The Biden’s Administration Search For The Next “Black Woman” Supreme Court Justice
Is justice colorblind? Photo courtesy of
The Biden administration could not wait for an official retirement announcement from Supreme Court Justice Stephen Bryer to go on media outlets and announce to the world that if you are not black or a woman, you will not be considered to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, regardless of qualifications.
This is how we do things in this country in 2022. Forget about qualifications and experience, if you have the complexion for the connection, that is all it matters.
But this is not new. A supervisor of mine, who happened to be black, lost his service pistol, not once, but twice, and he still got promoted.
Another black supervisor had an accidental weapon discharge in the office while conducting an inspection, again, nothing happened to him. In today’s world that’s par for the course.
I have always put a premium on experience and qualifications and when I was working I always sought out ways to improve my knowledge and on-the-job experience.
It always paid off for me, I got promoted because of my experience and knowledge. That I happened to be Hispanic was an afterthought because I could back it up with my work.
Joe Biden handcuffed himself when he promised he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy with a “black woman.” Nothing wrong with that, but for someone who claims everyone is racist but him, to cast away everyone else solely on the color of their skin, well, that is racist.
In pure Democratic Party fashion; if you are male, Asian, white, lesbian, transgender, binary, and all those other unscientific, but socially acceptable human designations, do not waste your time, you will not be considered.
If you are a conservative black woman forget about it. And if you are a conservative black woman with outstanding qualifications, no way in Democratic Party hell, will you get a phone call.
It is a shame this is the current situation in our society. Everything, from education to voting has been dumbed down in the name of so-called equality.
I have never used my ethnicity as an excuse for not getting a job. If I did not get a job it is because I was not qualified for it, period. I am sick of people using their skin color or ethnic origin as an excuse when things do not go their way or to demand things they are not entitled to.
The Biden administration has already handicapped whomever the black woman is. At the end of the day, she will be just that, the black woman in the Supreme Court of the United States that Joe promised the Democratic Party base.
Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried Reaches for The Lowest Hanging Fruit
Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner, Nikki Fried Photo courtesy of the National Review
Nikki Fried, Florida’s agriculture commissioner and Democratic Party 2022 gubernatorial hopeful, cannot get enough of foot in the mouth disease.
In an interview with NPR, she compared Florida governor, Ron DeSantis with Hitler. Of course, this is not new. Since the election of President Donald Trump, the Democrats have developed a sick infatuation for Hitler.
Anyone who disagrees with their agenda is either a “white supremacist” or a “Nazi.” Frankly, it is pathetic and disrespectful to the millions of Jews who died at the hands of the Nazi Party during the second world war.
Fried could not attack the governor on substance, so she reached for the lower hanging fruit available.
During her interview she was quoted as saying about Governor DeSantis, “He is doing everything possible to take power away from local governments, taking away people’s abilities to protest, making it harder to vote, talking about, you know, banning books.”
“That’s what dictators do. Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people, and, you know, that, I’m sorry, I’m a student of history, too. I saw the rise of Hitler.”
This is crazy talk, period. Comparing Ron DeSantis to Hitler is not a healthy debate about the issues, but a cheap way to demonize the governor.
Governor DeSantis has allowed Floridians to live their lives with as little of government intrusion as possible. Democrats do not like it because it takes what they consider leverage, control.
I do not think many Floridians would agree with Ms. Fried’s assessment of the governor’s job in the last two years.
Several individuals came out to the governor’s defense, including Mayor Gabriel Groisman, who happens to be Jewish, and Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nunez.
Unfortunately, Ms. Fried chose to double down on her remarks by later tweeting, “Ron DeSantis and his anti-democratic demagoguery is a danger to our state, our country, and yes, the world. Choose your own historical example if you want, but it’s the damn truth.”
The Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler were one of the most destructive forces in the world. Millions died at the hands of the Nazis and millions died fighting this evil regime.
It is time for liberals to stop using such analogies, instead debate on the issues. Intelligent people do not buy these comparisons, and compassionate people do not respect people who make such comparisons.
