Do Not Blame OPEC

Blame The Biden Administration

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As Americans keep complaining about the surge at the gas pump after OPEC decided to cut oil production output, they are blaming the wrong culprit.

OPEC is not to blame, after all, OPEC is a business organization and as a business, is in it to make money. They are looking out for their members, unlike Joe Biden who is not looking out for the American people.

Democrat voters were elated when Joe Biden announced he was getting rid of oil production in the United States. They thought everything would remain the same and our energy consumption needs were going to be taken care of without it.

Although Biden did not shutdown oil production the amount of oil produced under his watch has been significantly lower.

In 2021, the United States was producing 11.9 million barrels of crude a day. In 2020 was closer to 11.28 million barrels.

In comparison, 2019 produced a record high of 12.3 million barrels a day. It is clear oil production has decline under the Biden administration.

The Energy Information Administration is claiming oil production is going to rise to 11.91 million barrels per day and it will reach a record high of 12.85 million barrels by 2023.

How did the EIA figure this out is beyond me. These figures do not make sense given the current state of oil production in the United States. We will have to see, but even Common Core mathematics cannot reconcile the figures.

As Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Green stated back on May 17, 2022, “Since Biden took office he cancelled the Keystone pipeline, released half of our strategic petroleum reserve, is canceling oil and gas leases, and it is waging a proxy war with Russia with sanctions that line Putin’s pockets and empty ours.” “Dems are blaming price gouging.”

You may or may not like the congresswoman, but she is 100% right in her assessment. After all, gas station owners make an average of 0.03 cents per gallon of gas sold. Gas stations make their money inside, selling merchandise.

Gas station operators are trying to earn our business and that is why you notice the difference in gasoline prices from town to town and station to station.

When the Biden administration claims gas station operators are price gauging, folks, that is a complete lie.

Gasoline is a commodity and gas station operators are only following the market value. Unfortunately, when the demand is higher than the supply, prices are going to go up as demand continues to grow.

Under the Trump administration the United States was an energy producer and exporter. Under the Biden administration, the United States has become a beggar.

Unlike former President Trump, Joe Biden has a poor relationship with OPEC countries and that is why his begging has been ignored.

In trying to mitigate this self-inflicted wound, the Biden administration has released over 180 million barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserves with little impact at the pump.

In my opinion, this release is a serious national security issue. The SPR is for times of emergency as when we faced the oil embargos of the 70’s, and not a piggy bank to pull from for political expediency.

As the Biden administration continues to kiss up to the Green Energy lobby and fails to invest in our energy needs, Americans will continue to feel the pain at the pump.

As inflation continues to skyrocket and the dream of electric cars is unaffordable to most Americans, do not blame OPEC for taking care of their own, blame your government for not taking care of you.

Who Says Crime Does Not Pay

When Everything Else Fails Pardon The Criminals

In another attempt to buy the votes they do not have for the upcoming mid-term elections, Joe Biden has decided to pardon over 6,500 individuals convicted on federal marijuana charges.

I understand Joe Biden has a soft heart for criminals of all sorts, but actions translate to consequences. All these individuals convicted of marijuana possession knew they were braking the law and therefore they owed a debt to society.

Joe Biden’s reasoning behind his decision? “No one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana. Sending people to prison for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives and incarcerated people for conduct that many states no longer prohibit,” he said. “There are thousands of people who have prior Federal convictions for marijuana possession who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result.”

If this is what he actually believes, someone needs to remind Biden, it is the job of the legislature to change the laws.

If he feels marijuana possession should be removed from the current Schedule 1 classification, he needs to lobby his party members, after all, they control the whole of government.

If the government wants to legalize marijuana, do it the right way, not by decree. Many states have already legalized the use of marijuana one way or the other, and others have ballot initiatives coming this November.

Pardoning people for willfully breaking the law is not a fix to a problem, but a message to the people that breaking the law is acceptable.

Personally? I do not care for drugs of any kind and I think drug usage is stupid. Having said that, I will defend the right for anybody to do stupid things as long as they are done legally.

At the end of the day, this is just another cheap move by the Biden administration to push their liberal agenda before the mid-term elections as he knows the Democrats have no chance of retaining the House and a slim chance of keeping the Senate.

Who is next? Pedophiles, murderers, and drug dealers?

With the Biden administration you never know what their next move is going to be. At this point nothing is out of bounds or surprising.

Hypocrisy Of The Week

Faux Congressional Outrage Over LIV Golf Funding

The United States Congress has no problem with this…Go figure! Photo courtesy of

LIV Golf CEO, Greg Norman, took a trip to Washington, DC, to talk to members of Congress about LIV Golf. Unfortunately for him, he encountered a hostile crowd.

Probably because the PGA Tour has spent millions of dollars lobbying in the halls of Congress, or maybe because they are really outraged by the funding sources of LIV Golf.

Either way, this is nothing more than hypocrisy. After all, the United States has send millions in weapons to Saudi Arabia to fight a proxy war with Yemen.

Just a few months ago, Joe Biden went to Saudi Arabia begging for more oil production while humiliating our country in front of the world.

