I’m not a doctor, but I play one for the Columbus Dispatch” Rob Oller, Photo courtesy of

Rob Oller wrote an opinion column for the Columbus Dispatch stating Professional Golfer Jon Rahm lost a $1.6 million dollar paycheck because he wasn’t vaccinated against Covid-19.

First, it wasn’t a guaranteed Rahm was going to be the winner on Sunday, despite his 6 stroke lead going into the final round.

Second, there’s no medical evidence that will suggest Rahm wasn’t going to produce a positive test if he was vaccinated. To say otherwise, like Mr. Oller suggests, is a lie and misinformation. There have been many cases of Covid-19 positives despite the fact the individuals were vaccinated.

Many people haven’t been vaccinated for all sort of medical reasons, but that’s something to be discuss between a patient and his or her doctor.

Mr. Oller is not a doctor, and epidemiologist, nor an expert on infectious diseases. He doesn’t know what Jon Rahm discussed with his doctor regarding the vaccine.

It has been reported that he received the first shot once he found out he became in a contact with an individual who tested positive. As with any vaccine, they are not a guarantee nor a cure.

Mr. Oller gave his uniformed “opinion” and as the say goes; opinions are like (fill in the blank), everyone has one. For that Oller gets “The Bonehead of the Week” award.

The Not So “Memorable” 2021 The Memorial Golf Tournament

(Photo by Robert Laberge/Getty Images)

Once again, the PGA Tour sticks their head up their rear end.  This time by making Jon Rahm withdraw from The Memorial Tournament due to a positive Covid-19 test.

In a week when emails from Anthony Fauci surfaced putting into question the handling of the pandemic and the truth behind its origins, you would think the PGA Tour would have used a commonsense approach when addressing this issue.

After all, the fans are back, and who knows how many of those walking around, without masks and any type of social distancing, were positive themselves.  There’s common knowledge Covid-19 testing is spotty at best and unreliable at worst.

Rahm was leading the tournament by 6 shots, a tournament record for a 54-shot leader.  At the start of the week, Rahm was advised by the Tour that he became in contact with a person who was Covid positive and therefore he was subject to contact-tracing protocols.

According to the Tour, Rahm tested negative all week, but a recent test, conducted after the end of the second round, had come back positive.  Mind you, Rahm was still playing and was asymptomatic.

If this was such a big deal, to the point of withdrawal; why was Rahm not notified immediately and removed from the golf course, along with his two playing partners? 

The Tour medical adviser requested a second test from the original test which came back positive.  Knowing the importance of the situation the Tour medical adviser should have requested a second sample from Rahm.  It has been proven, time and time again, Covid testing is not 100% reliable.

Instead, the Tour waited until Rahm completed his round to notify him of his misfortune.  Unfortunately, the tour continues to implement some ridiculous protocols and Rahm had no choice but to withdraw from the tournament.

This is sickening to the core.  Not only has the CDC and Anthony Fauci been wrong all along about Covid-19, but if the tour was really that serious about it, they should have not allowed fans back into its venues.  It is all about the money for Jay Monahan folks. 

What about his four playing partners, Scheffler, Cantlay, Morikawa, and Schauffele?  The PGA Tour cleared them to play, but they do not tell you why or under which protocols they were cleared.  Again, if the Tour was that serious about it, the other four players should have been removed and quarantined.

My biggest disappointment comes for the tournament host, Jack Nicklaus.  Nicklaus should have been more vocal about it and intervened on behalf of Jon Rahm.  Instead, he just gave some empty words of encouragement and moved on with business as usual.

Regardless of who wins this tournament, to me, and many fans, the champion will not be a legitimate champion.  This was poorly handled, and my heart goes out to Jon Rahm.

The PGA Tour has become a sport product not worth buying. 

This Memorial Tournament will not be a memorable one and for a good reason.