The CDC’s New Unscientific Mask Rules are Going to Hit Your Wallet Hard
This mask is as unscientific as the man wearing it. Photo courtesy of Susan Walsh, UPI.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is going to issue new mask guidelines and they will be more expensive and equally useless as the ones before.
As reported by the Washington Post, they will update their guidelines with the following, if people “can tolerate wearing a KN-95 or N-95 mask all day”, they should do so.
Of course, they offer no science behind it or any actual study showing the benefits of wearing an ‘improperly’ fitted N-95 or KN-95 mask.
We have known since the beginning of Covid-19 that pieces of cloth, bandanas, and even those Chinese made surgical masks are ineffective against the spread of Covid-19. Anthony Fauci told us that much when he insisted, before flip flopping, that masks were useless and unnecessary.
Now the CDC wants Americans to forgo the cheap and ineffective masks, for a more expensive, hard to find, and just as ineffective N-95 or KN-95 mask.
The reality is that unless you are properly fitted to wear any of those models, the masks will not do what they are supposed to do. Additionally, N-95 and KN-95 masks are supposed to be replaced every 8 hours with a new one to be effective.
An improperly fitted N-95 or KN-95 mask can be more dangerous to one’s health that not wearing one at all. It can restrict your oxygen intake and increase your intake of C02.
Just like the toilet paper frenzy and binged buying, these masks are hard to find because the hoarders are already at it. Companies are raising the prices as fast as they can make them, with prices as high as $80.00 dollars for a pack of 40 KN-95, from a low of $17.00 dollars back in November. Talk about price gauging.
It seems Omicron has been pumping the sales and influenced the CDC decision to issue new guidelines, but the fact remains that Omicron is less dangerous than the Delta variant and your chances of landing in the hospital because of it are minimal.
It is obvious the wealthy will have no problem purchasing these masks, but low-income families cannot afford to pay $80.00 for a pack of 40. A pack of 40 only gives you enough masks for an average of 5 days ‘protection’, for a single individual, if one follows the manufacturer’s guidelines.
The CDC has been all over the place about masking or not. They have changed their guidelines as fast as they can to placate the mainstream media and the blue check marked virtue signalers on Twitter. Why this time would be any different?
Who is going to certify the authenticity of the hundreds of N-95 and KN-95 flooding the market? Because it is stamped “KN-95 or N-95” does not necessarily make it so. Buyer beware is my suggestion.
We have reached a 40-year inflationary record of 7%. Things are more expensive; food, gas, electricity, heat, you name it. Now the CDC wants to impose more burdens on American citizens by telling them an N-95 or KN-95 is the answer to Covid-19 salvation. Poppycock!
The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Are
Voter Suppression is self imposed! Photo courtesy of
I have voted in every presidential election since I came to the mainland from Puerto Rico in 1988. My careers have taken me to several states, and I have never, ever, been denied the right to vote by anyone.
I have voted in person or via absentee ballot. I never had an excuse not to vote, after all, the system affords me all the opportunities to vote and anyone who claims otherwise, is just flat out lazy.
As far as I can remember I have always had an identification. I never walked around without an identification, be a school identification card or my official law enforcement credentials. You cannot do anything in the United States without proper identification, period.
Lack of a photo identification or access to one has been the number one excuse by minority groups to claim some form of voting discrimination. This is a false claim and an excuse for Democrats every time they fail in an election cycle.
As of September 10, 2020, all 50 states have complied with the Department of Homeland Security “Real ID” requirements, meaning everyone is to be issued either a REAL ID driver’s license or state identification card.
Most states accept many forms of non-picture identification, and most of them offer free photo identifications to those who cannot afford to pay for one. This is an excuse that has run its course and a myth that needs to be debunked.
Other excuses include lack of polling places, lack of transportation, or ‘I’m a minority.’ These are nothing more than excuses by those who make a living by being perpetual victims or race hustlers.
The United States Constitution guarantees every American the right to vote, it is up to us as citizens to exercise that right.
