Parents vs School Boards

Parents Are Not a Threat Mr. Agent Man

This is!!!!! Antifa and Black Lives Matters activists. Photo courtesy of

After the death of George Floyd, cities across the country went up in flames by the hands of BLM and Antifa activists.

Businesses were burnt to the ground, police officers were routinely assaulted, federal, and private property were defaced, and citizens lived in constant fear.

This went on for months while Democrats were claiming these were “peaceful protests,” and the Federal Bureau of Investigations concluded they did not have evidence showing Antifa was a domestic terrorist group.

Of course, for a person like me who has been trained in counter terrorism and worked for 15 years preventing terrorists from conducting another 9/11 style attack, this laughable.

Now the Department of Justice wants to designate concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.”  Just because these parents do not want their children to be forced fed Critical Race Theory garbage which is designed to divide our country.

I wrote about this a few days ago, but since then new details have come out about AG Garland and his relationship with promoters of Critical Race Theory.

It is interesting, AG Garland’s son-in-law, Alexander Tanner, is president of Panorama Education, a company who makes millions from the government education system by promoting and selling Critical Race Theory surveys and Critical Race Theory curriculums to government schools across the country. Can you say conflict of interest? YES, BECAUSE IT IS!!!

No wonder AG Garland wants to use the power of the federal government to protect his son-in-law’s bottom line. We saw the same thing during the Obama years with the Internal Revenue Service going after conservative groups like the Tea Party Patriots.

Using the FBI to go after parents who are only exercising their first amendment rights, and their rights as parents, is wrong and a waste of investigative resources. Furthermore, that’s Banana Republic law enforcement.

But how real is this threat by the Department of Justice? According to former SEAL, FBI agent, and fellow former Federal Air Marshal, Jonathan Gilliam, sources at the FBI have told him they have not seen any written directives. He shared this information during an interview with Breitbart News and went on to say he believed this was a bluff.

Personally, I do not believe it’s a bluff, but at the same time I would like to think the FBI would stay away from something that has nothing to do with real terrorism. If they want to deal with real terrorists, I could think about our porous borders and groups like BLM and Antifa.

BLM and Antifa may not be as active as they were during the Trump presidency, but they are still there, and they remain a threat to this country. There is nothing peaceful about burning buildings or setting police stations on fire.

Lastly, the hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me. Just this week, “climate change” protesters clashed with law enforcement at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C.

The Department of Interior released a statement, not condemning the violence but saying the Department “believes strongly in respecting and upholding the right to free speech and peaceful protest.”

Say what? There was nothing peaceful about it. These protesters were trying to break into the building while fighting and disobeying law enforcement. By liberal standards, this was an act of insurrection.

But wait a minute, these were Joe Biden voters, so it is all right to commit acts of insurrection under the cover of “free speech.”

Just as the events of January 6th were quite different from an act of insurrection, the protests at the Department of the Interior were nothing more than a bunch of greenies complaining about lack of action from the administration. Nevertheless, they were not peaceful, and they should have been managed accordingly.

This is an example on how if you think like a liberal you can get caught up in a labyrinth of worthless slogans, labels, and accusations. Violence should be never justified, regardless of party affiliation.

The government, be federal or state, do not have the right to tell parents how to raise their children or what’s appropriate education. We are entitled to question, respectfully, our school board officials, after all, we all pay taxes to fund these schools, and we have the right to know how that money is used.

Instead of chasing concerned parents, I would like to suggest the FBI concentrate their efforts on real crimes and real terrorism. This is something I expect from Banana Republic security apparatuses, not the United States of America.

Can’t Afford Them? Don’t Have Them

Joe Biden Socialized Childcare Agenda

Can’t afford them? That’s a “you” problem, not a government problem. Photo courtesy of

Joe Biden continues to promote his socialist agenda every chance he gets and every time he can get a few people in a room to listen.

While visiting Connecticut, he took the opportunity to promote his taxpayer funded childcare program. He thinks that by giving free childcare to parents, these parents will be able to go to work and make a living. Sure Joe!

He is trying to use this as leverage for his $3.5 trillion spending package, the one his own party will not go along with because it will bankrupt a country in already financial stress.

As usual, he uses empty words and gibberish. He says free childcare is necessary in “keeping America competitive in the global economy.” 

Really? You must be a producer to be competitive and a viable trading partner, and we are not. Biden killed one of the only industries that was making money while making us energy independent, the oil industry.

