All Mass Shootings Are Not Created Equal

Criminals Do Not Care About Gun Laws

As I listened to Joe Biden last Thursday spill a bunch of nonsense on national television about gun control without offering real solutions, one can only wonder.

I am not one to delve on conspiracy theories, but after having a conversation about the 18-year-old, Uvalde shooter, I developed a few questions worth asking.

How an 18-year-old with a fast-food job could afford to buy such expensive weapons?

Where did he get the money? $9,000.00 worth of guns!

Who gave him the money?

Unlike the false claim by Joe Biden that the Uvalde shooter’s sister purchased the weapons for him when he was seventeen years old, reports coming out of Uvalde indicates he legally purchased two Daniel Defense, AR-style rifles days after his 18th birthday.

In addition, this information was corroborated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives during a state senate committee hearing.

As a firearms instructor and retired Federal agent, I can tell you Daniel Defense makes one of the best AR-style rifles in the world and they are not something an 18-year-old, without solid means, could afford to buy. This individual bought two of them.  These are questions worth entertaining.

It has been proven that some of these individuals hang out in dark websites where likeminded people share their sick ideas with one another. It does not take much for an adult to poison the mind of an 18-year-old with crazy ideas, and to offer him or her the means to accomplish their nefarious plans.

I am not saying the Uvalde shooter was a tool for someone else’s sick plan, but as the Democrats continue to push for gun control and a complete repeal of the 2nd amendment, one begs the question.

On Thursday’s speech, Joe Biden cited the CDC by saying guns are the biggest killer of children in America, worse than car accidents and cancer.

According to CDC data, 4,368 kids died from gunshot wounds in the US in 2020. Of those, 2,811 were considered homicides, 1,293 were suicides.  149 were listed as “unintentional” deaths, and 25 were classified as “legal interventions.” Ninety of the deaths could not be classified due to a lack of information.

One death is one too many, but we need to examine the circumstances behind the cases in order to arrive at a logical conclusion and a viable solution. Legislation based on feelings is not sound and most of the time it does not solves the problem.

When talking about the Uvalde shooting, Biden claimed the shooting was so massive, “parents had to do DNA swabs to identify remains of their children.” This is normal procedure Joe. Anything that helps to properly identify a victim is used during the criminal investigation and victim identification.

He asked the congress to do something about it. Among the things he wants include but are not limited to a new assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban.

The original ban was enacted in 1994 and expired in 2004. Joe Biden claims during the 10-year ban, mass shootings were significantly lower than since its expiration. There is not enough research nor information to corroborate or deny Biden’s claims.

The fact is that most crimes involving a firearm are not perpetrated with rifles or shotguns, but with handguns.

He asked for a raise in the age limit from 18 to 21 years of age to purchase an AR based firearm. I do not have a problem with that. A military trained 18-year-old is much different than an 18-year-old with no weapon’s handling education.

He wants the government to enact “red flag laws” at the federal level. According to him, this would allow parents, teachers, and school chancellors to ask courts to prohibit gun purchases by children with violent or suicidal tendencies.

This is a trojan horse for government intrusion into people’s homes. Children cannot purchase firearms in the United States until they reach the age established by the state they live in.

He also asked for laws strengthening gun storage and personal liability for unsecured guns. Every single gun owner I know understands and practice proper gun storage. This is not a national crisis, and it does not need federal government intervention. Several states are already passed legislation on these issues.

Joe Biden asked for legislation holding gun manufacturers responsible for the actions of these murderers. Of course, Biden does not know what he is taking about.

By his illogical thought pattern, we would have to also enact legislation to hold car manufacturers responsible for deaths caused by their vehicles in the hands of irresponsible drivers.

Lastly, the idea that universal background checks will keep away guns from the hands of criminals is ridiculous. Criminals do not purchase their guns from an authorized FFL dealer, they buy them from other criminals in dark alleys. This is nothing more than an attempt at record keeping on law abiding citizens and the whereabouts of firearms throughout the United States.

He went on to say the rights on the Constitution were not “absolute”, including the 2nd amendment. “the right of people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That sounds pretty absolute to me, and the United States Supreme Court has affirmed its absoluteness in many court rulings.

