From Heroes to Zeroes

Frontline Healthcare Workers

Healthcare Workers; once lauded as heroes, today they are treated as zeroes. Healthcare workers share photos of their bruised faces. Photo courtesy of

I remember the days after September 11, 2001, every American was going around waving their little American flags, singing Kumbaya, and praising those brave first responders.

That lasted a few months and then everyone went back to their selfish ways. I know because I was a Federal Air Marshal and people were acting like fools on flights and in the airports. Many Americans have a noticeably short-term memory when it does not directly affect them.

Fast forward to 2020 and the Chinese virus. Once again, Americans were praising the healthcare frontline workers and you could not turn to a television channel without some type of advertising saying thanks for their work and sacrifice.

These workers exposed themselves to Covid-19 patients’ day and day out. Their faces were scarred from wearing masks for long hours and they ran the risk of infecting their own loved ones. Mind you, when Covid-19 appeared into the scene nobody knew much about it, we still don’t.

But now, in 2021, those who were once the heroes of the pandemic have become the zeroes. Hospitals and healthcare systems throughout the United States are mandating these healthcare workers to vaccinate or else.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens crossing our Southern border and Afghans refugees are not mandated to be vaccinated before been dropped off by the government into our communities. Go figure!

Nationwide, healthcare workers who have been exposed to Covid -19, and most likely have developed antibodies against the disease, are now facing termination and ridiculous fees if they refuse to vaccinate or have their own spouses vaccinated.

The latest on this Orwellian saga is Ochsner Health in Louisiana. The largest healthcare provider in the State will begin imposing fines, $200.00 each month if the spouse of an employee is unvaccinated. Say what? They call it the “Spousal Covid Vaccine Fee”.

Basically, this will affect employees whose spouses are on the hospital’s healthcare plan.  But Ochsner is going to be nice enough to allow them to split the payment into two $100.00 payments.

Between this and medical doctors refusing to treat unvaccinated people, we can officially declare the medical community as insane.

How can you trust a healthcare system who behaves this way against their own workers? You can’t!

Lie of The Week

$3.5 Trillion Spending Plan

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. reacts as she listens to a question from a reporter during her weekly press briefing on Capitol Hill, Thursday, Sept. 30, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Once again, the Democrats continue to open their mouths spewing more lies. This time about their reckless $3.5 trillion dollar spending plan.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the House and Senate, have gone in a publicity spree promoting this monstrosity. Claiming of all things the plan will incur zero tax increases on the American people and it is completely paid for.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) already stated the spending plan will add over $250 billion dollars to the deficit over the next 10 years.

I do not need the CBO to tell me that anything coming out of Washington D.C. is anything but “paid for.” 

When asked about the plan and its cost, Nancy Pelosi stated, “It’s not about a dollar amount. The dollar amount, as the President has said, is zero. This bill will be paid for. It is about what are the values that we share and how we prioritize them. And that is the place we will go.”

This is typical Washington, D.C. “Potomac Two-Step.”  Pelosi’s play on words is typical. She always answers the questions without answering the questions. You know why? Because Pelosi thinks you and I are too stupid and cannot tell the difference between the truth and bold face lies.

This spending plan is not paid for. Thankfully for us, the Democrats have some politicians in their ranks who understand the consequences of reckless spending and what it can do to American families and our economic future.

Senator Joe Manchin, from West Virginia and Kristen Sinema, from Arizona appear to be the only two Senators in the Democratic party who are not willing to bankrupt the country.

When asked, Senator Manchin stated, “What I have made clear to the President and democratic leaders is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs when we can’t even pay for sessional social programs, like Social Security and Medicare, is the definition of fiscal insanity.”

He is correct, it is insanity. Social Security is on the verge of insolvency within the next decade and Medicare is currently facing an $85.6 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The United States has $6 trillion in assets and $130 trillion in unfunded liabilities. During the first six months of FY 2021, the government ran a $1.7 trillion dollar deficit while raising the national debt to a whopping $28 trillion dollar. The first time in American history.

This is not Common Core mathematics; 2+2=4.

The truth about this lie is the fact they will tax Americans to death. They don’t have the money to pay for this spending bill, so they are coming after you and your hard-earned cash.

Norway Joins Denmark in Lifting Covid-19 Restrictions

The United States Doubles Down on the Police State and the Crushing of Constitutional Rights

While Norway celebrates, Americans keep falling down the Covid rabbit hole towards Marxism. Photo courtesy of

On September 10, 2020, Denmark was the first Scandinavian country, and among the first European countries, to lift all domestic Covid-19 restrictions.

The country reached an 80% vaccination rate of people 12 years and older and the Danish country no longer deemed Covid-19 a ‘socially critical disease.”  Denmark went as far as no longer requiring proof of vaccination to enter public facilities.

Norway has joined Denmark in lifting Covid-19 restrictions. No more “social distancing,” businesses will be allowed to remain open after midnight, and even handshakes are back in social life.

With 76% of the population fully vaccinated, the country feels restrictions are no longer necessary. The Danish government stresses they will have “an increased preparedness” in place and local restrictions could be imposed in the event of a flareup.

It is very uplifting to see other countries using a commonsense approach to combat Covid-19 while the United States continues to behave like a Banana Republic, with draconian restrictions, senseless mask orders, and government-imposed vaccination mandates.

I wonder what Senator Bernie Sanders and all the cheerleaders of Norwegian and Danish “socialism” have to say about this. Just a few years ago they were praising both countries for their “socialist” lifestyle. The fact is Scandinavian countries are far from being socialist countries.

With that in mind, you would think they would be the first ones to tell Joe Biden to mind his own business when it comes to people’s rights and open the country with zero restrictions. The silence is deafening.

