337 Million People In The United States…

Are Harris And Trump The Best We Got?

Republican Party candidate Donald J. Trump and Democratic Party candidate, Kamala Harris. Photo courtesy of cnn.com

We should be embarrassed!

As Election Day is upon us, I cannot fathom the idea of having to choose between Donald Trump or Kamala Harris to be our next president.

As we only have a two-party system, it seems Americans are happy to accept whatever these two parties have to offer, without question and without a challenge.

It is true that under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris regime the country has fallen into social and financial chaos. Everything is more expensive, and our national security is a disaster as a result of an “Open Borders” policy.

It is also true; under the Trump presidency the country was in great shape. We had an economic and energy revival the country has not seen in decades. But we also witness a president who was a bad judge of character, appointing people to positions who did not have the country’s best interest at heart.

Donald Trump’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic was one of the most un-American episodes in American history. It began with “14 Days” to contain the spread, and the rest is history. Donald Trump left the door open for the Biden administration to impose unconstitutional lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Millions of lives were lost and millions more were destroyed by the government.

Turned brother against brother, and family members were instructed, by the government, to turn on each other. It was a dark period in our nation’s history.

Unfortunately, today, Donald Trump continues to brag about operation Warp Speed.

So, here we are, in another one of our country’s crossroads. We are, in what appears to be, one election cycle away from becoming Venezuela under a Harris administration or survive one more election cycle under a Trump administration.

Yes, I mean when I say survive. A Trump presidency may be able to pause the inevitable, but as long as people continue to vote for the same people into Congress, nothing is going to change. The United States Congress has become a career, instead of the public service the Founding Fathers had in mind.

We are faced with the choice of electing the best of two evils. We have nobody but ourselves to blame for this political travesty. American society has become so morally weak, it has forgotten that it has the power to change the country’s trajectory.

Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, X, and the likes, are the equivalent of what the Roman poet Juvenal referred to as “Bread and circuses.” Keep the population superficially appeased instead of giving them honest public service or legislation. The Romans knew how to do it, but even the Roman Empire could not stop their demise.

Why do we have to settle for garbage? That is a question that will haunt me.

The Unfriendly Skies

Where Are The Air Marshals?

Are there any Air Marshals on board?

On October 3, 2023, Senator Ted Cruz, ranking member of the committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, sent a letter to the TSA Administrator David Pekoske, requesting information about the Federal Air Marshal Service deployment of air marshals to the Southern border.

In this letter, Senator Cruz questioned why hundreds of air marshals have been used at the border and why they were “administering aid to illegal aliens”.

The letter goes on to highlight several incidents on flights within the past year and how the presence of air marshals could have had prevented the incidents from escalating.

It poses several interesting questions to the administrator, and I am looking forward to seeing how the administrator responds.

As a retired air marshal, I can’t stress enough how invaluable the presence of air marshals onboard an aircraft is. I know when I fly, I would feel more safe knowing that I have brothers and sisters covering my six while on vacation travel.

Air marshals are not trained to do what the Transportation Security Administration is making them do at the Southern border.

As indicated in the letter to the administrator, air marshals have been used to perform “administrative functions, conducting welfare checks, and escorting aliens to processing centers.”

Air marshals are highly skilled trained operators. The agency spends thousands of dollars training air marshals to deal with real time stressful situations.

This is your tax dollars at work, and you should demand better from your government.

As air marshals continue to be deployed to the Southern border, our skies continue to be vulnerable to another 9/11 style attack.

With an open border, the government is only inviting more trouble and our transportation system is at the weakest position I have seen it since I joined the service back in 2002.

This should be of concern to any American citizen who steps on an aircraft. This is you and your family’s safety. With an open border we bring new security challenges and air marshals should be deployed where they belong: the skies.


The Feckless Republican Party

The Two Faces of the Republican Party Photo courtesy of genius.com

After a long wait, the Republicans in the House of Representatives finally got the majority, a razor thin, but still a majority.

It took days of dealing and whining for the Republicans to finally select the “heir apparent” to the Speakership, Kevin McCarthy. The House of Representatives made history by holding the most rounds of voting in 100 years.

This is probably the most amount of time I have dedicated to watch CSPAN in my entire life, but it was entertaining. Also, I have never seen members of Congress actually working for a change. This is probably the most they have worked since the Covid-19 shutdowns.

Let us fast forward a few weeks. Republicans in the House are preparing all kind of bills, going on Twitter and other social media platforms to brag about how much they are doing for the American people. They are also creating committees to investigate several things, from investigating the FBI, Covid-19, and the United States relationship with China.

I am sure people are cheering these investigations, but as every other investigation conducted by Republicans have shown, this will end up the same way, a lot of nothing and millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money wasted.

Who can forget when then congressman, Trey Gowdy, got humiliated on national television by Hillary Clinton while investigating the attack on the United States Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Several Americans were killed, including Ambassador John Christopher Stevens.

The reality is without the Senate, the Republicans have close to zero chance of passing any meaningful legislation without getting stomped by Senator Chuck Schumer the minute it hits his desk.

This is typical of the Republicans. I cannot remember the Republicans getting anything done since Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” and later on during the Trump presidency.

Republicans should be concentrating on things they can actually do. For example, there is plenty of evidence pointing to President Biden’s alleged corruption. There is also the failure of the Biden administration in protecting the Southern border from illegal aliens.

These two along are strong enough to begin impeachment proceedings against President Biden. Sure, they do not have the Senate, and the chances of obtaining a conviction are nonexistent, but one thing it will do is expose President Biden to the American people and the failure of his administration.

It may not sound like much, but it will show the Republicans are not afraid of holding a sitting president accountable.

When President Trump was elected in 2016, the Democrats in the House wasted no time working and putting together so-called evidence to draft articles of impeachment, and by 2019, he was impeached.