When a president tells its people their rights are no longer guaranteed, he or she are no longer the president of a republic, but a petty dictator, and Joe Biden sounded just like one.

Mass shootings are horrible and destroy families, but they have to be examined individually as motivations differ from each other.

The Buffalo shooter was motivated by race. As of today, the Uvalde shooter’s motivation remains unknown, the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Saint Francis Hospital shooter, blamed his doctor for his pain after surgery, and the Oklahoma festival shooter killed 1 and injured several after gunfire preceded an argument.

Unfortunately, we have an administration and a Democratic Party controlled congress who does not care for the Constitution or our rights under it.

If Joe Biden thought he could get away with it, he would try to the same thing Justin Trudeau has done in Canada, he would ban all sales of firearms in the United States.

Nobody wants mass shootings, or any shootings to happen. I do not know anyone who enjoys the murder of children in schools or doctors in a hospital, but for the Democrats to politicize such deaths is despicable and inhumane.

As usual, Joe Biden offered a lot of whispers with empty rhetoric. The Democrats do not want common sense gun legislation, they want to strip Americans of their legally owned firearms and the outright repeal of the 2nd amendment.

The 2nd amendment is the only right keeping this country from becoming Venezuela.

Of Replacement Theory and Mass Shootings

How the Left has Promoted This Nonsense While Blaming Republicans

As we all know, the Democrats and their communist ilk are always pushing divisive policies with the intent to separate the country.

This time is no different with their new “Replacement Theory” conspiracies and talking points. The truth is, and unbeknownst to many including myself, democrats and their media pundits have been pushing this “Replacement Theory” for quite some time.

Personally, I have never heard of this nonsense until Democrats started talking about it after the Buffalo mass shooting. I went on YouTube and found clips of liberals talking over and over again about how white people in the United States were going to be the minority in a matter of years and how they were going to be replaced by so-called brown people.

To say conservatives or Republicans are pushing this racist theory is absurd and a flat out lie. After all the Democrats are the ones pushing garbage like Critical Race Theory, so if you ask me, Democrats are in charge of the conspiracy theory department.

So, let us entertain for a second, the thought white people are really afraid of getting replaced. What would make them feel this way?

Let us see, other than the constant reminder by the liberal media, television advertisement is also to blame. On an average, 8 of 10 television commercials are done with talent or people other than white. The majority of network television shows are cast with minorities with little white representation.

This has been a trend for some time. It started with Trevon Martin, the false Michael Brown narrative of police brutality, and it reached its grand finale with the 2020 riots over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a bad police officer.

Companies and networks have gone out of their way to make sure they look ‘inclusive’ avoiding getting boycotted by domestic subversive groups like Black Lives Matters or sued by race hustler and profiteer attorney Benjamin Crump.

State Farm went as far as replacing the ‘white guy’ in their television commercials in favor of a ‘black guy.’ Are you telling me they could not have kept both? Talk about in your face “Replacement Theory.”

When it comes to this lunatic conspiracy of “Replacement Theory,” nobody is more responsible for it than the liberal media. They have created these monsters by constantly marginalizing and telling them they are an ‘endangered species.’

It does not take much to convince a mentally disturbed individual into believing something that is not really there. Anybody of right mind knows white people are not an ‘endangered species,’ but liberals suggesting such a thing tells you everything you need to know about the level of evil inside of them.

The democrats and liberal media outfits are being the ones telling white people for the last two years, they are worthless and only have a few decades left before they are replaced by other people of different color or ethnicity.

Democrats own this theory and everything that comes with it as a result of such scaremongering and marginalization. The evidence of this is on the internet for everyone to see, you do not have to take my word for it.

As it relates to mass murderers, it does not matter what race or color they are, after all, mass shootings and domestic terrorist attacks are and have been committed by different type of perpetrators.

Mass murders are despicable acts committed by despicable people, but if you listen to the Democrats and Joe Biden, you would be led to believe these acts are committed exclusively by white people against black people or other ethnic groups. Of course, that is nonsense and a lie.

Always amazes me how democrats are selective as to what mass murders are more profitable than others.

Which is why you have not seen Joe Biden speak out about the alleged black mass murderer in the November 21, 2021, Waukesha Christmas Parade, the alleged black NYC subway terrorist who deployed gas and fired 33 times inside a subway cart, or the Laguna Woods, California in which a Chinese-born immigrant shot a group of Taiwanese church goers.