I would have never guessed that in 2021, Denmark and Norway would look more democratic than the United States of America. It is almost laughable if it was not an American tragedy.

Of course, the Biden administration will try to make the case that with only approximately 56% of the population vaccinated, the risk is too big to resume normal life. The reality is this was the plan all along, blame the Trump administration, get them out of office by any means possible, and impose a “soft” Police State on the American people.

The Biden administration is hiding the fact the Democrats were the ones who undermined the vaccine and that is the reason the American people are skeptical about taking it.

But let us be real, anybody with a functioning brain understands vaccination does not mean one will not get the virus, it only means one may be able to manage the virus a little better. Furthermore, if one already contracted the virus and has the antibodies, vaccination is a waste of resources.

The Biden administration is equating the vaccination mandate to full immunization, and we all know that is not true.

The Biden administration is more concerned about destroying the American culture, our history, our Constitutional rights, and even placing the illegal alien, the non-citizen, above the citizen, they are willing to do anything to achieve their” Master Plan” of redefining the country into a socialist utopia.

So, while the world is coming to terms with Covid-19 using a commonsense approach and actual science to open their countries, the United States is on its way to become a full fledge Banana Republic. From open borders, massive spending, illegal immigration, to governmental unconstitutional mandates, the United States is at the verge of becoming a failed state.

The rest of the world is laughing at the United States while Americans are suffering because of an ineffective government and politically biased polices.

This is not about your health, this about controlling every aspect of your life.

Congressional Buffoon of the Week

Maxine Waters

Congresswoman Maxine Waters

I thought I have read and heard enough racist vitriol coming out of Congresswoman Maxine Waters mouth to fill a landfill.  Well, I was wrong.

This week, on the subject of Haitians camping out in our Southern border, Congresswoman Waters stated the treatment of Haitian migrants, is “worse than what we witnessed in slavery.”   

Mind you, she represents the same Democratic Party who claimed the January 6th events at the Capitol were worse than the attacks of September 11th

She went on to say that images of Border Patrol agents on horseback “takes us back hundreds of years.”

This is absurd and downplays the severity and impact slavery had in the United States.

I guess Border Patrol agents doing their jobs is tantamount to racism according to this member of the United States Congress. 

If we are to follow Congresswoman Waters irrational view, we should get rid of horseback patrols in cities like New York City, Chicago, and yes, Washington, D.C. Give me a break!

She also claimed, falsely, “Cowboys with their reins, again, whipping Black people, Haitians, into the water.”

This is an insult to Border patrol agents who are supposed to be protecting our borders.  Referring to Border Patrol agents as “Cowboys” is ridiculous and disrespectful.

Nobody was getting “whipped” and nobody has been pushed into the water.  This is all mainstream media propaganda and lies.  A member of Congress should be better educated before spewing misinformation.

Let’s be clear, Haitians are not United States citizens and Joe Biden is following the law and the Constitution despite Congresswoman Waters comments.

Haitians, nor any other illegal alien, are entitled to Civil Rights under our Constitution. 

Anybody wanting to come to the United States must do it legally and in accordance with our laws, no exceptions.

That’s the law, and for the Secretary of Homeland Security to be briefing so-called Civil Rights leaders of the situation is irresponsible, and in my opinion, puts our Border Patrol agents in danger.

Congresswoman Waters should be asking where all the millions we send to Haiti have gone.  She should be more concern about our country’s safety and security, and not illegal aliens invading our country.

Of course, that would mean she care about the United States, and she doesn’t.

This makes Congresswoman Maxine Waters, this week’s Congressional Buffoon.

Time to Hit Businesses with Your Wallet

Any business asking for this doesn’t deserve your business! Photo courtesy of

I’m not one to advocate for boycotts, but I do believe in the power of the wallet and the choices we make by using it.

Businesses in places like New York City have gone out of their way to infringe on people’s rights and privacy by requiring prove of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test before taking their money.

Personal health information is private and protected under the law.  Why would you give that information to the minimum wage host?  You don’t have to!

A business asking citizens for a vaccine passport are, for all intent and purposes, practicing medical discrimination and you should not support any kind of discrimination under any circumstances.

As a consumer, you have the freedom of choice and the freedom to spend your money whichever way you want and wherever you want.  A business asking for my medical information is not going to get my business, period.

What businesses are failing to realize is the fact everything is available online.  I don’t have to go out to have a nice dinner or to buy anything I need.  I can order everything from the comfort of my home and without the harassment. 

Unfortunately, I am not surprised Americans are capitulating to this nonsense and willingly relinquishing their rights.  After all, most Americans are uniformed and don’t even know their own rights under the law.

Like the Roman Empire and the Roman satire of “Bread and Circuses”, our government has been operating the same way, but instead of food and gladiators, the government has given Americans free money we don’t have and network television.

Oh yes, network television, offering Americans the dumbest content you can think of it.  Mostly based on racial overtones, because today that’s supposed to be humorous, and no meaningful or intellectual content. 

That’s how you keep the population off the loop and Washington is an expert at doing so with the help of companies like Facebook, Twitter, and the major networks.

So how we move forward?  Simple, take your business and money elsewhere.  Do not give up your rights for the sake of a meal or a sporting event.  That’s how thing starts in a totalitarian society.  

They always start small, just as the Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party did in 1933 and it went on to govern under a totalitarian system until 1945.  It didn’t end well for over 6 million Jews and the millions who died because of World War 2.

Little by little you give in and by the time you realize it, you have already given too much to take it back. 

Having to show prove of vaccination or a negative test may sound like small potatoes, but in the bigger scheme of things, is nothing more than a control measure and discriminatory in nature.

We should not reward any business who wishes to trample our God given rights under the law and the United States Constitution.

Our rights are worth fighting for.