Rory McIlroy Has It All Wrong

As He Flips and Flops The Adult In The Room Still Missing

Professional Golfer, Rory McIlroy Photo courtesy of getty images

I think Rory McIlroy is an amazing golfer, but that is the extent of my admiration or respect for the lad.

Since the LIV Golf vs. the PGA Tour saga began, McIlroy has flip-flopped on the issue like a Waffle House pancake.

He has taken the role, that in all honesty, PGA Tour Commissioner, Jay Monahan, should have taken, of making a case for the continued monopoly of professional golf by the PGA Tour.

The problem is that his case is mostly emotional and without much factual information as it the case with his latest flip flop.

In his press conference in Dubai, McIlroy called for the removal of LIV Golf CEO, Greg Norman.

“I think Greg [Norman] needs to go. I think he just needs to exit stage left,” McIlroy said. “He’s made his mark but I think now is the right time to sort of say, look, you’ve got this thing off the ground but no one is going to talk unless there’s an adult in the room that can actually try to mend fences.”

It is ironic that the one acting like a child is the one asking for an adult in the room.

Who Rory McIlroy thinks he is to be calling for anybody’s removal? Especially since Greg Norman is in charge of LIV Golf and not the PGA Tour or the DP World Tour.

He went on to say, “If those two things happen, then things can happen,” he said. “But right now, it’s a stalemate because there can’t be any other way.”

“Hopefully something can happen, who knows?” McIlroy echoed. “But right now, I think the separate entities the PGA Tour, European Tour and LIV are both going to be — one is a very different product to the other. It seems like it’s a bit of a stalemate.”

He goes from stalemate to hopefully something can happen, then he goes on to acknowledge that LIV Golf is just a “different product.”

The so-called stalemate was created by Jay Monahan who refused to meet with Norman at the beginning stages of LIV Golf.

At this point LIV Golf is a viable product that does no need McIlroy or the PGA Tour to survive. Sure, a television deal would make a big difference, but until that happens, LIV Golf is not going anywhere.

I watched every single LIV Golf Invitational broadcast and I was very pleased with the product. The commentary was minimal and golf related, a refreshing change from the “woke” commentary from the people at Golf Channel/NBC Sports.

The quality of players is much better than the quality of players playing this week at the RSM Classic, and more talented players will, without a doubt, join LIV Golf in the near future.

LIV Golf appeals to the new younger golfers for whom the PGA Tour has not created a path forward and with all the money LIV Golf has to offer; why not?

Instead of spending all that energy blasting Greg Norman and LIV Golf, perhaps McIlroy should let the adults in the room deal with the situation and concentrate in winning tournaments.

The Man Who Killed Professional Golf

PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan

Another week and PGA Tour Commissioner Jay Monahan refuses to see the inevitability of LIV Golf.

As LIV Golf is in serious negotiations for a television deal and top players continue to take the big money, the only thing Jay Monahan can come up with is empty rhetoric.

Him and his little minions at NBC Golf and the Golf Channel are trying hard to convince you that LIV Golf is a shooting star and it will be gone before it starts.

Of course, anyone who has watched the format understands this is going to be part of professional golf and it is here to stay.

LIV CEO, Greg Norman has made a compelling case for LIV Golf and the reasons why it can coexist with the PGA Tour and the DP World Tour.

Greg Norman’s interview with Piers Morgan was very revealing and a very honest take on the situation.

On the other hand, Jay Monahan has gone around whining and complaining about LIV Golf and refusing to even sit down to talk. Instead he sends his little dogs, McIlroy and Horschel to do his bid.

This week, McIlroy stated that it was time to sit down as professional golf was getting ripped apart by this rift.

Even a flip flopper like Rory McIlroy understands, and realizes, LIV Golf is here to stay and the importance for the best players in the world to participate in the Major Championships.

As the professional golf world turns, Jay Monahan insists on staying in the past.

Presidents Cup- Final Day


As expected, the American team won the Presidents Cup, again.

On the last day, a few matches were worth watching. The one I enjoyed the most was the S.W. Kim and Justin Thomas match. I was pleased to see S.W. Kim beat Thomas rather convincingly.

There is not much to write about this Presidents Cup, but for the things and people who made it an unattainable endeavor for the International team.

The absence of players like Cam Smith, Abe Ancer, and Joaquin Niemann, robbed the International team of the firepower necessary to give the Americans a real run for their money.

Perhaps the next International team captain will have the guts to stand up to Jay Monahan.

I kept wondering why Ryan Fox was not on the International team. The man has been on fire and deserved a spot on that team. I guess we will never know.

Jay Monahan got what he wanted, a weak International team, and a boatload of money.

Until the next shenanigan.

Presidents Cup- Day 2

Another Trouncing With A Glimmer Of Hope

Day 2 was not much more different from Day 1.

The International team managed to scrap a couple of half points and the Americans took an 8-2 lead into Saturday’s Four Ball matches.

This could be over by Saturday evening if the Americans continue with their good form, especially on the greens.

Unfortunately for the International team, this is what happens when you put a team together, not of the players you wanted, but the players you were told to.

I am hoping for the International team to give us something to talk about on Saturday, otherwise the Presidents Cup will be a one sided one trick pony.

Presidents Cup- Day 1

Embarrassing As Much As A Disappointment

Nothing much to say other than the fact the International squad has performed as it was expected; poorly.

Jay Monahan knew this was going to be failure of major proportions for the International team, especially when the best players were not allowed to play.

Jay Monahan is a selfish little man, so I am not surprise he did not care one bit.

As to the coverage, Dan Hicks and Paul Azinger are dreadful. They are nothing more than cheerleaders for the United States team with zero objectivity or meaningful commentary. Do yourself a favor and watch with your television in ‘mute.’

Instead of talking golf, they spend most of their time on a butt kissing tour of the players. Meanwhile the network is showing Davis Love riding around in a golf cart while play is going on. One word: Ridiculous!

It is really sad to watch. The International team has been outplayed and humiliated by the United States team. This is not a competition, this is a PGA cash cow and that is all Jay Monahan cares about.

If I were the captain of the International team I would have told Jay Monahan to stuff it. I would have demanded LIV Golf players be allowed to play or otherwise there would be no cup. Not allowing the LIV Golf international players to play for the International team was stupid and shortsighted.

The same goes for the United States team, but Davis Love is Jay Monahan’s lapdog, so he would have never had the guts to make such demands.

So here we are, Captain Immelmann got a raw deal and this will be over before you can yell, ‘Fore.’