Illegal Immigration: The Cleansing of American Society

In a little over two weeks, Joe Biden has managed to destroy all the advancements achieved during the Trump administration regarding immigration.

From “Zero Tolerance” on illegal border prosecutions, halting construction of the border wall, doubling down on DACA, and ending the visa ban on mostly third world Muslim countries under the excuse the Trump administration was targeting Muslims, when in fact these countries which include Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, are sponsors of terrorism.

This is just to name a few of the things Joe Biden has done to make our country a safe haven for terrorists, drug dealers, child smugglers, and illegal aliens.

If you think the Department of Homeland Security under the supervision of newly confirmed Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, is going to enforce the rules and the law, you are in for a big surprise.  All you are going to see is more of the lawlessness experienced during the Obama years. 

Alejandro Mayorkas comes to office with a bag full of scandal, from ethics violations to pushing Democrat agendas while in charge of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services.

They cheer the fact he is the first “Latino” to serve in the capacity of DHS Secretary.  Spare me the cheers, as a former DHS employee, I am embarrassed that a scandal ridden individual oversees our country’s security, regardless of ethnicity.   

We had some weak and ineffective secretaries during my tenure at DHS, but not even G.W. Bush or Obama appointees were as bad as Mayorkas.  DHS employees, and the American people, are going wish to they had President Trump back in charge.

As an American of Spanish heritage, I despise illegal immigration and illegal aliens.  As a former law enforcement officer, even more so.

Illegal aliens are a burden to our system and pose a threat to the security of our country.  It is ironic that countries who export these people to our border do not export their “best and brightest”.  We only get the sick, uneducated, and criminal element. 

Of course, it is a business of demand.  Since Americans are too lazy to work the fields and farmers need cheap labor, Washington looks the other way while eating their freshly picked strawberries.

What we are witnessing is the “cleansing” of the American society.  The American citizen has been systematically replaced by the non-citizen because the non-citizen is easy to mold, easy to be programmed.

Illegal aliens have no loyalty towards our Constitution or system of law, so they have nothing to fight for, nothing to be proud of.  They just take from hard working Americans, they get “free everything”; housing, healthcare, education, childcare, basically all the things hard working Americans must pay for.

Meanwhile, thousands of people trying to come to our country legally must wait in line, and face the bureaucracy, to enjoy the privileged of becoming an American citizen.  The system is broken because of people like Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, they think of the American citizen as second class while fighting for the illegal alien. 

American citizenship is a privilege, and in my opinion, an honor.  To call yourself an American should be something to be proud of, and if you are not a legal citizen, you should earn that privilege.  Unfortunately, the Democrats and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce, think illegal aliens are better than you and me.

Next time your congressman tries to sell you a sob story about why we need illegal aliens in our country, remind him or her that you can do your own laundry, cook your own meals, and cut your own grass.  That is the American Way!

Whopper of the Week; The Biden Anti “Wuhan/China Virus Terminology” Memo

Often times, when a politician reaches a position of power, he or she does not feel a responsibility, or a mandate, to serve the citizens or the country at large.  This is how Biden has been operating since been inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

In less than two weeks in power, Biden has issued a slew of draconian Executive Orders, breaking the record of all his predecessors dating back to G.W. Bush.  He has put our enemies interests first and has begun to take our economy back to the dismal Obama years. 

All while kissing up to China and Iran, putting American citizens in danger. 

With everything going on in our country, Biden believes that banning the use of the term “Wuhan or China Virus”, when talking about Covid-19, it is a priority. 

For a known and documented racist like Mr. Biden, it is laughable to read the main reason for this action is about quelling “Xenophobia”.

When dealing with Covid-19 concerns, he wants federal health bureaucrats to use a response that “demonstrates cultural competency, language access, and sensitivity towards AAPIs.”

What is he talking about? The last time I checked, the virus has affected Americans all of sorts of backgrounds.  Leave it to the Democrats to inject race in every aspect of our daily lives. 

I would like to know how this action helps the American people in dealing with the virus.  It does not! 

Covid-19 came from Wuhan, China, therefore it is the Wuhan Virus!

The Biden Obtuse Energy Policy

The Biden Energy Plan! Picture taken on January 23, 2021.

