Folks, this is simple, if is not in the United States Constitution, you don’t have a right to it, nor are you entitled to it.
Socialism is nothing more than the redistribution of wealth and power for the, so-called, “Good of the People”. Unlike Democratic Socialism, Marxist Socialism is better described as governing by authoritarian rule not by democratic means.
According to the World Population Review https://populationreview.com/ there are nine countries governed by a Socialist Party, this include failed or poor states like Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
In 1991, the Soviet Union, the largest socialist state of its time, failed. Although the United States was key rebuilding Western Europe, the Soviet Union was able to take government control of Eastern Europe.
Countries like Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine, to name a few, were basically seized.
Move forward to 2020. We don’t have to go back to Second World War Europe to find a couple of examples. Right here, close to home, we find the two biggest socialist failures in modern history, Cuba and Venezuela.
Let us review Cuba. Cuba has always been a very volatile country; from its Civil War in 1878, the revolution of 1895, the Batista government era, and ending in 1959 with Fidel Castro.
Although Cuba had a great agricultural revolution, mainly because its sugar production and trade, the Fidel Castro revolution pretty much destroyed the industry and the country with it.
In 2020, Socialism in Cuba has given its citizens nothing more than misery. For the longest time, over 50 years, the Cuban government has denied its citizens the right to leave the country, political parties have been banned, and freedom of speech and that of the press are nonexistent.
In today’s Cuba, prisons are filled with innocent people, mostly anti Castro political opponents and people who dare to criticize the Castro regime. It is still the Castro regime, Fidel may be gone and Raul may have stepped down, but don’t think for a minute this is someone else’s Cuba, no, it remains Castro’s Cuba.
Cuban citizens don’t enjoy material well being; they live on government rations, and barely make $50.00 a month.
In Cuba, like in Venezuela, the top remains at the top, and the bottom still cannot come up to the top. That’s the root of Marxist Socialism.
This type of Marxist Socialism, one that preaches wealth redistribution for the good of the people, but never fulfills its promise, is the end of a civilized society. It is a complete government takeover of one’s rights and dignity as human beings.
I have a thought that puts socialism in simple terms; Fidel Castro didn’t wear a Rolex for no reason.
Cuba is a failed state, one the citizens have failed to shake.
A more horrid story is that of Venezuela. Once a prosperous country it has become nothing more than a human wasteland.
From the Bolivian War in 1809 and ending up with Chavismo and the Bolivarian Revolution, Venezuelans in 2020 are forced to eat from rubbish bins, they eat trash to survive. The Venezuelan Bolivar is not worth the paper that is printed on, and the oil empire they once were, has pretty much disappeared courtesy of socialism.
The Venezuelan Declaration of Independence of 1811 gave Venezuela its independence from Spain. When you read the intention and the meaning of the Venezuelan Constitution, it almost sounds like our beloved United States Constitution, guaranteeing the rights of its citizens to equality and freedom of speech among others.
Hugo Chavez, and in a way like Castro, came into power by promising free services and a better way of life while the state provided basic social welfare to the masses. The problem with Chavez’s promises was that he could only steal from the wealthy for so long to give to the poor. Eventually Chavez ran out of wealthy people to steal and redistribute from.
Unfortunately, the Venezuelan people bought into the bogus promises of the Bolivarian Revolution and Chavismo. One of the first mistakes the Venezuelans made was to give up their right to bear arms and surrendering their weapons to Chavez’s government forces. Once Chavez confiscated the weapons, the population was defenseless.
Chavez nationalized most private industries including, probably the most important one, the oil industry. He pretty much killed it overnight by telling American companies to take a hike, which meant take with you all the people who knew how to operate this equipment. The same thing the South African government and the ANC did to white farmers in South Africa when they redistributed the land. Black South Africans didn’t know how to cultivate the land just as Venezuelans didn’t know how to drill for oil.
At one point in its history, Venezuela was the 10th highest oil producer and exporter in the world at a daily production of 2,394,000 barrels of oil. Today, they are lucky if they can produce 900 barrels a day, you do the math.
A country with oil reserves of over 250 billion barrels and people are living in the Dark Ages. Under the presidency of Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela has solidified their position as a failed state. Marxist Socialism killed Venezuela.
Folks, these are two brief examples of what socialism can do to prosperous societies. Is this what we want for the greatest country in the world? Are we willing to give up our rights under false promises? My friends, nothing is free in a civilized society and promises to the contrary are completely false.
Can you imagine having your hard work and industry taken from you to be given to those who don’t contribute to our society?
Waking up every day doing as the government tells you and not what you want?
Countries around the world are fighting their own oppression while waving American flags in the process. That should tell you something about the greatness of our country and our constitutional way of governance.
Socialism is incompatible with American society, and by adopting such a government controlled way of life, we would be giving away everything the United States Constitution guarantees for the citizens of this great country.
Think about this next time the millionaire Marxist Socialist Bernie Sanders tries to sell you socialism.