Let us be honest, social media is a cesspool. Nothing but bad news, keyboard warriors, and full of people who think, for whatever reason, their views are more important than yours.
If you have a conservative view, most of your posts are shadow banned, or worse, they will suspend your account because it does not fit the sick liberal narrative imposed upon the users by the mommy’s basement dwellers in charge of monitoring content.
Yesterday, I made a comment on X, after watching a clip of a man imposing himself in a women’s bathroom, while calling those women racists because they wanted him gone. I said, “those women should kick his ass,” that is right, they should have kicked his ass to get him out of that bathroom.
Elon’s mommy’s basement dwellers deemed the comment as hateful speech and suspended my “paid for” account for 6 days.
This is not the first time Elon’s goons have suspended my account over comments they do not approve of, but it is definitely the last.
I did not pay $11.00 a month to be censored over ridiculous stuff. I can do that for free.
It is funny, they do not suspend accounts that are obviously going after children with their mentally disturbed transgender ideas, but they suspend my account for siding with a group of women who were been sexually harassed by a man in their own bathroom.
I finally had it with X. The platform is so toxic, I noticed my own views have been clouded by a bunch of people that I did not know. If I dare to challenge their views, I was the one who was wrong, regardless of if I was right.
The rift between the left and the right is such, one cannot have a normal conversation without drifting into the gutter along with them.
I decided it was time to go. I took this “suspension” to close my account and ditch the X for good.
I got tired of reading garbage day in and day out. Everybody hates each other, and because they hide behind a screen, they feel free to lob insults and lies without any sense of accountability or responsibility.
I never hid my identity. I used my real name, and my face was in my profile picture because I did not have an agenda. All I wanted was to engage with likeminded people, but in the end, all it did was make me a less trusting person.
We live in a world that is at the brink of physical destruction, and if I am going to go down, at least I am going to do it on my own terms, and not under those of a mob.
I do not want to live with hate in my heart, and platforms like X are a breeding room for hate.
GWRX is an extremely popular golf related social media outlet. I have been a member since 2007 and have participated in their forums sporadically.
As with any social media outlet, sometimes people get in some heated conversations and say things that may not be “socially” acceptable or deemed “offensive”, even if they are not.
That is “par for the course,” you give, you take, and move on, nothing personal until it gets personal.
As with any moderated forum, moderators are supposed to enforce the rules, but they are to be enforced equally and unbiased. That is not the case with the moderators at GWRX.
On many occasions I have reported abuse posts which they choose to ignore, giving me no choice but to defend my self in the open forum.
As a result, I get the warnings while the individuals who I reported continue to spill their vile comments without repercussions.
I am a very thick skin individual, but when you start to question my patriotism and my loyalties, I will fight you to the end.
My credentials and what I have done for this country speak for themselves and I will not allow some faceless individual tarnish my reputation.
The management at GWRX decided that they were going to suspend me for defending myself, so I decided to cancel my 15-year association with them.
I am posting this, not because I care about GWRX, but because this illustrates why I have so much disdain for social media and the cowards it protects.
Having rules mean nothing when the rules are selectively enforced, and this is how GWRX operates.
GWRX is cesspool and, in my opinion, encourages cyberbullying. The owners do not care, and they should be ashamed of themselves.
As a minority, I can only think what would have happened to people like me if Facebook were around during the days of the Civil Rights movement. Most likely they would have called for Hispanics like me to be hanged from trees or burned into a crisp.
Now, Facebook and Instagram are going to allow hate speech in their platforms, with one caveat, as long as it is against Russians, even those who live here in the United States, happen to be United States citizens, and are against the conflict.
But Facebook is not the only platform calling for an all out assault on Russians. Politicians like Congressman, and failed presidential candidate, Eric Swalwell is calling for Russian students at American universities to be kicked out of the country.
The former ambassador to Russia under the Obama administration, Michael McFaul, suggested on Twitter that all Russians are to be blamed for the conflict. He went on to say “There are no more innocent, ‘neutral’ Russians anymore.” To think this bundle of irrationality was an ambassador says a lot about our country.
We live in crazy times when former United States diplomats, members of Congress, and social media outlets are calling for the complete extermination of a group of people.
Let us use some rational thinking here for a minute. Am I to believe that every single Russian citizen and American citizen of Russian descent approves of Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine? Every man, woman, and child? Only an uncivilized moron would believe such a thing.
I am sure there are many Russian citizens who are against the Russian-Ukraine conflict, as many of us are, but unlike United States citizens, they don’t have the freedom to say such things, unless they want to spend the rest of their life in a gulag.
To wish for the annihilation of a group of people, any group, is no different than approving of the extermination of Jews by the Nazis during the second World War or the Cambodian “Killing Fields” under Pol-Pot, but foremost, is un-American and inhumane.