Before the 2020 election, I was paying about $2.10 for Premium unleaded gasoline with an average of $1.80 for Regular unleaded.

Four days after the inauguration of Joe Biden, gasoline prices have gone up to $2.70 for Premium and $2.29 for Regular. These prices are expected to continue to rise.

Our newly found energy independence will be wiped out in no time. Who are we going to buy oil and gas from? China? Russia?

To my liberal friends, I hope you have the same enthusiasm about Joe Biden after he ruins your economic life in the first 100 days.


“Quote of the Week”

Sometimes we come across words of wisdom, inspirational, compelling, or simply good words.

I found a great quote that I wanted to share with my readers and followers. 

“Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.  The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.”

These words are as important today as when they were spoken. 

I can see my liberal friends thinking these are crazy words, spoken by some right-wing conspirator, or even President Donald J. Trump.

No, my friends, these words were spoken by one of the greatest Americans to ever lived and one of the most inspirational Presidents in the history of the United States.

On January 19, 1961, John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, a Democrat, spoke these words to the American people. 

President Kennedy understood the importance of the citizen and the preservation of freedom in a civilized society.

Killing America from Day One

Leave it to a fraudulent elected leader to destroy a country to which he owes no loyalty.  That is what Joe Biden did on his first day in office.  The “uniter” did everything but unite an already divided country. 

Like his former boss Obama, he wasted no time in issuing several Executive Orders to reverse all the advances achieved by the previous administration.

Here is a list of some of the most, in my opinion, controversial and more irrational ones.

  • Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord.  Because nothing spells “I love my country”, like killing millions of American jobs and financing Europe’s wasteful spending.  Meanwhile, China and India continue to pollute the world with impunity.
  • Allowing illegal aliens to be included in the Census.  They are in the United States illegally and congressional seats should not be decided by non-citizens.
  • Advancement for Racial Equality.  Coming from a known racist like Joe Biden, as a minority, I take this with a grain of salt.  This is more Democratic Party victimhood propaganda.  Thanks, but no thanks.  I am not a victim.
  • Repealing President Trump’s 1776 Commission.  God forbid we teach real history in government schools.
  • Moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until March 31, 2021.  Let us punish landlords for a government created financial crisis.  Biden probably hopes landlords go into foreclosure so the government can purchase those properties for pennies on the dollar and give free housing to illegal aliens.
  • Suspension of student loan and interest payments until September 30, 2021.  Forget about personal responsibility under Biden’s government.  Get that useless degree in Gender Studies and end up working in the graveyard of useless degrees, Starbucks. “We got your back, man.”
  • Asking Americans to wear masks on federal land and buildings for the first one hundred days.  But Biden, on his first day, did not wear a mask at the Lincoln Memorial.  Typical liberal hypocrisy. 
  • Placing the withdrawal from the corrupt World Health Organization on hold.  Get this, putting Anthony Fauci, the man who single-handedly destroyed the American economy with faulty Covid-19 models and Ouija board predictions, in charge of the American delegation.  By the way, under the Biden administration first day in office, the United States has reached a record of 400,000 Coronavirus related deaths.  No Trump to blame.
  • Under Immigration?  All kind of goodies for everybody except the American citizen.  Expansion of the unconstitutional DACA program. Complete halt of border wall construction by terminating the Emergency Declaration issued by the Trump Administration.  Extension of deferrals of deportations and work authorizations for Liberians.  Lifting restrictions on 13, mostly Muslim countries, and resume visas and travel into the United States.  These are just a handful of Joe Biden’s boneheaded proclamations on immigration policy.
  • Stopping construction of the Keystone Pipeline and causing the loss of 52,000 American jobs and millions in wages.  If you think Biden is done, just wait and see.  Biden is going to kill the American economy in his first 100 days, guaranteed.

This is just a handful of the first 17 Executive Orders liberals ordered Joe Biden to sign on the first day of his presidency.  Come on Man!  He cannot string two sentences together, but they want us to believe he read all these liberal propaganda policies. 

Between killing millions of jobs, allowing people from countries who sponsor terrorism to enter the United States, and opening our borders to illegals, during a so-called pandemic, I say Biden is on his way to a memorable presidency.

Hugo Chavez is smiling!