Can’t Melt History Away

Confederate General Robert E. Lee Statue

American Confederate General Robert E. Lee Photo courtesy of

It has been reported the city of Charlottesville in Virginia is handing over the bronze statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee to an African American museum to melt the statue into something “more representative” of the city’s new values.

I am wondering what those “new values” may be.

The city council voted to hand over the statue to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center. The center has proposed to melt the bronze statue and repurpose it for another public art project.

The “Swords Into Plowshares” project “will allow Charlottesville to contend with its racist past.”

I guess the city of Charlottesville continues to be a racist place to live? Contending with the past in the present, implies, to me, the present continues to be as bad as the past.

Andrea Douglas, the museum’s executive director was quoted as saying, “It really is about taking something that had been harmful and transforming it into something that is representative of the city’s values today.”

Of course, Ms. Douglas won’t tell you what or whose values. I will like to ask Ms. Douglas how’s history harmful? Isn’t hiding the truth more dangerous than having a history to talk about?

I would love to ask the local high school student, who in 2015 petitioned for the statue to be taken down, if he or she could tell you how many Americans died during the Civil War or if he or she knew the real reasons for the Civil War.

Judging by the sorry state of our government education system, I would bet this student wouldn’t know the answers.

This is nothing more than more ‘Woke Movement’ shenanigans.

To me, this is not about a statue, this is an attempt by some people to re-write history to fit a narrative that doesn’t exist in modern day United States.

Does racism exist in the world? Absolutely! But we can’t go around canceling everything that we don’t like about our history.

History is the only thing that stands the test of time, and it doesn’t matter how many statues you remove, hide, or melt, the facts will always remain the same.

The Jefferson School can go ahead and melt the statue and make whatever they think is going to sooth their soul with it, at the end of the day, whatever they make with it will be made with the same bronze used to build the statue.

I can see the conversation going this way, ‘Son, that used to be the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.’

General Lee’s statue may be gone, but his place in history will never be.

You can’t melt history away.

Time To Call It for What It Is

The Massacre of Waukesha

Darrell E. Brooks Photo courtesy of MCDA/

As much as the liberal media wants to make Darrell E. Brooks a victim of society, the fact is that Brooks is nothing more than a career criminal and a calculated murderer.

Brooks is a self-proclaimed racist, admirer of Adolf Hitler, and a BLM sympathizer. It is no secret Brooks hates white people and those of the Jewish faith.

The evidence is in his own Facebook page and rap lyrics. The press cannot deny these facts, no matter how much they try.

Brooks is a career criminal with page after page of criminal charges and convictions. This gem was a Tier 2 registered sex offender in the state of Nevada for having sex with underage girls.

A warrant for his arrest is still active according to the Washoe Sheriff’s Department for “non-compliance with sex offenders law.” He was arrested in 2016, but he skipped town while on bail and never faced a criminal court.

His criminal rap sheet goes all the way back to 1999 when he was convicted of aggravated battery and sentenced to three years’ probation.

According to Breitbart News, Brooks criminal record from 2002 to 2020 looks like this:

  • Convicted on felony drug charges
  • Convicted for obstructing an officer
  • Charged with reckless endangerment
  • Charged with having a firearm as a felon
  • Pleaded no contest for allegedly strangling a woman
  • Pleaded guilty to drug and bail jumping charges
  • Pleaded guilty to resisting arrest
  • Pleaded guilty to felony drug charges

In one of his latest encounters with the law before his killing spree in Waukesha, Brooks was arrested for allegedly running over a woman at a gas station after they had an argument. Brooks was released from jail after he posted a whooping $1000 bond.

I am sure you are asking yourself; how an animal like this is allowed to roam the streets in a civilized society? That makes two of us.

This man should have never had the opportunity to kill 6 people and injure many more. This man should have been behind bars and the key thrown away for a long time.

Unfortunately, the law failed to do its job and this self-proclaimed racist had the opportunity to inflict harm upon innocent people, who conveniently were white.

This is a mass murderer who committed a ‘Hate Crime.’ Why the Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, has not flocked to Waukesha to investigate what, if it were committed against blacks by a white perpetrator, would have been classified as a hate crime?

I tell you why. For some odd reason, in the United States, and against the Constitution, white people are not entitled to Civil Rights. Being white in America makes you an automatic bigot and therefore you have forfeited all your rights.

I cannot remember the last time a black person was charged with Civil Rights violations for killing white people, and I guess Brooks will get away with it also.

Anybody who thinks this was not a premediated action by Brooks needs to have their head examined.

Brooks had many opportunities to take different routes or even park his vehicle and walk away. Instead, he chose to ram his SUV head on through this Christmas parade and kill as many white people as possible he could in the process, because that is what he wanted to do.

Brooks hated white people and it was not a secret. He was an active supporter of Blacks Lives Matter. The same Blacks Lives Matter who has unsuccessfully attempted, twice, to raise the $5 million dollar bail for this mass murderer. Thankfully, and strangely, GoFundMe has not allowed them to do so.

Darrell Brooks is mass murderer, and this was a massacre. It is time to call it for what it is.