This is the state of our society folks. Kill everyone, post it on social media, and everything is going to be alright. It seems Americans have lost all sense of humanity.
If you believe this is ok, you should be ashamed of yourself and should not call yourself an American.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Can you smell what this coward is cooking? I can, a big load of crap!
I don’t have a problem with people standing by their beliefs, but Dwayne Johnson is a hypocrite and a coward.
After standing by Podcaster Joe Rogan, he got a little heat from the ‘blue checkmark’ desk jockeys in Hollywood and cowardly backtracked his support for Rogan.
Like Rogan, Johnson has made some boneheaded statements in the past, but since the cancel culture brood has taken over our society, forgiveness is not a word in their vocabulary.
I would have had more respect for Johnson if, instead of cowardly running away, he would have taken a stance against the cancel culture morons.
How long does it take for people to be forgiven for past stupidities?
I guarantee you that most of these ‘blue checkmark’ desk jockeys have plenty of skeletons in their closets.
A very sick society! Photo courtesy of rockthetreatment.com
I am not a member of Facebook, Twitter, Tik-tok, Snapchat, Instagram, and any other of those social media outlets.
I never cared for them because I believe they are nothing more than outlets for cowards who would never dare to say the things they type, in one’s face.
It is funny to see how politicians and so-called ‘influencers,’ get upset when they get suspended or banned for site violations.
After all, these companies are private enterprises, and they have the right to admit or dismiss those they see fit. The same way, we have the right, as consumers, to refuse to use them.
Unfortunately, social media has become a substitute for real life encounters and conversations. People sit in their underwear and type away or post things, that by most part, other people do not care about.
Other than your family; who cares if your kid got a 25th place trophy? Who cares if you indulge on a Big Mac after claiming you did a forty-five-minute workout?
Social media provides the means for people to spew hate, left and right, and never be held accountable. If you are not willing to say that same thing to my face, I have no time for you. Some of the things I have read on social media could warrant some serious legal issues.
People threatening others with a keyboard, and from miles away, is a cowardly act, but that is what it is today.
From politicians telling their followers to physically harm people because they have a different political ideology, to outlets like Facebook, banning a United States President, social media has created a whole class of what I have coined “techno-terrorists.”
These techno-terrorists are protected by the government and by pages of small print customer’s agreements with the social media conglomerates.
When social media outlets allow Democrat members of Congress to say whatever they want to say but restricts and remove information provided by Republican members of Congress, this is an attack on the First Amendment. It does nothing for the betterment of society and it restricts the flow of information.
When a social media magnate is given so much power about what people is allowed to say or discuss in a free society, we have a problem. This behavior is in complete contradiction with the United States Constitution.
Let us be honest, they are all the same, be a liberal platform or a conservative platform. If you do not have a little blue checkmark or some other symbol of exclusivity next to your name, you are treated differently. This is true of Twitter or the newly conservative outlet, Gettr.
These are social clubs for the politically and socially powerful, everyone else are the water carriers, without them they could not survive.
I compare social media to Mega-churches. People are looking for something to fulfil some emptiness in their life, be by giving 10% of their income to the church with the promise of eternal salvation or following some A-lister hoping one of their posts gets acknowledge, it is all the same.
There are also outlets for those who are nothing more than irrelevant afterthoughts who need these followers to survive. As soon as some faceless follower complains about their activities or comments, they go on an apology tour. They do not even have the self-respect to stand by their comments.
Places like Twitter and Facebook allows and promotes violence by extremist groups, be Antifa, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, or BLM, while at the same time removing accounts and information posted by those who live a more normal life.
They are de-facto an extension of political parties, mainly the Democratic Party, and they serve as their digital judge, jury, and executioners of those who exercise independent thinking and free speech. They are not regulated, and as a private enterprise, they get away with everything a publisher or a real news outlet could not.
They speak of conservative misinformation, but they fail to admit they are the ones spreading misinformation by not allowing the truth to flow. They allow a liar like Anthony Fauci to flip flop in real time, but according to them, Fauci is the only doctor on the planet who knows what he is talking about.
When faced with facts by people like Senator Rand Paul, the social media police deem his factual commentary as an attack on Fauci. The double standard is despicable and ridiculous enough for me not to get involve in these types of social media outlets.
Before social media, people had to talk to each other. There was a level of respect and understanding that has been lost by people hiding behind a keyboard and feeling empowered to talk to others whichever way they want.
Disrespect has become fashionable among the ‘mommy basement dwellers’ with their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Social media has created heroes out of zeroes and a new class of useless beings.
Social media is a societal cancer and until people realize they are nothing more than a hamster on a wheel, the big tech billionaires will continue to use them, and will continue to make billions while trouncing on free speech.