Foreign Aid FY-2021

Monetary Shenanigans

Photo courtesy of

With a $29.7 trillion dollars in national debt, one must question why the United States had a $36 billion dollar bill worth of foreign aid obligations for the fiscal year 2021.

Some of these countries are our sworn enemies and others are continuously violating our sovereignty and laws by exporting illegal aliens into the United States.

The following is the breakdown of the more egregious recipients of American taxpayer dollars.

  • Afghanistan- $551M
  • China- $13.1M
  • Colombia- $ 451M
  • Cuba- $6.61M
  • El Salvador- $109M
  • Guatemala- $255M
  • Haiti- $233M
  • Honduras- $196M
  • Iraq- $311M
  • Mexico- $82.2M
  • Nicaragua- $32.7M
  • Venezuela- $180M

Meanwhile in the United States homelessness is on the rise, inflation is at an all-time high at 6.4%, and American kids can’t even break the top 10 in the OECD rankings in Mathematics, Reading, and Science.

I have to say, foreign aid figures for FY-2021 were much lower than those for FY-2020 of $51 billion dollars, nevertheless, given the current fiscal situation in the United States, every dollar needs to be invested wisely.

Given the nature of our government’s wasteful spending, I feel confident the figures for FY-2022, under the fiscally reckless Democrats, and some Republicans, is going to reach FY-2020 levels or even surpass those numbers.

It is unfortunate, but this fiscal train wreck is inevitable.

One thing is for sure, we need to do more here at home as we are losing financially and academically to countries that we would classify as ‘underdeveloped.’

I am looking forward to FY-2022.



Do as I say, Not as I Do

Member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Photo courtesy of

I won’t spend time writing about all the inadequacies of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman is incompetent and a daily reminder of the equally incompetent government we have.

Here is another example of how the left loves to preach, but will not follow their own gospel.

Unfortunately, the American press will not report on the stupidity and childish behavior of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, so here you have her latest act of hypocrisy and the result. Karma is a b$%&!….

The Real Victims of January 6, 2021

The American People

Washington, DC, January 6, 2021 Photo courtesy of

Listening to the Democrats stating the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, were far worse than the burning of the Capitol by the British Army in 1812, the Civil War and 9/11, is not only insulting, but disrespectful to the memory of those Americans who fought the War of 1812, the Civil War and those who perished on 9/11 at the hands of Muslim extremists.

The events on January 6th, 2021, were a dark moment in our history. Not only were we deprived of an orderly transfer of power but will never know what really happen to the 2020 election.

Our congressional representatives were not allowed to do their jobs, and we will never know the truth. Once the proceedings were disrupted, any chance of challenging the election were dead on arrival.

I did not have a problem with President Trump questioning the results, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did it in 2016, including lodging objections to the Electoral College results on the House floor.

The significant difference is the Capitol was not stormed and the members of Congress were allowed to certify the election.

My problem was once things got out hand, by Capitol Police allowing rioters to enter the Capitol or rioters making their way into the Capitol, President Trump cleaned his hands and did not go on national television to tell these rioters to stand down.

That was his job, after all, these people were acting, by all intent and purposes, on his behalf. I believe these Americans believed they were wronged and had a legitimate grievance, but it was President Trump’s job to ensure these individuals did not take matters into their own hands.

It was his job to protect them, to protect the Constitution, and he failed to do so.

Even as public personalities like Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and his own son, Donald Trump Jr., were asking for the president to intervene, President Trump let the riots to go on without saying a word.

Having said that, January 6th was far from an insurrection. The Department of Justice has been sitting on this for over a year and have not been able to produce a piece of evidence that would indicate an ‘insurrection’ took place.

Meanwhile, American citizens sit in jail waiting to be charged or brought to trial. These individuals have been treated as they have zero constitutional rights or rights under our laws.

Of over 200 charged or arrested, 83 of them have been languishing in solitary confinement while Attorney General Garland sits on his hands.

Regardless of your political affiliations, this should frighten you to the core. We still live under a constitutional form of government in which people are innocent until proven guilty. If you believe these individuals should stay in jail indefinitely, you are not an American.

The hypocrisy of Joe Biden and the Democrats, who in 2020 supported the hundreds of riots, burnings, and looting, across the United States, perpetrated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, is a joke on its own merit.

Most of these criminals were never arrested, and those who were arrested, were either let go without charges, or bailed out of jail by George Soros and Democrat Party operatives.

If we are going to throw comparisons between what happened on January 6, 2021, and what happened in the whole of 2020, what happened on January 6th is nothing.

Sure, a few police officers got hurt, but no police officers were killed by the rioters. The only actual victim of gun fire at the Capitol was unarmed Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt who was fatally shot by Capitol Police officer Michael Boyd. As of today, nobody has been held accountable for her death.

Finally, January 6, 2021, was a mixture of law enforcement and intelligence failures, combined with a sector of the population who felt completely disfranchise, and lack of leadership from the White House and congressional leaders.

The only losers on January 6th were the American people. As much as the Democrats want to use this issue to divide the country, what happened at the Capitol was a reminder how fragile our Constitutional Republic can be.

Biden’s Domestic Travel Vaccine Mandate

Possible Restrictions On Domestic Airline Travel for The Unvaccinated

The Dynamic Duo of Incompetency! Photo courtesy of

In their continued attempt to mandate vaccinations for the entire United States, Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are floating the idea of imposing domestic travel restrictions for those Americans who are not vaccinated.

When asked about it, Joe Biden was quoted as saying, “when I get a recommendation from the medical team.” What he is saying is when Fauci and Walensky tell him to do it, he will.

This is what it is all about, their infatuation with vaccine mandates and how far they are willing to go to get it done. They’ll bankrupt the airline industry if that’s what it takes.

Fauci was asked during an interview on MSNBC and he didn’t flinch when giving an answer. “When you make vaccination a requirement, that’s another incentive to get people vaccinated.” “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”

These people are evil and they don’t care about the country, your health, your life, or your rights. Biden and his administration are drunk on power and they will make you submit one way or the other.

Not only will this absurd suggestion put undue strain on the airline industry, but on the thousands of Americans who depend on airline travel to work and conduct business.

Joe Biden is so stupid, he will go on national television and try to sell it to the American people as something ‘good for the economy.’

How much more of this is the American people willing to put up with?

One thing is for sure, the 2022 mid-term elections are around the corner and it will be up to us to put this incompetent third world style dictatorship out of business.

The American Circus Continues

‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’

Photo courtesy of

I am going to assume the Biden administration either loves to look incompetent or is completely out of touch. Otherwise why would they continue to have Anthony Fauci as the face of the Covid-19 response.

The man is a liar who the American people no longer respect or trust.

Here he is, once again, with his doom and gloom scenarios and Ouija board predictions. More of his ‘do as I say, not as I do.’

Of course, this bureaucrat doesn’t follow his own advise and while he wants you to live inside a cave, he’s doing his thing and enjoying the things he’s telling you not to do.

There’s nothing serious about this man. Live your life because he’s definitely living his.