CNN and the Washington Post may want you to believe a “car” was responsible for this tragedy, but make no mistake, the only person responsible for this mass murder is convicted career criminal, Darrell E. Brooks.

Other sources: Breitbart News

Uncle Crazy Joe is At It Again

Americans Got Richer During The Pandemic Says Biden

“Yes, I am full of it, I get it” Photo courtesy of

In a press conference on Tuesday, Joe Biden claimed Americans have gotten wealthier during the pandemic than they were before.

He declared the United States was the only country whose residents could count themselves richer than they had been before the pandemic.

My reaction to these nonsensical statements? Aloud laughter.

“America’s the only major economy, the only one in the world, where the economy is bigger today, and families have more money in their pockets, than before the pandemic hit.”

Sure, when you have an irresponsible Federal Reserve who continues to print money with complete disregard to the long-term effect on the dollar, the economy, and a never ending pandemic unemployment program. Well, a broken clock is right twice a day.

He went on to say, this was a “testament to the effectiveness of the vaccines and our vaccination effort.” “a testament to the economic policies we’ve fought so hard to pass.”

Vaccine effectiveness? That is why he has Fauci on national television talking about booster shots and holiday lockdowns?

Economic policies? Does he mean the higher gasoline prices and highest inflation in decades?

The only people making money and getting wealthier because of COVID-19 are, billionaires, the pharmaceutical companies, Walmart, and Amazon.

The numbers show that $2.1 trillion dollars has been added to the coffers of the richest billionaires, with Elon Musk of Tesla, making $209 billion dollars all by his lonesome.

The middle-class and the poor in the United States are not wealthier Joe, in fact the poor remains poor and the middle-class is about gone.

This is the disconnect of our elitist government class.

Quotes courtesy of RT News.

Tapping on The Strategic Petroleum Reserves Solves Nothing

Photo Courtesy of

The Biden administration has decided to release 50 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to quell the rising prices of gasoline.

32 million barrels will be an exchange and 18 million barrels are an advance release from a prior authorized sale.

What all these mumbo-jumbo means for American consumers? Absolutely nothing, zero, zilch, nada.

The United States consumes an average of 18.2 barrels of petroleum daily. At that pace, the amount released is only good for about three days, so you do the math.

Additionally, it will take at least two weeks to make all this happen, so do not expect to see any relief at the pump any time soon. You will continue to pay high gasoline prices, period.

As is garden variety with the Biden administration, this is nothing more than empty gestures. They know this is not going to alleviate our gasoline problem, but it makes them look like they are doing something.

Folks, they are not doing anything. Unfortunately, their base is dumb enough to see it, and with a left-wing media apparatus covering every mistake the administration makes, not too many people are going to see it for what it is, and they will praise the administration for it.

In the meantime, the government is going to pillage our reserves while shutting down energy sources that could safeguard our own future and energy independence.

Since we do not produce much anymore; how is the administration plan to restock the reserves? They do not know.

This has nothing to do with OPEC, the Trump administration, or none of that other nonsense the Biden administration wants you to believe. This has everything to do with the administration’s lack of a solid energy policy and our forced dependency on foreign oil.

In the words of Forrest Gump, “as stupid as stupid does.” The United States has been run by very stupid people.

Are These People Dangerous to Your Health?

Fauci, Psaki, Biden, Walensky

Photo courtesy of

As we continue to face the government induced COVID-19 hysteria, our own government continues to move the goal posts to justify their agenda.

On a Sunday CNN interview, Fauci was unable to give a clear answer when asked if booster shots were going to be necessary to classify Americans as “fully vaccinated.”

“We’re going to be following that very carefully” Fauci was quoted as saying. He went on to say the Biden administration “might modify the guidelines.”

Americans “should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about protection,” the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ might change. That is reassuring coming from a man who has gotten it wrong from the start.

Today, if you have gotten the double doses from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines you are considered “fully vaccinated.”  The same goes with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Unfortunately, these bureaucrats want you and me to continue to get booster after booster after booster, with no end in sight and without a logical explanation.

On another interview with ABC News, Fauci went on to say, “We’ll continue to follow the data because right now when we’re boosting people, what we’re doing is following them.” “We’re going to see what the durability of that protection is.”

Efficacy ratings are all over the place, and with the introduction of several variants, the numbers are even murkier. The only actual data on boosters is coming out of Israel and it is only about 30 days of data. That’s not enough data to make an informed decision.

In my opinion, Fauci does not know the efficacy of the vaccines, so he’s throwing garbage at the wall and see if some of it sticks.

I would love to know what “data” Fauci, and his gang are following, because their data is either faulty at best or phony at worst. It changes so much from network to network, from interview to interview, they can’t keep up with it.

In the past, the CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky has been quoted as saying the official definition of ‘fully vaccinated,’ “may” need to change in the face of booster shots availability.

What is the magic number? They do not know!

Let us keep on jabbing until the narrative is justified. It does not matter who dies in the process. After all the government and pharmaceuticals are fully exempt from responsibility and cannot be sued by victims of their experiments.

This is what happens when career bureaucrats are in charge of things they don’t understand.

Are these people dangerous to your health? You bet!

Sources:  CNN and ABC’s This Week