To use LIV Golf as a political scapegoat for the poor decisions the U.S. Congress and the White House have made regarding Saudi Arabia, is laughable and it shows the lack of accountability within our own government.

As long as the United States government continues to do business with Saudi Arabia, they have no room to criticize LIV Golf or anybody who choses to associate with Saudi Arabia.

We used to be a country that led by example, but today we are nothing more than a weak, woke, and morally bankrupt third world outfit.

And The Answer Is? A Big No!

No Posthumous Pardon For Convicted Felon George Floyd

The legacy of convicted felon George Floyd. Photo courtesy of the

After an attempt by convicted felon George Floyd’s attorney to have his criminal record clear after his death, the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole has rejected the request.

At the heart of the request was an allegation that, according to Allison Mathis, the officer involved in Floyd’s case has been accused of using false evidence in multiple cases. Obviously this was a Hail Mary thrown hoping the board would bite. Nothing was mentioned about Floyd’s 2004 drug conviction or any alleged improprieties with that case.

Last October the board recommended issuing Floyd a pardon but then rescinded the decision a few months later without a reason.

I am sure that would have not been a popular decision among law abiding Texas citizens and it would have looked bad for Governor Abbott who is seeking re-election.

I am very pleased with the decision by the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole. Just because someone is no longer alive it does not mean their crimes never happened.

George Floyd was not a saint despite the efforts by the liberal media to portrait him as such. Floyd had a violent criminal history the media refused to share with the public.

In 2009 he served a five-year prison sentence, as part of a deal, for a 2007 charge of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. Before that, he had been convicted of several charges from theft with a firearm to drugs.

The 2020 George Floyd riots were destructive. Domestic subversive groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa went on a rampage of burning, looting, and destroying everything they could.

By the way, has anybody been convicted for these crimes?

Floyd’s death was a regrettable one. No human being deserves to die while on police custody, but that does not mean Floyd’s life of crime should be an afterthought or forgotten.

I believe the Texas Board of Pardons and Parole understood accountability for his crimes should remain in place.

As his family got handsomely rewarded for his death, bad police officers were held accountable, and millions of dollars in property damage still unaccounted for, this is a remainder that when one commits a crime, one is not the victim, but those harmed by those actions are.

Perception, Reality, And The World Of Make Believe

They Are Not Fooling Anyone

Is not that the truth! Photo courtesy of

As advertising agencies want to bamboozle 75% of the population into believing the 15% of the population who gets arrested for 51.2% of the murders and non-negligent manslaughters in America are all about family values and above reproach, the reality on the ground is quite different.

If you watch network television, you understand you have been peppered with woke advertising. Companies and advertising agencies want you to believe 75% of Americans are irrelevant while propping false narratives about the other 15%.

The truth is that 15% of the United States population continues to commit the majority of crimes in America and there is no advertising that can cover that reality.

Of course, the media underreports every time a minority commits a violent crime as you can see by the lack of reporting on the alleged kidnapping and murder, by a black man, of a Memphis mother and the alleged shooting spree, by a 19-year-old black man.

Folks, we have to call this scum for who they are. These two are animals that should have never been allowed to roam the streets of a civilized society.

Thanks to our weak system of justice, Mrs. Fletcher’s alleged murderer was released early from prison and the alleged Memphis shooter was also released from prison after only serving 11 months of a 3-year sentence.

Of course, we get the same ridiculous statements from government officials, the typical ‘our thoughts and prayers’ spill, but no solutions to the problem.

Thoughts and prayers are not going to fix the crime problem that has skyrocketed in America since the instalment of Joe Biden in the White House.

As George Soros continues to finance the election campaigns of corrupt state attorney generals and prosecutors who refuse to follow the law, crime rates continue to go up as they release violent criminals back into our neighborhoods.

My fellow Americans enough is enough. When are we going to hold accountable these corrupt politicians? The time for action is now, the time for ‘thoughts and prayers’ are long gone.

These politicians and failed prosecutors need to be voted out of office, period.

Violent criminals do not have a place in our society, regardless of their race, color, or ethnicity.

Unfortunately, Soros prosecutors have been releasing these violent criminals to our streets, sometimes without even a charge.

Carrying on the agenda of subversive groups like Black Lives Matter and other so-called social justice entities, our justice system has turned into a revolving door of lawlessness. Police arrest these criminals only to see them back on the streets a few hours later.

Meanwhile, politicians refuse to rectify the problem. Only Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has shown some backbone by suspending Tampa’s prosecutor and Soros puppet, Andrew Warren, for refusing to follow the laws of the state of Florida.

We need more of that type of accountability if we are to survive the efforts of radical prosecutors and their lawless agenda.

As advertising companies and woke companies attempt to cover the reality with ridiculous television advertising that does not represent the reality in America or that of the majority of the 15% who gets arrested for committing the 51.2% of our country’s murders, they are not fooling anybody but themselves.

One thing Americans know how to do well is putting their money where their morals are. All these companies who want to pander to certain sectors of our population are in for a rude awakening.

As the economy continues to tighten, they will find out who has the real spending power in the United States, and not even the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) wokeness is going to save their businesses.

Inclusion by exclusion is not a winning formula, especially when you have to lie about it.