Since the May 14, 2022, Buffalo mass shooting, a total of 15 other shootings involving multiple casualties have been responded to by law enforcement in the United States. Crickets coming out of the White House.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration does not care much about those because they offer no benefit to their communist agenda and their dreams of gun control.

In the latest mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the democrats could not wait for the blood to dry up before politicizing the shooting with cries for gun control. They could not play the race card because the perpetrator was an 18-year-old Latino man, nevertheless, they did not waste the opportunity to blame the republicans.

Joe Biden did not praise the Border Patrol agents who stopped this animal from killing more children, but instead used the opportunity to talk about how guns are the problem, not the people using such guns.

Even democrat Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke had the indecency to interrupt Governor’s Greg Abbott press conference to grandstand while families of the victims were among the attendees.

Mass shootings are not a gun control issue, they are a law enforcement issue and a social issue. Police departments are not allowed to do their jobs and their relationship with the community has been shattered by democrats demonizing law enforcement every chance they get.

While the FBI and the Department of Justice concentrate their efforts investigating concerned parents over what their children are getting taught in government schools, real crimes continue to go unnoticed.

This is not about “Replacement Theory,” or a gun problem, this is about a government, and a society, which has failed its citizens and has allowed home grown domestic terrorists, regardless of race, color, or ethnic origin, to operate indiscriminately.

The 40 Billion Dollar Monstrosity

“The Big Guy” Taking Care of Others at Your Expense

As Americans Suffer………… Photo courtesy of

While Americans continue to struggle, our government find it necessary to give Ukraine $40 billion dollars in wasteful aid to continue to fight America’s proxy war with Russia.

As I have written before, the Ukraine saga is more than meets the eye. Ukraine is not a democracy, is not a republic, and it has very little in common with American values.

Why we continue to feed this monster is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is perhaps, Joe “The Big Guy” Biden owes Zelensky big time, so he is paying him back for taking care of his drug addicted son and his own corruption.

The only problem is that he is doing this at the expense of us, the American people.

As the economy continues to move into a recession, the stock market reaches records never seen since the depression, and gasoline prices expected to reach as much as $6.00 per gallon by the summer, among many other bad things, the Biden administration, with much Republican support, continue to spend like a drunken sailor in foreign affairs that have only created hardship for everyday Americans.

While democrats in congress scream “white supremacy” is the biggest threat to America, they have no problem funding a country which main fighting force is comprise of Neo-Nazis, go figure.

According to Reuters, these are the main takeaways from the bloated legislation.


The legislation includes more than $4 billion in international disaster assistance to respond to humanitarian needs in Ukraine and other affected countries, including the provision of emergency food and shelter.

The legislation also includes $350 million in migration and refugee assistance for the U.S. State Department to assist refugees from Ukraine and support to other countries in Eastern Europe.

The number of people who have fled Ukraine to escape Russia’s invasion has passed 6 million, in Europe’s worst refugee crisis since the end of World War Two, a U.N. refugee agency said on Thursday. read more

Most have crossed to the European Union through border points in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, where volunteers and governments have scrambled to help them find accommodation and provide support.


The package also includes nearly $9 billion for an economic support fund for Ukraine and other countries affected by the conflict, including programs to combat human trafficking and money that can be used to respond to food insecurity.

The funds may be used to provide direct financial support to the government of Ukraine, according to the bill, although cash transfers would be subject to a memorandum of understanding, and certain safeguards and oversight.

The Global Network Against Food Crises, set up by the United Nations and European Union, said in its annual report this month that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – both countries are major food producers – poses serious risks to global food security, especially in vulnerable countries including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Haiti, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen.


The package includes almost $15 billion for defense operations and maintenance, which includes $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and $8.7 billion to replenish stocks of U.S. equipment sent to Ukraine.

The legislation includes hundreds of millions of dollars for the procurement of missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition and aircraft, among others.

It also provides $4 billion in Foreign Military Financing to provide support for Ukraine and other countries affected by the crisis, and $100 million for non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, demining and related programs.


The legislation authorizes up to a further $11 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the president to authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency.