The Democrats were clear about what they were going to do to President Trump, and they did it, not once, but twice in his four-year presidency.

Have you heard the Republicans even bringing the subject up? No, they continue promoting pieces of legislation that will never become law and only gets them airtime on Fox News and Hannity.

The Republicans have a little under two years to get things done and to have any chance of holding the House in 2024.

Right now, all they are doing is being histrionic because they think we are that kind of stupid. They think we are not smart enough to understand how our system of government works and they are banking on that stupidity to just get by until the next election cycle.

When it comes to the fighting spirit, I wish the Republicans were like the Democrats. The Democrats know how to win, even when in the minority.

In the meantime, we can expect from the Republicans and their leadership more of the same, the “Potomac Two Step.”

Elections Have Consequences

Look At Yourself In The Mirror And You Will Find The Answer

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall……..Photo courtesy of bible-reflections.net

Now that the media driven big ‘Red Wave’, which I was guilty of buying into it, did not happen, we could probably learn a thing or two of the outcomes.

As I said back in 2020, politicians are not to blame for their successes or defeats at the ballot box. Politicians do what they do best, they lie, cheat, and steal in order to get elected, but it is up to you, to either believe them or reject them.

As the 2022 mid-term elections are ending, almost 7 days after the fact, the time to blame the politicians for the results is over. It is your responsibility to vote for your best interest and if you did not, shame on you.

In New York state, Governor Kathy Hochul got over 90% of the black vote, despite the fact lockdowns and crime has affected this community more so than any other in New Your City and throughout the state.

In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, not only got reelected as governor of Michigan but she also got a Democratic Party House and Senate. This is the same woman who would not allow people to buy seed to plant while her husband was getting preferential treatment to use his boat.

In Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker got also reelected. This is the same Pritzker who while Illinois was on lockdown he took off with his family to Florida and was having a good time while people were suffering in his state.

These are a few examples on how people voted despite the facts hitting them square in the face. So how is Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, or even Donald Trump to blame for the Republican losses?

Donald Trump scuttled Dave McCormick’s chance in Pennsylvania while endorsing Dr. Oz for the U.S. Senate. Every serious political pundit knows, and agrees, McCormick had the best chances to defeat Lieutenant Governor Fetterman in the general election.

Needless to say, Dr. Oz got beaten and couldn’t even get the endorsement of the woman who made him a television star, Oprah Winfrey.

Yes, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, did not do much for the Republicans candidates in Arizona and even funneled money to fight against another Republican candidate in Alaska in order to keep a RINO by his side.

At the end of the day, it was not McConnell, McCarthy, or Trump who got these candidates beaten, it was the voters who did not show up or clearly voted for the opposition candidate.

There is a lot of blame to go around this election cycle, but it was up to us to vote for the candidates we thought had the best ideas and plans for the country.

Until people stop blaming the establishment and start taking responsibility for whom they vote for, this will continue to happen election after election after election.

Our electoral system needs some serious reforms, but it starts with us, the voters.

Will The Critics Of Election Deniers Accept The Mid-Term Election Results?

The Red Wave Is Coming And The Biden Administration Is Not Happy

The Red wave is coming……Photo courtesy of floridajolt.com

For two years, the Democrats have gone from the halls of Congress to the corner store, demonizing everyone who thinks or dare to suggest Joe Biden was illegitimately elected, or elected at all.

Joe Biden uses ridiculous innuendos such as “Ultra MAGA” and “MAGA Republicans” to talk about political opponents and those American citizens who voted against him and his leftwing policies.

The January 6th Committee has been seen by most as a joke and nothing more than an intimidation tool to suppress speech from those who disagree with the Biden administration.

American citizens have been languishing in D.C. jails awaiting trial and some of them still awaiting charges. I am all about the rule of law, but the rule of law should be applied equally to everyone, regardless of politics or beliefs.

As the country is on the verge of a third world war because of Joe Biden’s proxy war against Russia, the U.S. economy continues to decline, Biden’s open border policy continues to kill thousands of illegal aliens as well as American citizens, Democrats policies allow out of control crime in major cities, and an incompetent and ineffective federal government is out of control; the Biden administration and the Democratic Party are already calling the November 8th elections results as illegitimate in the event the Republican Party wins the majorities in the House, the Senate, or both.

Of course, this is nonsense and only suggests the Biden administration knows is heading towards a congressional beating of massive proportions.

The Biden administration still has not realized the country is on a financial and moral decline.

Americans, including those who think Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes, are looking at their bank accounts, the prices at the gas station, the prices of food, and they are not liking it.

The Democrats are living in an alternate reality that is not the one the American people are actually experiencing.

Since the mismanagement of Covid-19, the Biden administration has done nothing to bring back normalcy to everyday America. Instead, they have fought tooth and nail to keep in place draconian policies that did not work in the first place.

The country is at the verge of self-destruction and the Biden administration does not care.

Out of touch is an understatement to describe the Biden administration.

On November 8th, the country heads out to the polls to hold the government accountable and the Democrats are already crying foul and suggesting any loss is going to be due to Republican induced voter fraud.

I believe in the American people capacity to understand that government needs to be held accountable, not only for their successes, but also their failures.

The Biden administration has been a divisive and an utter failure. With the help of the Democrat controlled Congress they have managed to divide our country.

From the destruction of cities by the criminals of Blacks Lives Matter and Antifa, to members of Congress, like Maxine Waters, inciting violence against justices of the Supreme Court, the Democrats have been a party of evil.

It is time for the American people to stop this insanity, and is not going to be because of voter fraud, is going to be because the Biden administration has failed us, and we are going to hold him accountable.

The ‘Red Wave’ is coming and hopefully it will wash away the hate that has been harvest by the Democratic Party for the last two years.