He claims parents cannot be part of the workforce because they cannot afford the price of childcare. Seriously? If you have job, you can pay for your own childcare. First, you must look for a job. Mooching unemployment checks is not a job, you are a burden to society.

According to One America News Network, Biden was asking for $200 billion in funding as part of the “Care Economy Policy.”  Now, he is pushing for private businesses to build “on-site” childcare centers.

Who is going to pay for this? Are private business owners on the hook for this additional expense? Is Biden going to use this to strip non-compliant business owners of their businesses? This is nothing more than Banana Republic socialism.

Private businesses can barely stay afloat with all the new bloated COVID-19 regulations and know the government wants them to become de facto babysitters.

Biden went on to say, “So, if you go to work with your child and you have a serious facility on-site. Well, studies show that when you have on-site care for children, businesses, the business itself have less employee turnover, less absenteeism, and higher productivity. We can show you all those studies. It’s real.”

Folks, Biden cannot produce those studies because they do not exist. This is all socialist leftwing propaganda. If this were indeed true, the Federal government would have already implemented such a program government wide.

Bottom line, taxpayers are not responsible for your children’s childcare. If you cannot afford childcare, it means you cannot afford to have children.

The government, be Federal or State, is not responsible for your irresponsible decisions.

The Biden Administration vs The Constitution

The Fight Over the Debt Ceiling and the 14th Amendment

Enough said! Photo courtesy of

The Biden Administration on their never-ending quest to bankrupt the United States with reckless spending, bottomless budgets, uncontrolled illegal immigration, and unlimited unfunded liabilities, is trying to revoke the Constitution on their own.

Specifically, the Biden administration is trying to use Section 4 of the 14th amendment, to justify eliminating the debt ceiling all together.

Section 4 of the 14th amendment reads as follow:

Section 4.

“The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.”

This would be completely unconstitutional as is the responsibility of the United States Congress to pay the bills via appropriations legislation, and only the Congress has the power to enforce Section 4, as specified on Section 5 of the 14th amendment.

Section 5.

“The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

Any attempt by the White House would be a clear usurpation of the Separation of Powers. The White House does not have the authority to unilaterally amend the United States Constitution or appropriate funds to serve its purpose.

As the Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, stated in a recent interview, “the White House interfering in matters of debt would be a disastrous situation.” 

As a mentioned before, the debt ceiling was established to control government spending, not as an open-ended credit card for wasteful spending.

The deadline to raise the debt ceiling, again, is fast approaching and lawmakers need to produce something by December 3rd.

Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell told President Biden not to count on Republicans to help in another debt ceiling bailout, but Democrats know how McConnell operates and they can smell his bluff a mile away.

It is funny to see the Democrats invoking the Constitution when it serves their nefarious purposes. Otherwise, our Constitutional rights mean nothing to these people and the Constitution is an antiquated document.

The Republican Party “C’est Fini”

From a Conservative Point of View

Photo courtesy of

One thing I have always admired about the Democrats is the fact they always fight and get what they want, even in the minority.  I don’t support their policies, but I always recognize a prize fighter when I see one.

Democrats exercise the power of the office while Republicans enjoy the glamour of being in office.  That’s a big difference and now with the Democrats in power, Republicans are nowhere to be found.

Sure, they talk a good game in front of the cameras and in conservative radio talk shows, but when it is time to put their money where their mouth is, they play broke.

Republicans are all about perception over principles while Democrats couldn’t care less about what “we the people” may think or feel.  The Democrats will ram anything through the Congress, and they are 100% in it. 

The Republicans, even in the majority, rarely get anything done.  The Obama administration committed many impeachable acts during their tenure, but Republicans were worried about been labeled “racists” for impeaching the first “Black President.” 

From weaponizing the IRS against American citizens, to Benghazi, to Fast and Furious, and the extra judicial droning of American citizens.  The Republicans did nothing and the Obama administration lived to tell the tale, their tale.

Democrats?  Democrats were impeaching President Trump from the moment he became the Republican Party nominee.  Once he became President, the game was on, and the Democrats were all over it and committed to impeach him by any means possible.  They did it, not once, but twice.

On the first impeachment trial, they claimed President Trump had abused his power and obstructed the Congress.  President Trump was impeached a second time after the January 6, 2021, riots at the Capitol. 

On both trials the Senate voted for acquittal despite the fact 10 Republicans joined in with the Democrats to impeach him on the second trial.  With Republicans like that who needs Democrats.

Need more evidence of Republican weakness?  In the latest Republican caper, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, along with 10 Republicans join in with the Democrats to give them a huge victory over the debt ceiling debacle.