The legislation authorizes nearly $200 million for the U.S. State Department’s diplomatic programs to respond to the situation in Ukraine and countries affected by the conflict.

It also authorizes $110 million for embassy security, construction and maintenance.

This is nothing more than wasteful spending on a conflict that provides zero benefit to the American people and only draw us closer to a possible nuclear conflict with Russia.

Remember, as we fight this proxy war with Russia, our so-called European allies continue to leisurely buy Russian oil and gas, so don’t be fooled, we are not in this together. Americans are paying the price for this boondoggle.

Furthermore, this is an attempt by the Biden administration to distract Americans from the realities right here at home. Joe Biden thinks you are that kind of stupid.

Next time you go to the gas station to fill up your vehicle or go to the grocery store buy baby formula, and find none, just remember, “The Big Guy” is taking care of others before taking care of the American people.

Remember this come November, and hold your government officials accountable at the ballot box, otherwise, these charlatans will continue to destroy our country at their leisure.

The 80 Million Voter Man Week-in-Review

Joe Biden and an Administration Barely Alive

The 80 Million Voter Man is no 6 Million Dollar Man. Photo courtesy of

In the introduction to the 6 Million Dollar Man, you can hear the following:

Harve Bennett:
Steve Austin, astronaut. A man barely alive.

Oscar Goldman:
Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better… stronger… faster.

In 2022 United States the introduction would be as follow:

The American People:

Joe Biden, President. A man barely alive.

Failed Democrat Controlled Government:

Gentlemen, we cannot rebuild him. We do not have the technology.

We do not have the capability to restore Joe Biden’s credibility. Joe Biden is a liar. A bigger liar than before. Worse, weaker…slower.

It has been an interesting week with the 80 Million Voter Man continuing to spread misinformation and blaming Russia for everything, from higher gasoline prices to the lack of baby formula for American citizens.

It seems Joe Biden cannot take responsibility for what is a failed administration. A broken border, a proxy war with Russia via Ukraine, the highest inflation levels in decades, higher consumer products prices, gasoline prices at record high and rising, shortages of baby formula for American citizens babies, you name it, it is Russia’s fault.

While the United States government, including Republicans, continue to send billions of dollars to Ukraine, and war monger Republican senator Lindsey Graham calls for an “all out” war with Russia, Americans continue to suffer and the people in charge of this country do not care.

This week was no different than the one before. Joe Biden went on a speaking spree throwing the same talking points, Russia this, Russia that, but with no viable solution in sight. He had nothing to offer but silly rhetoric and a bag full of lies.

While Americans are put in the position to choose between feeding their families or paying their mortgage, the Democrats continue to go the “social issues” route, from student loan debt forgiveness to abortion rights.

In the real world, the problems keeping Americans up at night are more pressing. Since January 2022, natural gas prices have tripled and new record highs of $4.40 per gallon of gasoline are making everyday life a lot tougher.

With the upcoming reversal of Title 42 things are going to get even more difficult. The influx of thousands of illegal aliens is going to overwhelm an already stressed system and it is going to put more pressure on social services meant for American citizens.

If you want a little preview, go no further than the current baby formula crisis. While shelfs are running empty, the United States government have horded large amounts of baby formula for illegal aliens at their detention facilities.

If you listen to the 80 Million Voter Man, you will think everything is fine, but is not. The Biden administration claims this crisis “is not new to the White House.” Were they aware and did nothing?

Who knows, maybe Joe has been hording the baby formula for himself.

Joe Biden claims he will speed up manufacturing process while cracking down on price gauging. Folks, he cannot do this, and he knows it. There is no evidence of price gauging, but plenty of evidence of government hording.

The Biden Food and Drug Administration shutdown the Abbott Nutrition Plant in Sturgis, Michigan for a whole month. They knew what was going to happen and if they did not, shame on them.

Another week ends with Joe Biden lying to the American people, blaming everything on Russia, funding a proxy war with Russia with money we do not have, and keeping American babies from accessing baby formula while illegal aliens, and their children, are well taken care of by the same government who neglects its citizens.

Another garden variety week from the 80 Million Voter Man.

Stay tuned for next week episode of the 80 Million Voter Man, I guarantee, it will not disappoint.