The 15th Amendment is clear; “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. The 24th amendment eliminated the poll tax and the 26th amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 years of age. Overall, four amendments were specifically designed to address the right to vote in the United States.
We have more amendments addressing this critical issue than any other in our Constitution. This is how important the founding fathers thought about voting rights and the future of a constitutional form of government.
The establishment of voting laws is not part of the Powers of Congress under Section 8 of the Constitution. Today, Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to federalize our electoral system by enacting legislation that will end our constitutional system of government as we know it.
Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution states, “The Times, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators Places and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
The constitution is clear, elections are the responsibility of the individual states, not the federal government.
Joe Biden has openly called for abolishing the Senate 60-vote rule to force the passage of two so-called “voting rights” bills.
Even though Joe Biden always defended the filibuster rule while in the Senate, today he is quoted as saying “this is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy.”
Democrats always forget we are not a democracy; we are a constitutional republic. If they feel there is a problem with our electoral system, they should follow Article 5 of the Constitution and with two thirds of both houses, propose a constitutional amendment.
These so-called “voting rights” bills are nothing more than a complete takeover of our electoral system by the federal government. The Democrats are using fictitious, non-existent problems, to justify their power grab.
What happened on January 6th has nothing to do with voting rights, but the Democrats claim that the Capitol riots were an existential threat to our country and are using it as an excuse to ram these pieces of legislation down our throats. Fear and scaremongering have always been the ‘go-to’ tool for the Democrats.
The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are a way for Democrats to set a federal standard on the United States election system, and by default remove, finally, any state involvement in our elections.
If this were to happen, our country will become a dictatorship no different from Venezuela, and you can kiss our Constitution goodbye.
For a party that claims their presidential candidate got over 80 million votes, more than any other president in the history of this country, they do not seem to trust the system our Constitution has given us. Of course, this is the same party who wants nothing to do with the investigation of election irregularities, so go figure.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure they keep a hold on power for as long as they can, and if it means to destroy the country and our constitutional republic in the process they will.
They want to replace American citizens with illegal aliens and foreigners they can control, and this is the way to do it. These pieces of legislation will make the requirement of citizenship to vote an afterthought.
Do I believe the Senate will abolish the filibuster? I would like to think not, after all, the Democrats will be in the minority at some point, and like in the past, they will enjoy the benefits of stalling legislation.
But if they do succeed in getting rid of the filibuster rule and pass these two pieces of legislation, I can guarantee the states are not going to take it laying down. I see many judicial challenges including a trip to the Supreme Court.
At the end of the day, this has little to do with voting rights and everything to do with a massive power grab by an already bloated federal government, and a corrupt Democrat Party.
With a $29.7 trillion dollars in national debt, one must question why the United States had a $36 billion dollar bill worth of foreign aid obligations for the fiscal year 2021.
Some of these countries are our sworn enemies and others are continuously violating our sovereignty and laws by exporting illegal aliens into the United States.
The following is the breakdown of the more egregious recipients of American taxpayer dollars.
Afghanistan- $551M
China- $13.1M
Colombia- $ 451M
Cuba- $6.61M
El Salvador- $109M
Guatemala- $255M
Haiti- $233M
Honduras- $196M
Iraq- $311M
Mexico- $82.2M
Nicaragua- $32.7M
Venezuela- $180M
Meanwhile in the United States homelessness is on the rise, inflation is at an all-time high at 6.4%, and American kids can’t even break the top 10 in the OECD rankings in Mathematics, Reading, and Science.
I have to say, foreign aid figures for FY-2021 were much lower than those for FY-2020 of $51 billion dollars, nevertheless, given the current fiscal situation in the United States, every dollar needs to be invested wisely.
Given the nature of our government’s wasteful spending, I feel confident the figures for FY-2022, under the fiscally reckless Democrats, and some Republicans, is going to reach FY-2020 levels or even surpass those numbers.
It is unfortunate, but this fiscal train wreck is inevitable.
One thing is for sure, we need to do more here at home as we are losing financially and academically to countries that we would classify as ‘underdeveloped.’