The Republicans who joined this exercise on fiscal irresponsibility were, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, West Virginia Sen. Shelly Moore Capito and Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso.

Mitch McConnell and the Republicans didn’t need to do this.  They had the upper hand, and they should have forced the Democrats to raise the ceiling via the budget reconciliation process.  After the fact, Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer took a victory lap while humiliating the Republicans in the process.

Chuck Schumer went on to say, “We have reached an agreement to extend the debt ceiling through early December, and it’s our hope that we can get this done as soon as today,”

An agreement?  Excuse me, but this was nothing more than a capitulation by the Republicans.  As they always do, talk a good game and at the end they always fold.

The Republican Party is weak and is ran by old foolish leadership.  If you think they will step up to the plate and get anything done in the event they retake the House and the Senate in 2022, think again.  Not with career politicians like Mitch McConnell or Lindsay Graham at the helm.

The Republicans don’t have it in them to fight, the Democrats are political MMA fighters.  Consider this, when Democrats are the minority at the Federal level, they take all their energy and money and concentrate on local elections.

Democrats are always two steps ahead while Republicans are trying to figure out which foot to move first. 

The Republican Party is dead. The road toward socialism has never been brighter.

Raising the Debt Ceiling

Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell Offers Democrats an Out

And it will! Photo courtesy of

When it comes to reckless spending in Washington, there is no such thing as Republican or Democrats.

These two compete against each to see which one can spend the most while taking the country down the road of insolvency.

The fight to raise the debt limit continues, meanwhile Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, is even suggesting the United States get rid of the debt ceiling all together. This is crazy talk my fellow Americans.

To those of you who do not know the meaning of the debt ceiling, it is simple.

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount of money the United States government can borrow by issuing bonds. Once the national debt touches the debt ceiling, the Treasury department needs to step in to pay government obligations and expenditures until the ceiling is raised by Congress.

In the event the debt ceiling is not raised, the United States government could default on its debt.

Our government continues to spend and borrow money we do not have therefore the debt ceiling needs to be raised to meet those obligations.

How have we got here? In April of 2021, the United States debt hit the $28 trillion mark for the first time ever in our history. This is how you get yourself in a financial bind.

Imagine if you were to call your credit card company and ask for them to raise your credit limit despite the fact you can barely make minimum payments. They will laugh at you.

Then come the threats of a government shutdown. Let us be honest about what it really means and not the apocalyptic picture our government wants to paint.

Essential services and personnel continue to operate. This includes the military, law enforcement, and anything essential to the operation of our government. Welfare checks, military pensions, Social Security benefits, and social services do not stop.

The worst-case scenario is a paid vacation for non-essential government workers. They are sent home and at the end of the shutdown they get paid for work they did not perform.

This happened back in 1995 when Newt Gingrich refused to negotiate with Bill Clinton for higher government spending. It went into 1996, and despite the efforts by the Republicans not to pay furloughed government employees, they eventually caved in. One positive was a balanced budget was agreed upon for the first time in decades.

In 2011, Obama faced the same issue with Republicans asking for deficit reductions in exchange for a raise in the debt ceiling. It was so bad that the Standards & Poor (S&P), stripped the United States of its 70-year triple A rating.

In 2013, the government shutdown for 16 days over the Affordable Care Act. What did Congress do? Eliminated the debt ceiling. Very fiscally responsible if you ask me.

Since then, the debt ceiling has been raised in 2014, 2015, and 2017, and 2019, when the debt reached $22 trillion dollars.

Now, the Republicans are at it again. Mitch McConnell, along with several other “Republicans in Name Only,” senators, has offered the Democrats a “short term solution.”  In a statement, McConnell said the Republicans would support a deal to temporarily suspend the debt ceiling a “fixed dollar amount.”

Nothing is temporary in Washington. According to McConnell, the agreement would cover current spending levels into December, giving the Democrats an out to find a more permanent solution.

What about stopping reckless spending and living within our fiscal means?

The debt ceiling was supposed to be a measure to regulate government spending and to keep the government fiscally responsible. Since World War I, the debt ceiling has been raised over seventy-eight times to avoid government default on its debt. Obviously, it is not working.

Meanwhile, the Democrats in Congress want to spend like drunken sailors by adding trillions of dollars to an already bloated government debt.

Do not hold your breath, the Republicans will cave in, the debt ceiling will be raised along with more spending.

Wash, Rinse, and Repeat!